Outreach Services, Sensory and Communication Services, Children’s Services, Education & Social Care Department, Charlotte House, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0DS

Individual Educational Programme – Experiences and Outcomes – Session:

Name: Date:

Long Term Target
Short Term
Target /


/ Implementation detail
(Guidance for Staff) /




QA ASN Framework Standard F2 deals with Programmes of Work (sitting within Standard F – Access to the Curriculum)
This is what we should ensure we do as Outreach Teachers in order to meet Minimum Standards for IEPS as outlined in the Code of Practice
Outreach teachers (ASN) support:
-Regular review of IEPs, CSPS and Child’s Plans
- IEPs to contain cross curricular SMART targets, set in consultation with class/subject teachers and other key staff, identifying needs in literacy, numeracy health and well-being
-IEPs containing SMART targets relating to additional/extended curriculum as appropriate, in consultation with class/subject teacher and other key staff
-IEP s to clearly state strategies for support
-monitoring and evaluation of IEPs regularly (long term targets at least annually – short-term more frequently as required)
-IEPs to align with the Curriculum for Excellence
-IEPs to inform future planning, intervention and next steps

This Document is to assist in the implementation of the above

SMART targets are required. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic within a Timescale

Long Term/Outcome - What will the CYP be able to do at the end of the session (or shorter if more appropriate) I can ....., Be SMART!

Short term /Outcome - A breakdown into smaller chunks to assist in achievement of the longterm. 2 or 3 of these should be written for the session. (Dependant on the ability of the CYP)

Experiences- What activities, resources etc does the CYP participate in order to reach the Outcomes?

Implementation details - This is a very important column providing guidance to staff of details on how to support the ‘experiences.’ This may include strategies, cross references to lesson plans, details on how to use resources etc

Evaluation – Details here should include: whether or not a CYP has reached an outcome and ‘how you know’ ( ie the Measureable part)

Incorporate jointly targets with Allied Health Professionals into this format

(refer to appendix the joint planning sheet which may be the agreed format to be discussed with parents)