OSU Triathlon Club

Winter Term Meeting Agenda Tuesday January 14, 2014

Officers and Coordinators

President: Staci

Vice President: Kelsey

Secretary: Marco

Treasurer: Karl

Webmaster: David

Sponsorship: Dane

Volunteer: Harry, Karl

Apparel: Mitch

Recruitment: Casey & Ed

Travel: Will & Randy

Social: Aaron & Sa


Michael “Taz” Tazman <> Nate Smith <>

Kara Smith <> Erica McKenzie <>

Blair Bronson <>

All the coaches are available via email, especially Kara :-). Please feel free to contact them with any tri questions you have. Want them to take a look at your training plan? Need advice stuff? Send them a note!

Introduction of the Freezer coordinators

Nationals Team

Aaron Seipel, Jake Busche, Josh Graves, Karl Britsch, Mitch Ridge

Danielle Van Liew, Kelsey Longrie, Staci Partridge


Check the roster to be sure your waiver is completed and your dues are recorded. If you have not paid dues, they are due NOW. Roster was sent to the list along with waiver instructions.

Practices – Winter term YOGA!

Description of practices:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday swims- There are five lanes at Dixon devoted to the club for our swim workouts and each lane has a different speed, so all levels of swimming can be suited. Monday is considered to be “drill day” as at least 600yards of the workout are dedicated toward performing drills. The M, W, F swims are meant for yardage and for an actual workout. Depending on which lane you swim in, the yardage can vary from 2,050 yards for those swimming in the 2:10/100 lane to 3,300 yards for those swimming in the 1:20/100 lane. 2:10/100 signifies which base you’ll be swimming at. This means that you have two minutes and ten seconds to swim one hundred yards and whatever time you have left is your rest

Tuesday, Thursday swims- These swims are for swim technique, not for an actual workout or for yardage. During these swim practices you can either learn how to swim or how to swim more efficiently. As with all swim practices, all levels of swimming are welcome.

Monday spin class- This spin class is supposed to be a “recovery” bike ride on a spin bike. The intervals are short and are similar to other spin classes in the sense that there is a lot of standing up and sitting back down on the saddle. This spin class is meant to build power. All levels are welcome as only the individual can control the level of resistance on the spin bike. A 1-2 mile transition run on the upstairs track or on the track outside Dixon is available for those who wish to do so after the spin workout. A core workout after the spin is another option available for those who wish to do it.

Tuesday track/intervals run- This run is designed to be high intensity and to build speed. All levels are welcome and no one can be left behind as we will be running on the Corvallis High School Track. Workouts can be adjusted for running fitness.

Wednesday run- This workout is meant to be a long “recovery” run. All levels of running are welcome and the run leader will always stay behind with whoever needs some company.

Wednesday yoga- There will be an hour long yoga session lead by an experienced yoga instructor. All levels of stretching capability are welcome.

Thursday spin intervals- This spin workout is much higher intensity where the intervals are longer and the rest periods are shorter. This spin workout is meant to build the power and endurance you will be holding during a race. There is a semi-mandatory 1-2 mile transition run after the spin workout for everyone. If you are injured or really do not want to run, you will not be forced. A core workout is available for those who wish to participate.

Saturday bike ride- The earlier bike group is faster and will not stay behind for others. The pace is usually +20mph. The later bike group is open for all levels of bike riding as long as you have skinny tires and a descent road bike. No one will be dropped in the later bike ride, but you can still get a good workout if you choose to ride ahead.

Sunday trail run- An email will be sent out with location and time the day before. All levels of running are welcome. The runs are most often done in Mac Forest through all kinds of trails.

Winter Term Clinics (available on the website)

·  Bike Fit - Saturday 1/18/14 11-3pm. Email Kara () to sign up for a bike fit time THIS Saturday.

·  Train with Heart Rate Clinic - Tuesday 1/21/14 6:30-7:30pm Lower Classroom. Open to all abilities, whether you currently train with HR or not. If you aren't sure if you want to or not, we will provide you with information to decide it it's for you.

·  Powerbar Nutrition Sponsor Clinic - Wednesday 1/22/14 7-8:30pm. Location: FURM 202. Please come show our sponsor they are appreciated and get some great information as well. The more people we can have at this clinic, the better. We will be making an order for training and racing fuel very soon.

·  Underwater Swim Analysis - Sunday 2/2/14 1-3pm Pool and Lower Classroom. The time and/or date of this clinic will be moved if possible to accommodate for the Super Bowl. Watch the list serve for an update on this.

·  Performance Nutrition with Erica McKenzie - Monday 2/3/14 6-7:30pm Upper Classroom. Erica will provide us with all the racing and training nutrition info you need to help you succeed! I will also talk about recovery nutrition.

·  Transition Practice - Wednesday 3/12/14 5-6pm Location TBD.Is transition a mystery? Or do you want to learn the super cool pro moves? Either way, together we can practice making transition super-fast!

·  Practice Freezer/Tri 101 Clinic -Saturday 3/1/14 9-12. Dixon. First or second time triathlete? We will put on a free race for you to test your skills in on a low key race day. Need volunteer hours? We need about 30 people to make this happen, so mark your calendar and come help man the course for our new triathletes.


Uniforms: The new design was voted on tonight. A ROUGH idea of what the kits will look like is attached.They are Pearl Izumi! In order to be reimbursed for races, you MUST wear the current kit. This means top and bottom or a one piece suit.

The club will only cover the required kit so either a one piece or one combo. If you would like additional pieces or arm warmers, you have to pay the full price for those.


For members who will only volunteer one race (without making up the other race) This is also the starting price for non-student members.

One piece tri suit: $113 full price

Top and bottom combo: $141 full price

Arm Warmers: $30 full price

For those who meet the two race volunteer requirement. This is also the reduced kit price for non-students who meet the reduced kit volunteer requirements.

One piece tri suit: $56.50 (half price)

Top and bottom combo: $70.50 (half price)

Arm Warmers: $30 full price

For students who meet the reduced kit level (non-students not eligible for this level)

One piece tri suit: $28 (75% off!)

Top and bottom combo: $35 (75% off!)

Arm Warmers: $30 full price

Sizing kits are here now. Mitch Ridge will be sending out times for additional fittings if you were unable to try them on at the meeting

Warm Ups

The adidas warm ups will be ordered soon. If we have your size now, you can get a set right away.

The club does not supplement the cost of the warm ups as they are not required, they just look awesome!

It’s ~$58 for the jacket with embroidery and printing and ~$32 for the pants.


We will be doing a sweatshirt and t-shirt order soon also. The sweatshirts are ~$25 and the t-shirts are around $10.

For everything apparel related - Mitch will be sending out emails regarding order deadlines and how to place an order.

Fun Stuff

PANCAKE BRUNCH! The 1st Saturday after the club ride and the 3rd Sunday after the club run. That means THIS SUNDAY we will be eating good after the trail run. This Sunday will be at Aaron Seipel's (and the rest of the tri gang) house over off of 30th and western. He will send out details and a reminder soon.

Club Representation

Remember when you are in public and are wearing tri club gear, you are representing us and the team. Drinking in our gear is strictly prohibited. When at practice and other triclub business, please be sure to represent the club and the school well.

Bike Safety

WEAR YOUR HELMET! Even on campus for class. If you are seen without a helmet by a coach or officer, you will be penalized by losing eligibility for a race. Keep your head safe and again, represent the club well and wear your helmet.


We have a NEW sponsor! Pearl Izumi Outlet at the Woodburn Outlet Mall. We now get 15% off previously marked down merchandise at any time! All you need is a club coupon (if you have fulfilled volunteer requirements to be eligible for sponsorship). Part 2! Wait, there's more? YES! The PI Outlet Store will host a team shopping night after hours where we can get 20% off of the previously marked down gear. The club will rent a van (or 2) to drive us up on a Sunday evening. The date will be sent to the list serve. If you need a coupon, let me know. If you use yours and want another, let me know! Let's go shopping! Our other sponsors include Vertebrata, PowerBar, Peak, Trek, Oakley, and SRAM.


Beaver Fever Duathlon and Triathlon - October 20th we made ~$4500!!

Beaver Freezer Triathlon - April 5th planning in progress.


If you missed the Fever, you can still make it up by having two of your friends or family volunteer with you at the Freezer.Time to sign up now!Have your friends sign up there too and they can put your name in the comments. At the race, you need to physically show your volunteers to the volunteer coordinators to get credit. It is up to you to make sure you get credit for your hours and volunteers.

Other volunteer hour opportunities will be sent through the list as they are available.

We need over 100 people to make the Freezer happen, so even if you don't need to make up hours and such, please consider bringing your friends out to volunteer.

Race Doodle

This is a working document. Please keep it updated with what races you plan to do. You can change your info as often as you need. Save the link and see who is racing with you. The Beavers are going to be everywhere this season!http://doodle.com/fpawfiyi7h774mkv

Races – DOODLE POLL http://doodle.com/fpawfiyi7h774mkv

S = sprint

O = Olympic

D = Du

AB = Aquabike

LC = long course/ ½ ironman

USAT membership required

*travel race


·  Dues only = practice only

Dues +

·  Freezer = practice, all non-travel club races reimbursed

·  Freezer + Fever = practice, all club races reimbursed, sponsorship deal, eligible for nationals (1/2 price kit)

·  Freezer + Fever + Coordinator or additional 10 volunteer hrs = above + reduced kit (almost free!)

·  Freezer + Fever + Officer = above + extra reimbursement money

Reimbursements for non-students

·  50% of race entry fees as above

·  Reduced kit = 50% off if eligible as above.

·  Not eligible for extra reimbursement money

The more you do for the club, the more we do for you