MRA Meeting Min

February 21st 2017, 7:00 pm ViaConf Call

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Jojo Wagner at: 7:02 pm

Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance. Underlined = nonvoting member

President: Jojo Wagner

VP: Dan Bergeson

Secretary:Jill Scott

Treasurer:Alicia Mengelkoch

Bull Riding:Kenny BettsWayne Johnston

Calf Roping:Cullen HewittBrett Hewitt

Over 40 CR: Royce LarsonJon Engstrom

Barrel Racing:Jill Sundell & Kathy Stoker

Team Roping: Matt McCormick, Bill VanLith, Alan Oberfell, Eric Nelsen

Breakaway Roping: Katie BellKaycee Wilking

Steer Wrestling: Dylan Peper, Pickles Dillman

Judges Director:DruWlking

Bareback:Trevor NorgrenTravis Fagen

Saddle Bronc: Eli VanBuren & Morgen Dwire

Queen Director: Lacey Huben

Stock Director: Scott Berends

PR Director: MRA Queen (Stephanie Schelonka)

Finals Director:

General Members:

Topic / Who / Decision/Action
Treasurers Report / Alicia / Approval of Februarytreasurers report: $18,394.38 is all accounts. Tax apt this Friday. Kaycee MM to approve/Jon 2nd it. Motion carried.
Secretaries Report / Jill Scott / January meeting min are online and have been emailed to the board
Approval of JanuaryMeeting min: Jon MM to approve/Cullen 2nd it. Motion carried.
Queen Report / Lacey, Stephanie / Nothing to report – not on call
Stock Committee Report / Scott B, Kenny B, / Nothing to report
Awards / Fundraising Committee / Jill Scott, Alicia, Jojo,
Jill Sundell / 2017 Raffle – same Prizes as last year – where will we hold the raffle drawing? Needs to be decided this meeting?
Jon MM to keep the raffle held at Little Falls Rodeo 2017/Wayne 2nd it. Motion carried.
Budget / Jojo, Alicia, Jill Scott / Alicia has not started the budget for 2017, we will wait to see which rodeo approvals come in to start.
Nominations / Jill Scott, / Nothing to report
Rules and Bylaws / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Scott Berends,
DruWilking / New rulebooks will be printed for 2017 season – there is a list of rules that have changed in the past year online as well as on the back on the member letter going out to all members in 2017.
Finals / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Matt McCormick / Review contract from Verndale for 2017 finals.
Proposed date October 27th and 28th 2017 for finals. Jojo has not gotten the signed contract back from them, she has made 2 attempts. The proposal from them was to keep it the same as last year as far as agreement went. No one proposed new option during this meeting so Jojo will continue to peruse Verndale.
Old Business / All / CR – 1 loop at the finals discussion – Table for further discussion – Jon asked about this, Royce said he had about 2-1 votes on going to one loop and Cullen reports the calf ropers he spoke to seemed ok with it. More discussion to come.
New Business / All / Rodeo Name / High Island Arena Rodeo
Sanction / MRA
Stock Contractor / Dakota Rodeo
Address / 26243 371st Ave, Henderson MN 56044
Performance / April 21st @ 7pm, April 22nd @ 7pm
Slack / April 22nd @ 11 am
Entries / April 17th 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm - 651-439-0640
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway, Barrels,
Entry Fee: / Per MRA scale
Added Money / $400 in all events - TR is $400 per end
Emergency # / 612-860-7275
Application Status / Your application musts be postmarked by April 17th 2017 to
receive points for this rodeo.
Kenny MM to approve this rodeo/Jon 2nd. Motion carried.
Rodeo Name / Membership Drive Rodeo
Sanction / SDRA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Lazy 3S, Smokin Guns, Belkham
Address / W.H. Lyons Fairgrounds, Sioux Falls SD
Performance / March 18th 6 pm, March 19th 1 pm
Slack / March 18th if needed after perf, Sunday March 19th 9 am
Entries / March 10th 12am - March 13th 8 pm via
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway, Barrels, Team Penning
(sat at 5 pm), Mixed Team Roping, goat tying
Entry Fee: / SDRA Scale
Added Money / Minimum $125 added with individual association sanctioned events
(Over 40) and events that are sanctioned by both associations will be $250.
Emergency #
Application Status / You may purchase your membership at the rodeo and points will still
count. If you do not purchase at the rodeo it must be post marked by
March 13th 2017 for points to count.
Jill Sundell asked why this approval was late
Kaycee MM we accept this late approval form/Kenny 2nd it. Motion carried with one opposition.
Royce asked about the added money
Kenny MM to approve/Wayne 2nd it. Motion carried.
Jill Scott will contact Lacey and Stephanie about selling memberships at this rodeo.
Nest meeting date and time:
Adjourn: / All / Next meeting date: March 21st at 7:00 pm via conf call.
Kenny MM to adjourn/Jon 2nd it. Motion carried.