Grade One Schema Object Anchor Lesson
Day One:
Learning Goals: To learn what schema is and to use a spider web to illustrate how our schema works.
Materials: fake spider web, Comprehension Connections by Tanny McGregor Chapter 3 pages 29-45
Show students the spider web as an anticipatory set. Ask students what they know about spider webs. Introduce the word schema to students. Use the bullets on page 29-30 of chapter 3 to show how schema is like a spider web. Have students think-pair-share about what they learned about schema and how it is like a spider web.
Day Two:
Learning Goals: To show and explain to students how your schema changes when you learn new things.
Materials: Chart paper, Comprehension Connections book pages 35-36.
As an anticipatory set have students review and share what schema is. Then using the chart paper write the words bologna and sopresata in the form of a t-chart. Ask students to tell you what they already know (schema) about bologna, write students responses down on chart paper. Next complete the same procedure for the word sopresata (it is an Italian cured meat like salami, but don’t tell them this yet). Students should have limited knowledge. Next tell or even show students what sopresata is. Then add new knowledge to chart. Close with expressing to students that as your schema changes when you learn something new.
Grade One Schema Text Anchor Lessons
Day Three:
Learning Goals: To introduce the three types of connections and to practice making text to self connections
Materials: Debbie Miller’s Reading With Meaning Chapter 5 Schema pages 53-72, chart paper, linking cubes or linking chains.
Introduce the word connection by modeling how the linking cubes or chains link together. When we read our schema catches onto new things or things that remind us of something that is called a connection. There are three different types of connections you can make a text to self, text to text and text to world.
Text to selfIt reminded me of… /
Text to Text
This is the same as in … /
Text to world
I have seen this before… /
The chart above shows how students can jot down what type of connections they make as they read using post it notes. It may be helpful to have this chart displayed in the classroom.
Read aloud the book Earrings! by Judith Viorst. As you read model think aloud strategies and show how you can make a connection to the text. After reading use a piece of chart paper to write you connection and then ask for students to also share their own connections. Scribe students’ responses.
Day Four
Learning Goals: to practice making text to self connections
Materials:Owen, Kevin Henkes
Review the three types of connections using the chart paper from previous lesson. Tell students that today they will practice making more text to self connections using the book Owen by Kevin Henkes. Read aloud Owen and stop periodically to make connections to the book. Have students turn to a partner and also tell about a connection they have made. At the end of the book ask students to share any other connections they have made. If time permits and students are ready they can compete a connections worksheet from the resource section of this binder.
Day Five:
Learning Goals: to learn and make text to text connections
Materials: Owen, Kevin Henkes and Julius Baby of the World, Kevin Henkes, comparison matrix on chart paper.
Review the three types of connections using the chart paper from day three. Tell students that today we they will learn how to make text to text connections using a comparison matrix. Ask students to retell the story Owen. Next read aloud Julius Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes. Stop periodically to make text to text connections using Owen from the previous lesson. After reading complete matrix with class. Here is an example of what the matrix can look like.
Characteristics / Julius Baby of The World / Owen / What I NoticedHow the characters felt / Same:
How the story ended / Same:
Day Six:
Learning Goals: to learn how to make text to world connections.
Materials:The War Between the Vowel and the Consonants by Priscilla Turner, chart paper
Review the three types of connections using chart paper visuals from day three. Tell students that today they will learn how to make text to world connections using a book. Read aloud The War Between the Vowel and the Consonants by Priscilla Turner. Stop and make connections as you read aloud. At the end of the book have students turn to a partner and think about what this book reminded them of in the world today. Share responses and if needed chart onto chart paper.