This Agreement is entered into between the Trustees of the California State University on behalf of California State University, FRESNO STATE and International Partner University, Foreign Country (“IPU”). FRESNO STATE and IPU are collectively the Parties.


The FRESNO STATE College of XYZ has been a leader in providing quality graduate education in California. The ABC degree program focuses on developing future ______in the ______region. Potential candidates for the program include ______who seek to ______. The ABC Program builds on XYZ’s extensive experience from its graduate degree programs. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a Masters in ABC degree from FRESNO STATE.

The XYZ is one of seven colleges on the campus of FRESNO STATE. It has maintained its accreditation from the ______since [date]. The use of the term FRESNO STATE throughout this Agreement includes XYZ.


Section 1. “FRESNO STATE Academic Materials” means any materials provided by FRESNO STATE to the ABC Program to which FRESNO STATE has Intellectual Property rights and other proprietary rights and IPU has no Intellectual Property rights or other proprietary rights and which is licensed by FRESNO STATE to IPU for the sole purpose of facilitating the completion of the ABC Program.

Section 2. “Cohort” refers to the group of students admitted into the ABC Program at the same time and on the same program schedule.

Section 3. “Designated Representative” means a representative designated by either IPU or FRESNO STATE to make a determination or provide approval with regards to the ABC Program.

Section 4. “ABC Program” refers to the program to be offered at IPU by FRESNO STATE which is designed to lead to an ABC degree conferred by FRESNO STATE.

Section 5. “Intellectual Property” means all rights to copyrighted work, both common law and registered; inventions, including patent rights and trade secrets; trademarks and service marks, both common law and registered; registered designs and circuit layouts; and all other proprietary rights resulting from intellectual activity in the business, industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.

Section 6. “Prerequisite Classes” refer to the courses that enrolling students must have completed prior to commencing the ABC Program and which IPU will provide with the approval of FRESNO STATE.

Section 7. “Program Tuition and Fees” means the amount to be received by IPU from students enrolling in the ABC Program. These fees and tuition are specified in Article VII, Section 4 below.

Section 8. “Refund Date” means the deadline to withdraw from all units/classes after which no refunds shall be given. This deadline is determined by FRESNO STATE.

Section 9. “FRESNO STATE Faculty” means the faculty members of FRESNO STATE.

Section 10. “FRESNO STATE Trademark or Marks” mean any United States Patent and Trademark Office registered or common law trademark or service mark, specifically meaning a word, name, symbol or device which is used in trade with FRESNO STATE goods or services to indicate FRESNO STATE as the source of the goods or services and to distinguish them from the goods or services of others. They include all logos, service marks, designs and other Intellectual Property that belong to, are owned by, are licensed to, or carry the name of FRESNO STATE and/or the California State University or any other name protected by California Education Code Section 89005.5 whether registered or not registered. FRESNO STATE has full ownership rights in any FRESNO STATE Trademark or Marks and IPU has none. FRESNO STATE must approve any use of the FRESNO STATE Trademark.

Section 11. “USD” means United States Dollars.


Section 1. The demand for well-educated ______has grown at phenomenal rates, particularly in the ______region. The purpose of the ABC Program is to provide students of the international community the opportunity to become ______. The program focuses on ______. It will consist of eight (8) three-unit (3-unit) core classes each of which has face-to-face intensive lectures of twenty-four (24) hours over a period of four (4) days[1], and four (4) three-unit (3-unit) elective classes each of which has online lectures over a period of four (4) weeks.

Section 2. If students do not have academic background in ______, they will be required to take corresponding Prerequisite Classes. The entire program requires twelve (12) classes (core and elective) of thirty-six (36) units plus Prerequisite Classes (if needed) over a period of twelve to fifteen (12-15) months. The face-to-face and online learning experiences equip students with leadership skills and professional relationships in different environments and industries. To the extent possible, courses will incorporate the unique ______culture and its ______styles and practices.

Section 3. All academic decisions regarding the ABC Program shall be made by FRESNO STATE.

Section 4. All classes (Prerequisite, Core and Elective) shall be taught in English.

Section 5. Prerequisite Classes.

a.  The three (3) Prerequisite Classes prepare students who do not have the undergraduate level knowledge of ______to be successful in the program. The three (3) Prerequisite Classes are:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

b.  Prerequisite Classes will be the responsibility of IPU, must be approved in advance by FRESNO STATE and must be taught in a timely and regular manner to enable enrolled students to complete them prior to the first day of instruction for their Cohort. FRESNO STATE shall solely make the determination as to which students will be required to take any or all of the Prerequisite Classes.

Section 6. Core Classes.

The eight (8) core classes in ______courses will be the responsibility of FRESNO STATE and are designed to provide students with an overview of the fundamental aspects of ______:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5.  ______

6.  ______

7.  ______

8.  ______

Section 7. Elective Classes.

The elective classes will be the responsibility of FRESNO STATE. The three (3) areas of emphasis (______, ______, or ______) provide the four (4) elective classes for the program. The classes in each emphasis are described as follows:

1.  ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______


Class delivery for the ABC Program is a hybrid model combining face-to-face classroom lectures and online learning. The Prerequisite Classes (taught by IPU) and core classes (taught by FRESNO STATE) are via face-to-face intensive lecture sessions. The elective classes (taught by FRESNO STATE) are via online learning. Table 1 sets forth the details of the class delivery:

Table 1. Class Delivery Structure for ABC
Class / Format/Duration / Location/Instructor
Prerequisite Classes / Face-to-face lectures
Up to a period of 3 months
Up to 3 classes (9 units) / IPU classroom facilities IPU Instructors
Core Classes / Each class has 24 hours of face-to-face lectures supplemented by online learning activities if needed
Thursday and Friday 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. (including an hour for lunch)
A total of 8 classes (24 units) in a period of up to 8 months / IPU classroom facilities FRESNO STATE Faculty
Classes / Each class is a 4-week online class
4 weeks for a class
A total of 4 classes (12 units) in a period
of up to 4 months / Online


Section 1. The delivery of the ABC Program will require extensive coordination and cooperation between FRESNO STATE and IPU. To ensure FRESNO STATE policies and procedures are implemented appropriately for student recruitment, application processing, and student services and logistical support of the classes, IPU will work closely with the College of Continuing Education of FRESNO STATE.

Section 2. The following are the responsibilities of FRESNO STATE which shall be performed at its own expense:

a.  Assign faculty to the courses discussed herein as part of the ABC Program. FRESNO STATE has full discretion in making the determination as to which faculty will be assigned to meet the curricular needs and educational quality of the program.

b.  Compensate FRESNO STATE faculty including salary, and travel, lodging and meal expenses for any and all teaching done as part of the ABC Program.

c.  Process applications and admit applicants into the program, which includes establishing the admission criteria, reviewing applications, determining qualification records (i.e. determining whether students need to take Prerequisite Classes), and notifying applicants.

d.  Create, maintain, and update the curriculum for the entire program.

e.  Schedule in coordination with IPU all core and elective classes.

f.  Develop, prepare, and deliver course material for core and elective classes.

g.  Provide the necessary online learning platform to deliver elective classes. FRESNO STATE shall have full discretion and authority to determine the design and delivery of any and all online courses delivered as part of the ABC Program.

h.  Provide administrative support for program activities that occur at FRESNO STATE.

i.  Provide student support for class registration, grade recording, advancement to candidacy, and application for graduation at FRESNO STATE.

j.  Confer the degree of ABC upon the successful completion of the program and upon meeting all graduation requirements.

k.  Provide official transcripts for students enrolled or who have completed the ABC Program under the terms and conditions offered to students who matriculate at FRESNO STATE.

l.  Maintain all appropriate student, faculty, academic and ABC Program files and records, consistent with FRESNO STATE current practices, policies and procedures regarding collection, maintenance, dissemination and security of such records and in compliance with applicable U.S. and California law and regulations.

m.  Advise IPU on the requirements for any classrooms or other facilities required to conduct the ABC Program.

n.  Make available to IPU information regarding the source for such ABC Program course materials such as textbooks, cases, software and other instructional support as may be necessary from time to time for the ABC Program so that IPU can obtain required licenses or agreements with publishers to make the materials available to students.

o.  Advise and direct IPU regarding the handling of any student conduct issues, grade appeals, student complaints or requests for accommodations.


The following are the responsibilities of IPU, which shall be performed at its own expense:

Section 1. Market the ABC Program in the appropriate regions as determined together by FRESNO STATE and IPU, and recruit qualified applicants. IPU will be solely responsible for marketing the program for the duration of the agreement. IPU will bear all costs of publicity and promotion of the ABC Program as required and comply with [foreign country] law and regulation to recruit students, including any necessary disclosures, notices or other requirements. All marketing materials are to be approved by a Designated Representative of FRESNO STATE before they are released to the public.

Section 2. Provide classrooms, access to computer labs and technical support for classes.

Section 3. Provide administrative support for the ABC Program activities in [foreign country].

Section 4. Provide administrative support to FRESNO STATE instructors in [foreign country].

Section 5. Provide necessary library resources and computing support to students including, but not limited to access to computers to attend and complete any on line course work offered as part of the ABC Program.

Section 6. Provide onsite student support services as needed.

Section 7. Consult with FRESNO STATE regarding any issues involving privacy, record maintenance, disclosure and security, grade appeals, student complaints, request for accommodations or similar student issues and comply with the directive provided by FRESNO STATE with regards to the processing, handling and/or resolution of any such issues.

Section 8. Collect and forward the applications and necessary admissions material to FRESNO STATE and assist FRESNO STATE with the admissions process as requested by FRESNO STATE.

Section 9. Provide the necessary prerequisite classes in a timely and regular manner to allow their completion by students prior to enrolling in the ABC Program. Allow students to enroll in such classes and provide FRESNO STATE with notification of the completion of said classes. Provide and make available the classrooms needed to teach the prerequisite courses.

Section 10. Maintain student records with regards to any and all prerequisite classes in accordance with the standards set forth in Article IX: Section 11

Section 11. Compensate any and all IPU instructors who are assigned to teach prerequisite classes.

Section 12. Assist applicants who do not have a baccalaureate degree equivalent to a four-year baccalaureate degree to become qualified to be admitted into the Program.

Section 13. Provide TOEFL and GMAT information to applicants and advise students regarding applying for and taking such examinations.

Section 14. Provide data and reports necessary to facilitate accurate record keeping by FRESNO STATE in compliance with applicable U.S. and California laws and regulations.

Section 15. Communicate to all applicants and enrolled students the required Tuition and Fees for the ABC Program, the deadlines for paying Program Tuition and Fees and the methods for payment. Advise all applicants and enrolled students that such fees do not cover IPU’s regional fees or the cost of labs, textbooks, meals, computers and/or other instructional materials which are not the responsibility of FRESNO STATE. Advise any and all applicants that they are solely responsible for any other necessary item during the course of the ABC Program including, but not limited to, any medical insurance coverage.

Section 16. Collect and properly secure Program Tuition and Fees from admitted students in compliance with any and all applicable [foreign country] laws and regulations, including the collection of any required taxes thereon. IPU will be solely responsible for any taxes owed on such tuition to the government of [foreign country] and will indemnify FRESNO STATE from any liability for any such taxes which any governmental agency of [foreign country] determines are or owed, including any penalties thereon.

Section 17. Fulfill the financial responsibilities as specified in 0herein.

Section 18. Manage and provide site location logistics including sufficient fully furnished available classrooms and set-up and any required audio-visual and other technological needs.

Section 19. Provide and make fully available all the infrastructure facilities as necessary for the courses taught by FRESNO STATE Faculty on site at IPU for the benefit of students admitted to the Program as well as office space for FRESNO STATE Faculty when teaching courses in [foreign country].