204th KSW, Thursday December 28th, 2017

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(RC) Welcome everyone, to the 204th Knowledge Seekers Workshop,for Thursday December 28th, 2017.My name's Rick Crammond, I'll be your host today,and we'll be talking with Mr Keshe, of the Keshe Foundation.And, also Season's Greetings, for everyone,who celebrates the holidays at this time of year.And this will be our last ... show of 2017,so, thank you everybody, for being with us, through this ...Through this year. It's been a very ...it's been a fantastic year, with lots of changes and lots of... lots of news happening from the Keshe Foundation.As for Mr Keshe, I think he's ready in the background here,and he's told me, that he doesn't listen to the news yet.He's... I think it's becausehe's too busy making the news.Mr Keshe, are you there?Hello, Mr Keshe? (MK) Yes(MK) Yes, Good Morning. (RC) Hi(MK) Good day to you. As usual wherever andwhenever you listen to these Workshops.What is interesting is ...we have done a lot of work,we have done a lot of ...Soul searching, now that we have start to teachingabout the Essence of the Creation of Man,and especially this year, we have taken a long journey,as Rick said.In trying to understand, the Essence of our own Creation,through understanding of a new Technology.That, there is no myth, there is nothing, because somebody says so.But, because, we understand ourselves.Who we are, what we are, how we are made of ...What we are made up, and what is the destiny for us,once we leave the physical World,in a Essence of the body of the Man?... As I've said, many people have written to me,and I get it from a lot of International Organization."Can you stop mixing the Soul of the Man with the Science?"In that case, we can support you, because the Science make sense.But there can be not a connection, between the Science,and religion, and I was explain to them,and I explain to you again and again, that the Science of Creationhas led to the faith of the Man.Not the faith of the Man, the Science of Creation.And, when you understand the Science of Creation,you come to understand the Essence of Creation.Why and where we come from, and where we go to.And in so many ways,as a Human raceWe have chosen,a very interesting path, an interesting way,and does not matter, where Man has appeared,always accepted somebody to be higher than him.Somebody has more power than him. And he's called them,the 'God of wind', the 'God of rain'.Then, he has made the statues,and he's put his mind, to the mind of the stone,and his Wishes to the Wishes of the bricks, and wood.And in every shape or form, he has considered himselfnot to be intelligent enough to understand.And that has created a channel, for those, who think,who can abuse these conditions, to become in position of power,and adding to the ignorance of the Man, for them to rule.In so many ways, interaction of the Man,in the dimension of understanding his own Creation with the Creator,has known different channels, in different ways.And over time, Man has learned the Science, because he's done it himself.And, whatever has been brought to Man,for him to understand the Essence of conductof his own physical structure, he has called it a, 'Mystery',a 'God', a 'Creator', and then has chosen different path of believing in it.And now, that, we try to break open this rigmaBreak open, for everyone, to see the reality.Now, it becomes very dangerous.Because, the abuse of the Man, in the name of the Man himself,as a Creator of himself, they have become the intermediaries,to control the Soul of the Man, with the Physicality of the Man.In fact, what we have seen, and what we see,what we call, as a 'path of belief', 'religion', or whatever,has become another, what I call,strength length, strength of Fields,that, instead of us, internally interacting,between the Soul, and our Physicality, we call it our 'Emotion'.The external strength of it, we call it, 'religion'.And those, who have found this strength,they emphasize on it, they can tune into it, and then abuse it.It's very much, it's a mindset, it's controlled mindset.All those who could understand it, have used it.If I speak to you, in the language of Love,and you understand Love ...There's a microphone open, in the background, please.Then, you will understand the reality, of the fact,that you speak, your understand, same strength as me,in sharing and giving.And those, who could understand the strength of the abuse,they have created it, and given it the name of 'Faith'.In fact, there is no difference,between, what we call, 'religious believe',which touches our Emotion, and pain, joy, sadness.But Man, in the time, has found that strength.'Wavelength', we call it in the Matter-State,and so, has abused Man.And have called it, in every name you gather.So, now we understand, we understand the Totality,that the faith of the Man,is a conduct of the Soul of the Man,in interaction with the Emotion of the Man.And then, depends, whatever you want to call it.'God','Sin','Happiness','Joy',and this is, what's been part of these teachings.We, elevating our own Knowledge, and understanding of our own Creation,and now, we can do.I was explaining this, in a teaching, sometimes ago.And, if those of you, who understood most of the teaching this year,you will understand this very easily.And those of you, who do not and will,have not have comprehend the Totality,Hopefully, in the future you understand.I've said before, if you go back to a Star-Formation,and you get a dynamic set up, of 4 base Reactors, and 1 above.But understanding, that the strong gives to the weaker,for it to become strong, and equal,and in that Process creates a condition.And then, if you understood,that the Soul of the Man is a dynamic Sun,which is within the Man.Then, you have two choices.Stick to the physical dimension of the Spaceship Program,or use the Soul of the man, to create the Spaceship of the Man,in the depth of the Universe.Or, if you have elevated your Soul, further enough, to understand the Totality,One Soul, with understanding,of the operation, of the Physicality, which is the distribution of the Souls ...in collective areas as sub, or taking part, Gravitational part.The hearts of the Man, absorbs ...The lung of the Man, absorbs ...You found two of the Gravitational point.and the Soul of the Man, which is in the brain of the Man,which is a giver on top.You found, the Essence of the, what I call, 'Star-Formation',within the body of the Man, or if some of you,who have not gained that confidence structure yourself,that your Souls, the Essence of the Creation of your own being,in conjunction to be a giver to the others.In the Star-Formation can lead to the Creation of the Spaceship,which can take Man out of a position.You can do it individually, or collectively.Or you can do it in a physical Matter,I've seen many of you, creating these dynamic cores.The Soul of the Man is dynamicand of a highest strength known to Man, and in the Universe.So, Man on its own can create his own dimension of travel,within depth of the Universe,Or collectively, Men can become and create that dynamic setup.Or, if you are connected to the physical entity, you get to that point.What has happened, in the past times, in the past year?I have tried in the 4 years, and over past 10 years,to teach the Physicality, that you get confident, gain strength in the process.Then, I have moved you, to understand,there is a mechanical system, or it's a Soul of the Man,and some of you have start using it and understanding it.It needs a lot of practice.it needs a lot of understanding of one's strength to be able to achieve it.And once, one achieve it, is like that God,that you have created, and understood the strength of.And, they could abuse you, because of it,between the dimension of the Soul and Physicality,or the strength of the Love.Either case, in either way,you become aware of the Knowledge, and at that point, you be enlightened,and you become part of the Man of Universe.You become part of Universal Community,and in so many ways, in the past centuries,and thousands of years, all this Knowledge in a hidden waywas given to Moses in Commandments.We know the 12 he brought downI opened 2 of them to you, in the past 6 months,and today, I review the rest, then you understand.The rest of the Commandments we will released today,and then, you understand, Man had the Knowledge,to reach the point of maturity, thousands of years ago.Except, the intermediary of those, who receive the enlightenment,but to the benefit of their own Physicality,blocked, destroyed and ignored.In so many ways, what I will like to do, today,I let you ask questions.But, understand, you're not here, to speak about Nano-coating,and GANS boxes, and dynamic motors.Those, will be left to the teaching of KFSSI,the Institute of teaching of the Keshe Foundation.I let you ask questions, and in the process, we enlighten each other.That, as has been said, today is the last teaching, or Workshop of the 2017.In being enlightened, we start the 2018.And in so many ways, we should start seeing,the changes in all the Keshe Foundation work.In the supporters understanding, more and more,about the dimension of the Soul, of the Man.And then, we cross the line, to become members of the Universal Community.Would it happen in masses,or would it happen individual cases, or would it be a collective work,between the Universal Council, the Earth Council,and the Core Team, to facilitate.You will see the change of the Soul, in the members of the Councils.In a specific way and a specific reason, the two languages,to abuse the Soul of the Man most, in the past times,will be presented in different way, and you will understand.One is the French, and one is the English.And then, you understand why.Why this process has taken place?Because the language, and the use of these two languageshas brought more abuse on the body of the Man,as a race, that anyone else,in the past times, so by the Wish,and we Love those, who wanted Peace.It has been left out, that we can understand the Totality according to us.Then, if you understand this,in what comes as part of the Commandments, you understand the Totality.I would like to ask you, If you have any question,which is relevant to this,we'll talk about it, but we're not a religious group.We are here, to look at the Totality of the facts,and understand the physical process of our Soul,and how understanding the Physicality of our being,We can use our Soul to create new dimension and newer craft.What I've said in one of the teachings very recently is...Are those organizations, who put Man into Space,use the Knowledge of the Science of Physics,and try to enter the world of Universe,are meddling in the work of the God, too.Are they then, in the process of interfering,with the Soul, and Science and Religion?Or, we have found a new fuel, we have found a new system,and that system allows us to travel much faster,and with much more clarity and safety in the Space of the Universe,than those, who chose the, what we call, 'propulsion',or 'jet', or a 'donkey' to travel.This is, where the change has come.For us to understand, we have access to a new fuel,to new system, to new motor,which you like to call it 'The Soul of the Man'.And, this time we don't need a captain.We don't need an astronauts, to take us there.But we can do it, because we understand the process.We understood the Creation of the GANSes, and the Field Forces,and how to convert the GANS to Matter-State,and through that process, we have become the new generation of,who bring the Science and Religion together and make One out of it.This is, where the fear of those, who threaten these teachings is.That now, the generation, the production,the understanding of the new fuel and new system,is a industrial revolution in the Soul of the Man,and the Physicality of the Man.And there are many of those, who do not like to see this,as they lose control.Because, they have to become part of One, and they become part of.And this is, what it is.Those of you, who go into dimensional understanding,the new Technology, the Plasma Technology,which is the Plasma of the Soul, of the Man,that is the Sun and it's Sun, which radiates, and gives.Which in its Field creates the Earth,and through interaction of the Fields of the Earth and the Sun,creates the Man, and then the intelligence.And that jet, engine, or the propulsion, system for a rocket,now has led for the Soul of the Man, to complete its cycle and become another Sun,in respect to the Sun of Creation.And that's, what is the problem, with all these teachings.That now, you have become the scientists of the whole knowledge,because you understand the Basic.You understood, you made the GANSes, you saw the Fields.You've seen the reaction of your body to the Fields.And now, we have matured, to become Man of Space.Many of us, many, many of us will cross this line in 2018, Christian Calendar.Many of us will start the Space travels, in different shape and form.We promised 2018, we'll make ...wine and Mars.It says, "2018 travel to Mars", Châteaux Mars will be served.The Knowledge is there. Go back on the pages,of the Keshe Foundation 'Travel into Space'It's a line, which is put in there.This is, how Man has advanced, in such a short time.And, we knew, 2018 is the time for it.It's us, who can fail or succeed according to our own 'path of belief',A lot of things have changed, a lot of us would like to understand more,and a lot of us will walk away.Because we don't see ourselves to be worthy, of being the Man of the Space.because we don't see ourselves to be worthy of being the Man of Space.But, listen to the rest of the Commandments which are going to be released today.Moses brought 12 and now, release we start at 10,2 has been given, there are two hidden, that,when you mature to become the Man of Universeyou'll receive those two, through your own Soul,then the 24 Commandments are complete.Any questions?(AB) Good Morning Mr Keshe(MK) Good Morning Azar Jan.(AB) ... What was the first two one, you talk about before.Can you go over it please?(MK) No, it's for you, it's in the teaching in past few weeks.(AB) Oh, the past few weeks. Okay.(MK) One was that, "Thy shall not lie."Because Moses wanted to lie to his flock, so he had to break it.What you see in the ten commandments, whichMoses would not, did not and refused to release.Because, it affected him personally in what he wanted to do, what he planned to do.But, if it would have been releasedit would have changed a lot of things for the Man,and he could not have done what he did,and what we've seen with the followers and the,then continuation of people of his path.Any questions?(RC) ...It's Jalal would like to ask ... a question. If you like go ahead Jalal?(JG) Good day Mr Keshe. (MK) Morning Jalal.(JG) Mr Keshe, before you said, this is Earth is ..."a nursery" and the Universal Community they are "watching for everything" and...in a way, they are teaching us, here on Earth.Why... why they let, all this... let's say evil come throughfor a whole this ... thousands of years?(MK) There is a rule, in the Universal Communityand you will abide by it.When you become Man of Space,when you become members or part of Universal Community,this is your obligation.You give and depends on the receiver wants, wanted to receive.You never interfere.The knowledge has been given to Man andelevated the Soul of those who were supposed to be elevating others.But, in the process of time, Man has chosen.Many times, correction has been put in.If... if the intervention of the Universal Community has not been there,Man would have been a wild beast as in the jungle.You got to understand something very, very interesting,regarding the Soul of the Man and the physicality of the Man.The way the Soul of the Man and Soul of the Physicality of the Manis positioned and he has processed itself, has led to a given intelligence.And, that intelligence has a common denominator with the World...all the rest of the Universal Community.Is not just we can Se... you can walk on two legs, you've gathered the intelligence.Is because of the combination of interaction of Fields.And, in some strength, you can receive the Universal energy Fields,but the enlightenment is depending on the Man.And, this is what I've said in different word for such a long time.People take from this technology according to their intelligence.Many of the Man of Earth, who possessedor reached the position of understanding the Totalityhave already become Man of the Universe.Many, many, over centuries.And those, as I said, who were used or abused through the path of weakness,but they understood the strength or strength Fieldof the Emotion of weakness of the Man.They have brought in different lies.This is why from the beginning we always said,"we are not a religious group."We had nothing to do with a faith, because the faith isa understanding of the Soul of the Manby the Man himself in the dimension of his Physicality.So, we are not a religious group, we've never become, because we are,we carry the Science of Universe.The knowledge Man received, all of us from the day of our creation of our Soul,received the messages of what has been given to the others, to be Peaceful.Is us who has decided the difference.Is us who decide the limitation of where and how and how much of it we want to go.We are beautiful people, we are all such a gorgeous Lovers to our LoversAnd then, the same man becomes the worse enemy to the others.So, we choose.It's not that we were left alone.The option, the clarity's with the Man.How come?You are worship and love one child and hate the other.But, you were the creator of both.So, you chose, not the children.So is the same with the Love of God,which is you, the creator of it.Man received the message from the beginning, through his creation.He chose, how to handle it and how to ignore it.Because, the term of Physicality to him was something could touch,and feel and it was tangible and it was perfect ...If we could, what I said,like Space Agencies we use the rocket and the propulsion,to get out of this Space to become part of, what you call, 'another Planet' or whatever.Call our work, 'wrong',Who's there to believe?Them, who hide themselves behind the gates, to lie to themselves?Or, you who see the effect of the 'Pen', 'Pads', 'MaGrav Systems'and you know you are access to a new source of energy and life.The messages been given, Man has chosen different ways, according to his power,This is what I said, "If you find the strength of the power,""through it Man becomes power hungry, like a food."And you can elevate that Soul to become equal to the others, there'll be no kingship.It was given to Moses, he refused to deliver,because then he couldn't call himself a 'king'.Any other question?(GM) Yes I have a question. ...