Vocabulary – Unit 5 E

1. anecdote – noun, a short account of an incident in someone’s life

The speaker related an anecdote about his boyhood to illustrate his point.

2. fugitive – noun, one who flees or runs away

adjective, fleeting, lasting a very short time; wandering

The fugitive was apprehended, or caught, after somebody recognized him from the picture placed on the news.

3. iota – noun, a very small part or quantity

I do not have even an iota of uncertainty about your ability to complete the work.

4. uncertainty – noun, doubt, the state of being unsure

His uncertainty was evident to all of us because he kept tapping his pen nervously and looking around the room to see what others were doing.

5. counterfeit – noun, an imitation designed to deceive

adjective, not genuine fake

verb, to make an illegal copy

The counterfeit money was confiscated by the police. The man counterfeited a painting and tried to sell the counterfeit to an art dealer.

6. consolidate – verb, to combine, unite; to make solid or firm

We need to consolidate our resources if we are to survive until help comes.

7. dominate – verb, to rule over by strength or power, control

The opinionated woman dominated the conversation, rarely giving anyone else a chance to speak.

Joe dominated the race and set a new school record.

8. entreat – verb, to beg, implore, or ask earnestly

Sarah entreated her mother to allow her to go to the party.

9. maul – verb, to beat or knock about, handle roughly; to mangle

The bear mauled the camper who foolishly walked between her and her cubs.

10. tamper – verb, to interfere with; to meddle rashly or foolishly with; to handle in a secret and improper way

The robber tampered with the lock in an attempt to enter the building.

11. docile – adjective, easily taught, led, or managed; obedient

The babysitter had no problems when watching the docile child.

12. fallible – adjective, capable of being wrong, mistaken, or inaccurate

Even the most intelligent people are fallible. Nobody is perfect.

13. fickle – adjective, liable to change very rapidly, erratic; marked by a lack of constancy or steadiness, inconsistent

The fickle child could not decide which piece of candy he wanted the most.

14. grimy – adjective, very dirty, covered with dirt or soot

The children were grimy after playing in the mud puddle.

15. potential – adjective, possible, able to happen

noun, something that can develop or become a reality

That boy has a great deal of potential. I would not be surprised to see him competing in the Olympics when he is older.

The potential gains of the experiment make it well worth the risk.

16. radiant - adjective, shining; bright; giving forth light or other forms of energy

Her radiant smile lit up the room.

17. rural – adjective, relating to farm areas and life in the country

Many people from urban and suburban areas enjoy vacationing in rural spots, away from the noise and bustle that surrounds them every day.

18. substantial – adjective, large, important; major, significant, prosperous

It will take a substantial investment to renovate the abandoned house.

19. tactful – adjective, skilled in handling difficult situations or people, polite

If you are going to tell her the news without upsetting her, you are going to need to be very tactful.

20. ultimate – adjective, last, final, most important or extreme; eventual

Our ultimate goal is to get our entire team to the top of the mountain.