Test Questions for Chapter 14
1.TFSoftware are the devices on a computer system that are used to store or archive data for later use.
2.TFAssembly languages mimic the structure and organization of machine languages on which they are based. However, assembly language programs are both symbolic and portable to other machines.
3.TFSymbolic programs--whether written in assembly or high-level programming languages--require translation programs that prepare them for execution on a particular processor.
4.TFThe scale and complexity of modern commercial software development necessitates a division of labor among teams of individuals assigned to the project.
5.TFIn commercial software development, most program testing is performed by the programmers who write and develop the product.
6.TFMost software systems can be certified for validity, that is, error-free performance in all instances.
7.TFMost programs today are designed and written using high-level programming languages rather than binary-encoded machine languages.
8.TFWhile there are many different instances of high-level programming languages, all of these fit a single consistent paradigm.
9.TFCodes of ethics for software professionals are especially effective due to their enforcement by governing bodies of professional organizations and societies.
10.TFThe risks from the problems encountered in the performance of software systems are due to the inherent complexities associated with the design and development of such systems.
1.____algorithma.binary-encoded instructions in these languages
that are designed to perform on a specific processor.
2.____interpreterb.errors in a program.
3.____compilerc.translating an algorithm into a program that may
be executed on a computer system.
4.____high-level programmingd.translates the entire program into an executable
version for a particular processor.
5.____machine languagese.a description of a computational process that
is usually employed as a plan for developing a
6.____portabilityf.programs that can be run on a variety of
machines share this characteristic.
7.____bugsg.instructions in these languages are usually
more abstract and must be translated for a specific
8.____assembly languagesh.program plans that are written using English-
like statements.
9.____codingj.a list of statements or instructions that direct
the steps of the computer’s process.
10.____programk.translates a program into another programming
language which may be used on a variety of
- translates and executes a program one
statement at a time.
- symbolic instructions in these languages model
the basic operations of a specific processor, but
must be translated in order to be executed.
Multiple Choice
1.A program is
a.a list of instructions that direct the processing of the computer system
b.usually written in a symbolic programming language rather than the binary-encoded instructions that the host processor requires to execute it.
d.all of the above.
2.Algorithms are
a.programs written in high-level programming languages.
b.expressions of a process used in planning and developing programs
c.usually free from errors because they do not incorporate the details of programming language syntax.
d.all of the above.
3.A commercial software system is rigorously tested to certify the
a.validity of the product.
b.reliability of the product.
c.economy of the product.
d.all of the above.
4.High-level language programming languages are more productive for development because their programs are
a.more abstract than machine and/or assembly languages programs performing the same task.
b.typically more efficient or concise, that is having fewer statements or instructions.
c.generally portable to other processors, provided that a translator is available.
d.all of the above.
5.A programming paradigm
a.is the original programming language on which its successors are designed.
b.defines a basic model by which a programming language defines a process.
c.expresses an algorithm in English-like statements without the formality or syntax of a specific programming language.
d.all of the above.
6.The imperative procedural programming language paradigm features
a.languages whose statements are interpreted as instructions specifying actions to be performed.
b.scripting languages used for Internet and other specialized applications.
c.modules that define entities with attributes or capabilities.
d.all of the above.
7.The object-oriented programming language paradigm features
a.languages whose statements are interpreted as instructions specifying actions to be performed.
b.languages that are employed only by professional software developers.
c.modules that define entities with attributes or capabilities.
d.all of the above.
8.Visual programming incorporates
a.drawing tools for creating flowcharts used in planning programs.
b.ready-made components that can be used to create specialized applications.
c.nonprocedural programming languages for prototyping applications quickly and efficiently.
d.all of the above.
9.Designing and developing software systems involve
a.complexities inherited from the task or problem attempted.
b.complexities involved in creating programs to solve such problems.
c.complexities due to the unpredictability of software systems in performance.
d.all of the above.
Fill in the Blanks
1.The software development cycle involves at least four stages. These are ______whose objective is to understand the nature of the problem or task to be performed; ______or devising a plan; ______or creating an executable version of the plan for implementation on a computer system; and ______the program.
2.HLLs belonging to the ______programming paradigm divide the program into a series of units that prescribe smaller tasks required to complete the process. In contrast, languages belonging to the ______programming paradigm divide the program into units or modules but these specify entities with specific attributes or capabilities.
3.______programming languages are those designed for average users to create programs without the normal complications of professional software development languages.
4.Before the finished version of a software product is released to the general public, several provisional versions are prepared for testing through limited use. ______are those that are early version available for use only within the organization. On the other hand, ______are those that are released to the public for trial use after meeting minimum testing standards for reliable use.
5.Translation programs come in two varieties. ______are programs that translate and execute the text of a program one instruction at a time. ______are programs that translate the entire text of the HLL program into an executable program for the host processor.
6.______are programming languages that produce programs which are interpreted by other software resident on a computer system.
(correct choices plus distractors)
alpha versionsanalysisassembly languagesbeta versions
high-level languagesimperative proceduralinterpretersnonprocedural
object-orientedpseudocodingscripting languagestesting & correcting
Short Essay Questions
1.What is software and how is it important for computer systems?
2.Describe the basic steps or stages involved in the software development cycle. Why is this called a “cycle” rather than “process” or “series?”
3.Modern software systems are extremely difficult to design and develop because of the inherent complexities involved in the process. Describe the three different brands of complexities and give an instance of each to illustrate your explanation.
4.Software systems are developed by teams rather than individual programmers. Describe the basic roles of the commercial software development team.
5.High-level programming languages are numerous and varied. Even so, there are only a few basic models or paradigms to which these instances belong. Pick any one of the paradigms studied in this chapter and describe its basic features. Cite some instances of languages that belong to that paradigm.