/ Notes
South Central Comprehensive Center (SC3)/
Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO)/
Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE)/
Oklahoma Early Childhood Stakeholders Pre-K Standards Revision Planning Teleconference
September 30, 2013
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. CT


/ OSDE:Kayla Hindman
Oklahoma Early Childhood Stakeholders: Debra Anderson, Peggy Byerly, Linda Whaley
SC3: Belinda Biscoe Boni, Donna Richardson, Sarah Hall, Lucy Trautman
CEELO: Lori Connors-Tadros






Context / OSDE led a group of teachers in developing draft English language arts (ELA) and Math Pre-K standards. Next steps include requesting external expert review to revise the draft standards based on the most current research in ELA and numeracy for four-year-old (preschool) children, and garnering input from the early childhood community.
Update on process for standards revision in K-12 cycle / The Social Studies Standards review was based on the following procedures:
  • Teachers face-to-face
  • Committee member clean up
  • Public review for 30 days
  • State board review
  • Legal review
OSDE hopes to present revised Oklahoma Pre-K Academic Standards for ELA and Numeracy for approval in January 2014.
Update on expert review of Pre-K standards revision for language literacy and numeracy / Proposed process for the external expert review will be formatted in questions to experts for comments as outlined below:
In your expert opinion, suggest revisions to individual indicators and provide overall feedback and suggestions.
Comments on the following:
  • Do current standards and indicators capture critical skills?
  • Four-year-olds are expected to know and do…?
  • Are there gaps in current skills or indicators based research on how young children learn?
  • Are there gaps in skills and indicators based on what children are expected to know in kindergarten and/or by the end of kindergarten as defined in the common core?
Is there anything in these standards you would define asnot criticalto this age?
Were the standards written at an appropriate level of specificity? / Kayla Hindman reviewed, revised, and forwarded proposed external expert review process to OSDE legal.
Following legal approval OSDE and CEELO will send draft standards to literacy and numeracy content expert for review.
Discussion: Kick-off meeting / Proposed Kick-off: November 19 or 20, 2013
  1. Inform Oklahoma Early Childhood Stakeholder Committee of current research and best practices and Oklahoma’s situation regarding Pre-K standards revision process
  2. Provide opportunity for networking among early childhood stakeholders
  3. Provide face-to-face opportunity for Leadership Team to discuss the external expert review and structure subsequent work with subgroups
Caution: Avoid national common core debate and dispel misinformation.
What is the charge for the current Leadership Team?
What do we want to do?
  • Short-term:
  • Revise Oklahoma Pre-K Academic Standards for ELA and Numeracy aligned with Kindergarten standards and common core
  • Intermediate:
  • Develop guidance for teachers on curriculum content and standards including indicators of progress and suggestions of strategies and activities
  • Align the revised Oklahoma Pre-K Academic Standards with Early Learning Guidelines and Head Start Framework
  • Long Term:
  • One set of standards across domains to maximize teaching and learning
For whom do we want to do it?
  • Pre-K teachers, childcare providers, parents, and children
  • To ensure that standards for children ages birth through grade three are aligned across ages/grades and address all domains of development key to children’s learning and success in school

Next Steps / The Leadership Team plans to compile a list of expert reviewers, the domain being reviewed, and the reviewer qualifications. Follow-up will include the following:
Planning kick off meeting
  • Agreement on Oklahoma Early Childhood Stakeholder Committee membership
  • Role
  • Processes
Planning face-to-face opportunity for Leadership Team to discuss the external expert review and structure subsequent work with subgroups
Next leadership team meeting:
  • October 14, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. CT

The South Central Comprehensive Center at the University of Oklahoma

is funded by the United States Department of Education.1