Appendix IV to AO/1-7717/14/I-AM


Earth Observation Support for Asian Development Bank Activities


From: ...... [Tenderer to insert name of the company/institute submitting the tender]

Date: ...... [Tenderer to fill in the date of the proposal]



Via Galileo Galilei

Casella Postale 64

00044 Frascati (Roma)


Att.:Miss Alex Madden (IPL-POE)

Tel: +39 06 941 80 453

Fax: +39 06 941 80 382


Subject: ‘Earth Observation Support for Asian Development Bank Activities’

ITT No.:ESRIN/AO/1-7717/14/I–AM

Our ref.: ...... Proposal No...... [Tenderer to insert its proposal reference number]


Dear Sirs,

With reference to the above-named Invitation to Tender (ITT), we are pleased to present this proposal.

  1. The entities participating in this bid are:

Full legal name / Registered Office Address / SME (Y/N) / esa-p Tenderer Code[1]
(in the format 60000xxxxx) / esa-p Vendor Code
(in the format 10000xxxxx) / Country / Amount allocated
Subcontractor 1
Sub 2 etc…

We hereby certify that these legalentities fully satisfy the requirements concerning eligibility to submit a tender which are stated in the “Tendering Conditions for Express Procurement” (EXPRO/TC) (Appendix III to this ITT).

  1. Our Firm Fixed Price (FFP) for the activity amounts to: ……...... EURO[insert the amount of the price for the project, excluding VAT the total cost of acquiring the non-TPM data.], and does not include any import duties and value added taxes in the Agency’s Member States.

This FFP is not subject to variation and covers all work required to be carried out under the Agency’s Statement of Work ‘Earth Observation Support for Asian Development Bank Activities’, ref. EOEP-VAET-EOPS-SW-13-0008,issue 1, version 1, dated 21 February 2014 ‘(the SoW).

The additional cost for acquiring non-TPM data amounts to: …………… [insert total cost of all non-TPM data] EURO. This amount is broken down and explained further in the Financial Proposal at Section 3.1 below.

  1. The Geographical Distribution which will be achieved between ESA Member States, through the proposed distribution of work, is:

ESA Member State[2] / Name of company(ies) from the Member State / Amount allocated to company/organisation(s)
(Euro) / % of FFP
  1. The contact person of the Tenderer to whom all communications relating to this proposal should be addressed is: ...... [name of contact person(s) as well as fax number, telephone number, e-mail address – it being understood that 2 contact persons, one technical and one legal/commercial, might be advantageous ]

In case of contract award, the persons who would responsible on the Contractor’s side for all communications concerning technical and contractual issues are:

-The representative for all technical issues arising under the Contract is : ...... [name of contact person as well as fax number, telephone number, e-mail address ]

-The representative for all contractual and administrative issues arising under the Contract is: ...... [name of contact person as well as fax number, telephone number, e-mail address ]

  1. Regarding the technical and management contents of this proposal, we hereby certify that this tender fully complies with the technical and management requirements of the ITT, as set out in the SoW, except. …….. [Depending on whether or not any deviations are put forward, the word “except..” is either to introduce text explicitly identifying any reservation(s) and/or non-conformance(s) in explicit reference to the requirements concerned), or, if there is no reservation or non-conformance, the word “except..” must be deleted. The justification regarding each single deviation and the conditions, if any, for them being withdrawn are to be described in the Detailed Proposal below.]
  1. We hereby state that we have read and understood all the terms and conditions of the Draft Contract (Appendix II of the ITT package) and that we accept the terms and conditions without any reservations.

We also confirm that any sales conditions of our own shall not apply.

[Full and unconditional compliance is expected. You are asked to state, at section 4.2 of the ‘Detailed Proposal’ below, the information which will be required to complete the parts of the draft contract which are left blank. If you wish to state a reservation you have concerning the Draft Contract conditions, you are asked to do so at section 4.3 of the ‘Detailed Proposal’ below, and must adequately justify the reservation you state. However, please note that any request to modify the draft contract may result in your proposal being marked down under Evaluation Criterion 5, if the Agency considers the modification is contrary to the project requirements. Furthermore, the Agency reserves the right to disregard remarks, proposals or requests regarding the Draft Contract which it considers are not in line with the project requirements].

  1. The legal representative who will sign the resulting contract on behalf of the Contractor will be: ..... [enter name and job title of the person]
  1. The proposal is valid for ...... months [to insert a number compatible with the validity period required as stated in the ITT Cover Letter] starting from the Closing Date for tender submission.
  1. We hereby acknowledge the right of the Agency, during the validity period of this tender, to require us to provide evidence of any element of this proposal and to give additional detailed information, including on the price quotation (irrespective of the type of price). This includes the right for ESA to perform an audit, if ESA deems it appropriate.

Done and signed for, and on behalf of ...... [Name of the company or institute acting as the Tenderer]:


Name and title of the signatory: ...... ………………………….. [Full name and role in the organisation] duly authorized to commit the tendering entity and its proposed subcontractors if any, for this purpose.




1.1.1Identification of the main problem(s) or problem area(s) likely to be encountered in performing the activity

[The Tenderer shall present a brief analysis of the feasibility of achieving the project objectives and requirements and describe any problems which the Tenderer foresees might arise and prevent complete achievement of the project objectives, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate these risks.]

1.1.2Proposed solutions to the problems identified

[The Tenderer shall describe the measures that it will take to mitigate the problems identified above.]


1.2.1Proposed Work Logic to achieve the technical and strategic project objectives

[This section shall contain, as a minimum:

a)a diagram / graphic showing the main processing steps of the service chain, in order to show the approach the Tenderer would follow;

b)a description of the methodology that will be used to quantify the benefits of the EO products in supporting the Asian Development Bank’s activities.

c)A description of the type of communication/promotion material (e.g. professional quality, visual products, promotional documents) that will be produced within the project to promote the exploitation of the EO products across the activities of the Asian Development Bank. Tenderers are encouraged to use the Technical Offer as an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to produce high quality visual products, promotional material and reports.

d)A preliminary investigation of opportunities for mainstreaming service delivery in view of subsequent exploitation of the EO information products/services by the Asian Development Bank.

e)If the Tenderer is able to supply additional desirable EO information beyond what is specified in the Annex, either through its existing in-house material, or through its own investment, the Tenderer shall describe separately the contribution which is offered.

For information, it is expected that the bulk of the effort and resources will be associated with Task 2.]

1.2.2Data Procurement Plan

[The Tenderer shall set out how it intends to obtain all the relevant data (both EO and any additional data required). Each selected Contractor will be responsible for all data procurement. The Tenderer is reminded that, as a baseline, European and Canadian EO data sources are preferred. Should the Tenderer have strong and valid reasons to depart from using these data, the Tenderer shall identify the data alternatives, and justify and agree their use with ESA. The Tenderer shall also describe any relevant ancillary data sets available that can be used to support validation or quality assessment.

For the EO satellite data which the Tenderer intends to use, the Tenderer shall check and confirm in its Data Procurement Plan whether this data is available through ESA’s Third Party Missions (TPM) scheme ( Such data will be obtained at no cost to the Tenderer, via a Category-1 proposal.

For any satellite data which is not covered under the TPM schemeor data covered by TPM but for which the allocated quota is currently exhausted (as indicated on the TPM website), the Tenderer shall state the source from which it will obtain the data and shall present a separate costing for obtaining such data, outside the overall maximum budget which it quotes for the project. These additional costs must clearly be shown in the ‘Detailed Price Breakdown’ at Section 3.1 below. Given the strategic nature of these activities, Tenderers are expected to be able to negotiate favourable rates with the commercial vendors of EO satellite data.

If the Tenderer has access to any additional information (other than the EO data used to produce the service) or ancillary data that supports that quality checking or initial validation, this should be fully described in the proposal.]

1.2.3List of Deliverable Items

[The Tenderer shall provide a table showing each of the deliverables to be submitted during the project, and the delivery dates of each deliverable.]


[This section shall include, as a minimum:

  • a list of all acronyms and abbreviations used in the proposal;
  • a list of the assumptions which the Tenderer has made when writing its proposal.]




2.1.1Proposed team - Overall team composition,

[The Tenderer shall explain the relevant experience of the Tenderer’s organisation, and its ability and current capacity to produce and deliver the required validated EO products. The Tenderer must demonstrate, including by means of previous examples, its experience not only in delivering mature and well-validated EO information products, but also in providing a complete EO information service to users. The Tenderer shall include evidence of its ability to respond to the specific needs of users, and to adapt the service it provides, when the needs of the users change or evolve.

For Asian Development Bank projects which require a single type of EO information product/service, or a several EO information products/services which require closely-related expertise, a single EO information service supplier is envisaged.

For Asian Development Bank projects which require a number of diverse EO information products/services, a small team of EO information service suppliers with the relevant expertise may be necessary.

For any of the projects, the Tenderer must demonstrate its/its team’s current and proven capacity to produce and deliver the required services to a high standard, and that its/its team’s services have previously been well-validated, with documented performances and constraints.]

2.1.2Key Personnel

[The Tenderer shallnameall key personnel (i.e. those individuals who will have a major role within the team and/or will be responsible for one or more of the project tasks) and shall include a table showing the proportion of the key person’s working time which she/he would devote to the project. For each person, the Tenderer shall describe in detail the role and respective responsibilities which that key person shall perform.]

2.1.3Curricula Vitae

[The Tenderer shall provide, in an Annex to this Proposal Template, a one-page CV for each member of key personnel proposed. The CV shall demonstrate clearly the relevant experience of the person concerned and the person’s ability to carry out the tasks allocated to her/him. The CV should also contain a brief description of the person's present job and responsibilities. In addition, the Tenderer shall provide a summary of the relevant background experience for each member of key personnel proposed, and an explanation of why that person is suitable for the tasks she/he will perform.]

2.1.4External Products and Services

[The Tenderer shall explain every item (such as data images) or service which it will purchase under the Contract. A definition of ‘External Services’ is given at point 3.7 of the ‘Instructions for Completing the Company Price Breakdown Form PPSSA2’, which can be downloaded from http// following the links ‘Reference Documents’/‘Administrative Documents’.

If a Tenderer includes an external services provider in its proposal(s), the Tenderer must show the budget allocated to the external services provider in the PSS forms for the consortium partner which is managing the Task/Work Package to which the external services provider is contributing (this can be either the Prime Contractor or a subcontractor). Tenderers are reminded that the budget allocated will count towards the geographical distribution figures for the national country of the relevant consortium partner, and that this will be considered in the evaluation.]

2.2PLANNING (Proposed schedule and milestones)

[The Tenderer shall provide a summary of duration, planning assumptions (e.g. envisaged starting date, holidays, etc.), meetings/videoconferences and major technical milestones. The section shall include a project schedule, following the schedule suggested in the SoW. The Tenderer shall note the mandatory requirements regarding the timings of the Service Readiness and Service Utility reviews.]


[Remarks relevant to the Firm Fixed Price which you are asked to quote in the Cover Letter above:


As this is a market development opportunity with significant strategic potential, it is expected that the contract price will not include any element of profit.

b)Quotations free of taxes and custom duties:

The FFP shall be quoted free of any value added taxes (VAT) and import duties required in the Agency’s Member States. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of Article 3 of the Draft Contract. If you consider that you will remain subject to the payment of taxes or customs duties, you shall indicate separately the applicable rates, the corresponding estimated total tax or customs duty amount, and the reason why you believe exemption from tax or customs duties cannot be obtained.

You are reminded that if you are entitled to a VAT exemption form from ESA, it is only you, as the Prime, which will have the benefit of the VAT exemption, and not your subcontractors. All subcontractor invoices should be addressed to you and must include VAT or any other taxes or duties required by the relevant national rules for the companies involved. Any VAT costs which are payable under such subcontracts shall not be included in the price charged to ESA.

c)Currency and conversion rate:

All costs and prices must be presented in EURO.

For any Tenderer or proposed subcontractor located in a country not participating in the EURO, the exchange rate must be stated on the PSS forms and must be clearly explained in the exhibit to form PSS- A2. Any other factors (e.g. hedging costs, forward buying rates, etc.) used for the purpose of their calculations must also be indicated.

If the country to which such a Tenderer or a subcontractor belongs adopts the EURO after the Tenderer has submitted its tender, the applicable conversion rate shall be that then adopted by the appropriate European Authorities.]

d)Royalties and licence fees:

The FFP must include the cost of any licences and royalties which will be required to carry out the project and to make the intended uses of the deliverables after the project’s conclusion.

ESA will only accept to pay royalties or licence fees on the condition that they are:

  • clearly identified in the tender, with the financial basis for their calculation, method of application and total amount, and
  • demonstrated to be of direct and necessary benefit to the work to be performed (thus not merely the consequence of a general agreement or commitment to a third party), and
  • applied only to that part of the effort to be performed by a contractor or subcontractor that is directly related to the subject matter of the licence or royalty agreement.


3.1.1PSS costing forms:

[Complete and insert in your proposal the PSS form(s) requested below and attached to your Proposal:

- PSS A2, issue no. 5, together with its Exhibits A and B (Breakdown of total price per participating company or institute)

- PSS A8, issue no. 5

The PSS xls document templates can be downloaded from following the links "Reference Documentation"/"Administrative Documents".