2016 Central Iowa Fair Open Class Exhibits
Entry Fees
Adult-age 15 and up - $1.00 for each entry
Youth-age 7-14- $.50 age 6 and under-no fee
Age 7 – Adult - $2.50, $2.00, $1.00
Age 6 and under – Ribbons only
General Rules
- Entries are open to all residents in Marshall and surrounding counties.
- Exhibits entered in previous years are not eligible for exhibit. All articles must be the work of the exhibitor.
- Class changes may be determined by the number of entries.
- Each entry will be judged on its own merit.
- Photography entries will be accepted on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 11:00am – 6:00pm at the ISU Extension and Outreach office at 2608 South 2nd St., Marshalltown.
- Entries except photography will be accepted on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 from 2:00pm -5:30pm at the Central Iowa Fairgrounds Exhibit Building.
- All exhibits will be released on Saturday, July 9th from 8:00pm-9:00pm ONLY. Exhibits must be picked up at this time. The building will close at 9:00pm.
- The Central Iowa Fair will provide security on the grounds, but will not be responsible for the items exhibited.
We are striving to increase the number of open class exhibits. Each entry will be judged on its own merit and standards of excellence. We encourage you to enter to receive feedback, inspire others, and most of all to have fun.
For more information contact:
Central Iowa Fair, 108 E. Olive St. Marshalltown, IA 50158
Phone: (641) 753-3671 E-mail
Open class is organized by Gail Halsted and Mary Jo Baitinger.
- Wines shall be entered in standard clear bottles.
- Maximum of three entries per class.
Class 1: Dry wines Class 2: Sweet Wines Class 3: Demi-Sec Class4: Beer
- Each entry must be submitted on an 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper, double-spaced and placed in a sheet protector.
- Poems may be any subject and in any form.
- All entries must be the original work of the exhibitor.
- Maximum of three entries per class.
Class 1: Poetry Class 2: Creative Writing
DEPARTMENT C: Vegetables and Fruits
- All specimens shown in this department mush have been grown during 2016.
- For information on how to prepare vegetables for exhibit and judging criteria, ask for “Harvesting and Preparing Vegetables for Exhibit” at the ISU Extension office.
- Maximum of three entries per class.
Division 1: Vegetable and Root CropDivision 2: Potatoes
- Beans, snap green, 6 specimen1. Irish Cobbler, 5 specimen
- Beans, snap, yellow, 6 specimen2. Kennebec, 5 specimen
- Beans, lima, 6 specimen3. Red Norland, 5 specimen
- Beets, 6 specimen4. Pontiac, 5 specimen
- Broccoli5. Norgold, 5 specimen
- Cabbage, early, 1 head6. Sweet potatoes, 5 specimen
- Cabbage, late, 1 head7. Any other variety, 5 specimen
- Cabbage, red 1 head
- Carrots, 3 specimen
- Cauliflower
- Cucumber, pickling, dill type, 3 specimenDivision 3: Fruit
- Cucumbers, pickling, sweet type, 3 specimenClass:
- Cucumbers, slicing, 3 specimen1. Apples, summer variety, 3 specimen
- Kohlrabi, 3 specimen2. Cherries, 6 specimen
- Onions, white, 3 specimen3. Gooseberries, 6 specimen
- Onions, yellow, 3 specimen4. Grapes, bunch
- Onions, red, 3 specimen5. Black raspberries, 6 specimen
- Peas, 5 specimen6. Red raspberries, 6 specimen
- Peppers, sweet, 3 specimen7. Any other
- Peppers, hot, 3 specimen
- Sweet corn, yellow 3 ears
- Tomatoes, red, 3 specimen
- Tomatoes, yellow, 3 specimen
- Tomatoes, cherry, 3 specimen
- Tomatoes, pear shaped, 3 specimen
- Turnips, 3 specimen
- Zucchini, 3 specimen
- Any other vegetable
- Freak of nature
- Display of table vegetables shall consist of not less than 6 varieties of 3 each, except for cabbage, cauliflower, and squash in which one ach well be shown.
- For information about exhibiting and judging flowers and house plants as for “Preparing Cut Flowers and House Plants for Exhibit” at the ISU Extension office.
- Containers will not be provided.
- Plant care will not be provided during the Fair.
- Maximum of one entry per class.
Division 1: Cut Flowers
1. Bachelor Button, 3 stems21. Rose, hybrid tea, 1 bloom
2. Bells of Ireland, 3 stems22. Rose, floribunda, 1 spray
3. Carnation,3 stems23. Rose, miniature, 1 spray
4. Cleome, 3 stems24. Snapdragons, 5 spikes
5. Cosmos, 3 stems 25. Sunflower, decorative, 3 blooms
6. Dahlia:26. Violas, 5 sprays
a. Small: blooms under 3”, 3 stems27. Statice, 3 stems
b. Medium: 3-7”, 1 bloom28. Zinnias, Dahlia type
c. Large: over 7”, 1 bloom a. Small: under 2”, 5 blooms
7. Daisy, 3 blooms b. Medium: 2”-4 ½”, 3 blooms
8. Daisy-Gloriosa, 3 blooms c. Large: over 4 1/2”, 1 bloom
9. Delphinium, 1 spike29. Zinnias, Cactus Flowered
10. Gaillardia, 3 blooms a. Small: 1 1/2”-4”, 3 blooms
11. Geranium, 3 stems b. Large: over 4”, 1 bloom
12. Gladiolus, 1 spike30. Any other flower
13. Day Lily, 1 scape31. Collection of garden flowers:
a. Miniature under 3” 1 bloom or stem of 7 or more varieties
b. Large over 3” of flowers displayed in a large vase or
14. Tiger Lily, 1 stem basket
15. Lily, Asian,1 scape
16. Lily, Oriental
17. MarigoldDivision 3: Floral Design
a. Small: 1 ½ “ and under, 3 spraysClass:
b. Medium: 1 ½”- 3”, 3 sprays1. Hand carried bouquet: all fresh materials
c. Large: over 3”, 1 bloom with accessories
18. Pansies, 5 blooms2. Support your team: School or team colors,
19. Petunias fresh or dried
a. Single, 3 sprays3. Be Creative, fresh or dried
b. Double, 3 sprays
20. Phlox Division 4: Potted Plants
a. Annual, 5 stemsClass:
b. Perennial, 3 stems1. Any potted indoor plant
2. Any potted outdoor plant
Division 2: Native Flowers3. Container with 3 or more varieties, indoor
Class: or outdoor
- Any native Iowa flower grown in a
flower garden and not from roadsides,Division 5: Herbs- any
3 stems
Division 6: Shrubs-any
- All jars will be opened if requested by the judge.
- All jellies or jams should be in a standard pint or quart jelly jar and must be labeled.
- All canned products must be in a standard pint or quart jar and have new lids and labeled.
- Preserved food exhibits may include two product samples. One will be opened and may be taken home after judging. The other will be displayed.
- Non-refrigerated items only.
- Maximum of six entries per division.
Division 1: Bread & RollsDivision 2: Cakes
1. Yeast bread and rolls, 1 loaf or 3 rolls1. Unfrosted
2.Quick breads and muffins, 1 loaf or 3 muffins2. Frosted
3.Breads from other countries3. Decorated
4.Yeast bread and rolls, 1 loaf or 3 rolls
5.Quick breads and muffins, 1 loaf or 3 muffins
6.Breads from other countries
Division 3: Cookies, 3 to a plateDivision 4: Pies
- Drop Cookies, any kind1. Any pie, 1 crust or 2 crusts
- Bar Cookies, any kind including brownies
- Sugar, rolled and cut
- Filled
- Unbaked
Division 5: Jams, Jellies, & ButtersDivision 6: Sauces
- Any jam1. Any sauce
- Any jelly1. Any salsa
- Any butter
Division 7: Pickles and RelishDivision 8: Canned Fruit & Vegetables
- Any pickles or relish made from fruits1. Any canned fruit
- Any pickles or relish made from vegetables2. Any canned vegetable
Division 9: Honey
- Any honey
Division 10: CandyDivision 11: Novelties
- Any candy1. Popcorn Creations
2. Any snack
Division 12: Family Favorites3. Ugliest Cake
Class:4. Novelty, other than listed
- Any item from Dept. E that is special to your family. Including the recipe is optional.
- All entries must be original and completed within the last two years.
- All entries submitted are received at the owner’s risk. The Central Iowa Fair cannot assume responsibility for loss.
- All art work must be suitably framed or finished and ready to display.
- Maximum of five entries.
Class: 1. Any medium
- All articles must be the work of the exhibitor and made within the past two years.
- Exhibitors may protect articles in plastic bags.
- Maximum of five per class.
Division 1: Crochet WorkDivision 2: Knitting
- Afghan or bedspread1. Afghan or blanket
- Doily-any size2. Clothing
- Edging and insertions3. Prayer Shawl
- Clothing4. Other item
- Other item
Division 3: Surface EmbroideryDivision 4: Decorative Needlework
Class Includes all stamped designs:Class:
1. Pictures2. Pillowcase1. Counted cross stich-any item
3. Towels4. Tablecloth2. Article using waste canvas
5. Doily or placemat6. Crewel3. Hardanger
7. Candle wicking8. Chicken Tracks4. Duplicate stitch
9. Ribbon10. Combination of Techniques5. Tatting
6. Needlepoint
7. Net lace weaving
Division 5: ClothingDivision 6: Weaving
- Any children’s item1. Rugs
- Any adult’s item2. Fashion accessory
- Recycled or Repurposed item3. Home accessory
- Purchased clothing item-embellished4. Other
Division 7: Home Décor
- Any fabric item for use in the home-such as comforters, wall hangings, quilted items (not judged on quilting)
Division 8: Quilted Items- Quilts are judged by criteria: cleanliness, attention to details, that we all can perform such as seams meeting, threads trimmed.
- Hand Quilted item- may be hand or machine pieced or appliqued
- Machine Quilted by the piecer
- Applique
- Paper Pieced
- Other
- Machine Quilted by someone other than the piecer
- Applique
- Paper Pieced
- Other
- Modern Quilt-a quilt using a new design or a reinterpreted traditional design including improvisational piecing, alternative block structures, or emphasis or negative space and asymmetry.
- All work exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor and made within the past two years.
- May protect article in a plastic bag.
- Maximum of ten entries per division.
Division 1: CeramicDivision 2: Decorations
- Any item1. Seasonal2. Holiday 3. Outdoor/Garden
Division 3: CraftsDivision 4: Woodcarving
Class: Class:
1. Plastic Canvas 2. Tole and decorative painting 1. Round-any item using this technique
3. Leather 4. Stained Glass 2. Relief-any item using this technique
5. Stepping Stones 6. Jewelry3. Chip-any item using this technique
7. Wood 8. Beads4. Other
9. Models 10. Other
11. Woodworking a. hand b. machine
Division 5: ScrapbookingDivision 6: Novelties
1. Single page 2. Two pages1. Fashion accessory 2. Handmade toys
3. Album 4. Theme album3. Stamp art 4. Polar Fleece item-not sewn
5. Recycled or Repurposed item
Division 7: Building Blocks
- Any item built by one person
- Any item built by a group or family
Check in for only photography entries will be on Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 11:00am to 6:00pm at the ISU Extension Office, 2608 South 2nd Street, Marshalltown.
- Photographs may be processed from negatives, slides, or digital cameras and computer manipulation programs.
- Photographs must have been taken during the past year by the exhibitor.
- All photos except those in Class 4 must be 8”x10” and no larger than 8”x12”.
- Photos should be matted or mounted to provide stability. Final dimension of matted photos may be up to 11”x14”. Exhibitors may cut their own mats or mounting boards, use inexpensive ready-cut window mats, or have matting or mounting done professionally. Photos will not be judged on the mat, but mat colors should not compete with the photo.
- Each entry will need four comment sheets. See separate comment sheet.
- Maximum of three entries per class.
- Any color photo
- Any black and white photo
- Any sepia photo
- Snapshot story-3-6 photos of any size mounted together to tell a story
- Celebrating Agriculture in Marshall County- In addition to being judged in the Photography Division, photos in Class 5 will be part of a People’s Choice Award contest sponsored by Marshall County Farm Bureau in honor of their Centennial. Public voting will take place on Thursday, July 6, 9:00am-5:00pm in the Exhibit Building.
1Any exhibit entered that is a result of a group, family, or class project. Extra help was provided to the exhibitor.
2May enter items in any division. Please mark entry with Department P, then class number.
3The same rules and number of entries allowed will apply.
- Youth may enter items in any division except Division A.
- Please mark your age on the entry form. The age of the exhibitor will be taken into consideration when exhibit is judged.
- The same rules and number of entries allowed will apply.
Check in Photography:Thurs. June 30, 2016,11:00am-6:00pm,ISU Extension Office, 2608 S. 2nd St. Marshalltown
Check in for all other entries: Tues.July 5, 2016, 2:00pm-5:30pm
Central Iowa Fair Exhibit Building, 1308 East Olive Street, Marshalltown
All Exhibits Released: Sat. July 9, 8:00pm-9:00pm Building closes at 9:00pm.
Please accept the entries in the classes listed below. I hereby certify that these entries are made strictly in accordance with the rules contained in the class list and I agree to be governed by those rules.
Entry fee must accompany entry form and will be accepted at the time of check-in.
Total fee due______Cash____ Check #______
Name of Exhibitor______
Phone______Age (14 and under)______
E-mail (optional)______
Department / Division# / Class# / Description of Exhibit / Placing