Date / Thursday, 8 June 2017
Time / 10.00am – 12.00pm
Location / Ministry of Health, 133 Molesworth St, Wellington – room GC.2
Chair / Evan Davies(Chair)
Membersin attendance / Margaret Wilsher and Tony Lanigan
Attendees / Ministry of Health: Michael Hundleby - Director Critical Projects from 11.33am, John Hazeldine - Chief Advisor DHB Funding and Planning, Tony Lloyd -Programme Director, Marbeth Isaac - Finance Manager
CDHB: Mary Gordon - Executive Director of Nursing, Sir Mark Solomon - Chair CDHB/Observer, Dr Rob Ojala - Clinical Lead Facilities Development Project, Angela Mills - Programme Manager Facilities Development Project, Brad Cabell - Programme Director Construction & Property
RCP: Waren Warfield - Programme Director. RLB: Neil O’Donnell
Turner & Townsend Thinc: Adrian McLay - Associate, Ross Dunkerley – Regional Director NZ item 3(a). Johnstaff: Alistair Burke (Project Director) items 2(b) and (c)
Item / Subject
Evan Daviesopened the meeting at 10.00am and extended a welcome to Sir Mark Solomon who was attending the meeting.
1a / Apologies
David Meates, Barry Bragg. Apologies for lateness Michael Hundleby.
1b / Conflicts of Interest
Margaret advised that she is no longer a Director for the New Zealand Health Innovation Hub.
1c / Minutes of 5 May 2017
That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 May2017 are accepted as a true and correct record.
Moved from the Chair
With regard to item 9 (carparking). Rob updated the meeting on a short term parking solution the CDHB were investigating.
1d / Outstanding Action Points
Issues/consultant delays – Verbal update given by Adrian. This remains work in progress.
Energy Centre
External programme review – A consultant has been engaged to undertake this review.
Risk register – risk workshop to be held in June. Register will be updated accordingly.
Campus Planning
Comprehensive programme – to be formulated after options have been presented and broad direction made.
The Campus Planning background briefing was provided to HRPG members to provide a high level summary of the options being considered.
2 / Campus Planning – Master Programme
Master programme noted.
Action: CDHB meeting schedule and cut off dates for papers to be incorporated into the Master Programme.
3 / (a)Project Updates
Adrian McLay spoke to the ASB reports noting:
- Health and Safety audit score for May was 99%.
- There was one minor incident. This incident has been reviewed and methodology revised on using equipment.
- Revision # 12 of Comprehensive Programme accepted with conditions - 3 August 2018 contract completion date.
- Contractor delays were discussed and the project team stance on these confirmed. Work continues on mitigating delays and the team are working with CPB to unlock work fronts to provide early access for fit out trades. Resource has been brought in from Australia to meet durations.
Action: The Chair requested officials take steps to co-ordinate resourcing with other Government agency projects to ensure ASB is not unduly affected.
Delays with FF&E procurement remains one of the key project risks. Whilst CSSD is progressing, Radiology is still a concern. The project team are working closely with the CDHB and FF&E team on mitigation.
An update on the links interface confirmed design has commenced with constraints around interfacing with ASB and rest of the campus to be worked through. The Programme for this work is tight but achievable.
Neil O’Donnell spoke to the RLB Finance report, noting the incorporation ofthe recently approved XXXXfunding for the level 8 ward fitout and the links. Allocation of contingency remains around XXXXX per month. Risk areas are seismic restraints and secondary steel structure resulting in forecast shortfall in contingency funding. HRPG noted that seismic bracing was not in original design resulting in design co-ordination issues and variation claims. RLB are monitoring seismic installation on site daily in order to gather sufficient information on resources required and agreed material.
Action: RLB to prepare paper for next HRPG meeting on contingency funding for HRPG consideration.
Alistair Burke providedan update on an incident that had occurred on site during steel transportation the previous afternoon. There were no injuries and the site was temporarily shut down.
All health and safety procedures have been complied with and relevant documentation provided to Worksafe. An independent review was also being carried out by Lucas Safety. A request was made that any learnings arising from this incident be communicated across all sites HRPG have responsibility for.
Alistair spoke to the Outpatients reports, noting:
- Health and safety protocols around crane clashes with the Southbase site have been developed. The Contractor has increased their drug and alcohol testing.
- There is continued good momentum on site and the Programme is tracking well against the mitigation programme
(iii)Energy Centre
Alistair Burke spoke to the Johnstaff report.
Health and Safety reporting by Lucas Safety has commenced. Focus is on site safety works for Dominion Constructors commencing the tunnel services work. Drug and alcohol testing regimeshave been reviewed and reporting will be included from next month.
- Noted earthquake damage to bore water head, contamination risk mitigated by switch over to town water supply. Johnstaff in discussions with CDHBto progress repairs of the bore head.
- Temporary boilers installation tracking to programme – complex process with contingency plans in place.
- Artesian well encountered when undertaking preparatory works to gain access to the tunnel. Working through options to rectify this.
- Risk workshop with Dominion, project team, CDHB and MoH planned for 13 June. An update will be given at the next HRPG meeting.
- Noted inclusion of RLB Financial report. This was taken as read.
Michael Hundleby joined the meeting.
(ii)ASB - On grade carpark
HRPG approval was sought for XXXXXXXXXXX funding for an on grade car park, ambulance bay/emergency vehicle access for the ASB. Confirmation will be required from the Canterbury District Health Board for an additional XXXXXXXXXXX from the Programme of Works to fund this.
Tony Lloyd spoke to this recommendation, noting the CDHB hasallocated XXXX for this car park. The design has been costed at XXXXXXXXXXX and includes a retaining wall to elevate the ground levels to match the emergency department, landscaping, pedestrian access and covered canopies for the ambulance bays.
There was some discussion as to where this funding should be attributed (ASB vs Programme of Works). It was noted that this work was outside the scope of the ASB project and there is no financial capability to fund this from ASB budget. The CDHB have a Programme of Works which is capable of funding this car park through reprioritisation capability.
The HRPG recommended approval ofXXXX funding for the on grade car park at the ASB and noted that the DHB will need to confirm funding for this car park.
It was noted by Sir Mark Solomon that this recommendation will be presented to the Board on the 15 June.
ASB – cost estimate is above budget but team are working with DHB to bring this down. Angela Mills noted that operationally/logistically it is difficult when existing equipment is to be transferred. HRPG requested that this be flagged if it is going to cause major problems.
Outpatients – under budget.
The consultant reports were taken as read.
4 / CDHB Facilities Project
The Facilities Development report for period 25 April to 23 May 2017 was taken as read.
Noted DHB concern around design documentation for ASB. There is a blanket rule there are to be no changes to design going forward. However if errors and omissions are identified there should be opportunity to correct these rather than correct in the defect period.
There was no Programme of Work reports this month as they were yet to go through the Facilities Committee and CDHB meeting.
5 / General Business
There was some degree of concern that the IBC for Christchurch Hospital Campus had not been circulated to any parties at this time.
Endorsed by HRPG via email:
aEnergy Centre: Appointment of Main Contractor Repair Tunnel Services(via email 4/4/17)
The HRPG endorsed the recommendation to award the construction contract to Dominion Constructors Ltd at a fixed price lump sum cost of XXXXXXXXXX plus GST for the construction of the tunnel repair works and noted the funding for this project is to be from the Programme of Works.
bASB Bridge Link Reinstatement – endorsement to commence design and construction of bridge link between ASB and Christchurch Women’s Hospital(via email 12/5/17)
The HRPG endorsed the recommendation to construct a three level bridge link at a cost of no more than XXXX and the draw on contingency of XXXXXto relocate the heat exchangers and steam pipe work.
The meeting closed at 11.48am.
Reports/Documents Distributed prior to the Meeting
-Minutes of Previous Meeting 5 May 2017
-Project Master Programme (based on draft Rev.12)
-MoH Building ongrade car park paper dated 24 May 2017
-MoH Christchurch Energy Centre Fuel Supply recommendation 31 May 2017
-ASB Project Director’s Report for period 22 April 2017 to 15 May 2017.
-RLB Burwood Financial Cost Reports for ASB No. 41, Outpatients No. 20, Energy Centre No. 1
-Lucas Safety report ASB and Outpatients – April 2017
-Ministry of Health/Johnstaff – Outpatient Status report for May 2017
-Ministry of Health/Johnstaff – Energy Centre report for May 2017
-MWH Christchurch Hospital Energy Centre Fuel Resource Study April 217
-CDHB Facilities Development project 25 April to 23 May 2017
-FF&E forecast report for period 1April to May 2017
In Confidence HRPG Page 1 of 6