Framwellgate Moor Youth & Community Association

(Charity No 1154450)

Minutes ofAnnual General Meeting held at 18.00on Wednesday 12 April 2017 in the Community Centre


Trustees; Colin Hillary (Chair), Kenneth Gates, Mike Rayner, Ian Rudd (Hon Treasurer),Rick Johnston, John McCourt, Peter Sykes, Aurelia Smith

Centre Manager; Terry Simpson

Public;Trish Johnston, Malcolm Blackwood

Minutes taken by Colin Hillary

Chair’s Welcome / The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies / Terry Moderate,
3. Previous Minutes / Accepted
Chair’s Annual Report / a. The Chair presented the annual report which was received.
Highlighted Points;
In January 2016 we received a grant of £20,500 from ASDA Foundation to refurbish the Youth end toilets and create an Accessible toilet. This work was completed in April and special thanks must go to Ken Gates for the time and effort he put in to make this a success.
A grant was applied for from developers Section 106 money to be spent on “artistic works”. A sum of £17900 was approved early in 2017 for redevelopment of the Dance Studio.
This will consist of installing mirrors 2200mm high over the length of one long wall and providing fixed and mobile ballet barres.
A suspended ceiling will be installed with new LED lighting to improve theoverall ambience of the room. The works are in progress.
Main toilets and kitchen
Architectural plans have been developed for two more schemes to;
  • refurbish the main toilets to thebuilding and provide an integral accessible toilet.
  • Open up and refurbish the main kitchen.
Both schemes have received Building Regulations approval and were sent out for tender.Returns werereceived early in 2017 and applications for grant funding in respect of the toilet works have been submitted. £10K from A4A and £2.2K from CDCF has been awarded and £5K will come from our own reserves. We are awaiting a decision on applications for the remaining £7.8K
Work to the kitchen has been deferred for consideration next year.
General works of improvement
  • Defibrillator; a unit, for emergency use, has been secured for use in the centre and usergroups and trustees trained in its use.
  • The Bridge Club purchased 80 superior padded chairs, at a cost of £5000 plus,
primarily for their use but available for all users of the Centre.
  • Development of a Peer Group with other County wide Community Building Trustees to
share information and ideas. Not specifically a physical improvement but this is seen asuseful in minimizing costs and obtaining best value for money from the Contractorsrequired to ensure “Compliance” with various H&S and good practice requirements.
  • FMYCA agreed in November to share an office with DCCYP to enable reductions intheir outgoings. The office vacated has been refurbished and will be re-let or used as a meeting room for hire.

Treasurer’s Annual Report / The Treasurer presented his annual Report, which was received.
5.1 Repairs Reserve
The Trustees are aware that the 30 year lease signed with Durham County Council, as part ofAsset Transfer, contains potentially onerous clauses requiring a programme of regulardecoration and maintenance to the premises and equipment. During the year, the trustees set
aside the sum of £750 per month from general revenue to cover these maintenance costs.
Although a further £9,000 was transferred to the reserves in 2016, it was decided to release asum of £2,375 to general reserves as a contribution towards thecost ofessential roof repairs. Atthe end of the year, the Repairs Reserve amounted to £15,625.
5.2 General Reserves
Income on the General Reserve exceeded relevant expenditure by £10,405, after £9,000 setaside for the Repairs Reserve, and grants transferred from Restricted Reserves of £3,000.
Total reserves at 31 December 2016 amounted to £59,256 of which £785 was the RestrictedReserve and £16,625 was the Repairs Reserve, leaving £42,846 on the General Reserve.
Theincrease in overall reserves compared to last year was £12,591 (up from £46,665 as at 31December 2015).
5.3 Cash reserves
As of the end of the year, the balance of bank and cash on hand amounted to £42,237. Theamount of the bank and cash balance attributable to Restricted Reserve (grants) was £785, andthat attributed to Repairs Reserve amounted to £16.625, leaving £25,577 as unallocated generalfunds. This balance more than achieves the target of £19,000 set by the Trustees: however, anyexcess is likely to be required for improvement activities planned for 2017. / Copy attached
As part of the annual report
A vote of thanks was extended to the Treasurer for the work he has done over the past year, not only in keeping the accounts but in the
  • tracking of halls usage
  • utilities usage
  • cashflow against budget projections

User Group Trustees / aThe Chair explained that the Constitution allows user groups who have been recognized as supportive of the CIO to nominate one trustee to serve on the Management Committee.
bRepresentatives from the
Bridge Club– TBA after their AGM to be held shortly
Tai Chi – Malcolm Blackwood
DCCYP – Aurelia Smith - TBC
7 Parish Council representative / a The Chair explained that the Constitution allows the Parish council to nominate one member of the Management Committee.
TBC after the up coming Council elections in May
Election of GeneralTrustees / The following serving Trustees were proposed and seconded to stand for re-election (8No)
Ken Gates
John McCourt
Ian Rudd
Mark Wilkes
Colin Hillary
Terry Moderate
Rick Johnston
Mike Rayner
Peter Sykes
Roger Hancock
One further nominationfor election as a Trustee was Received.
Trish Johnston Proposed by Peter Sykes, Seconded Ian Rudd.
The total number of Candidates being less than the maximum sought all were elected unopposed.
9. Election of Officers / Chair: Colin Hillary was proposed and seconded.
Vice Chair: Terry Moderate was proposed and seconded.
Honorary Treasurer: Ian Rudd was proposed and seconded.
Secretary: No nominations - open
There being no other nominations all were elected unopposed
It was agreed that the Chair willcontinue with the responsibility of Secretary until further notice.
Honorary Auditor; Neil Coulthard
Any Other Business / It was proposed from the floor and agreed that it should be minuted the appreciation of the users of how well the Community Association is being run and the works to improve the building are being carried out.
Trustee Declarations to be completed by Trish Johnston and Malcolm Blackwood. All other Trustees have served previously.
Date of next meeting / The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held at 12 noonon Thursday 18 May 2016.

The meeting finished at approximately 18.35

FramwellgateMoorYouthandCommunityAssociationAGM 12 April 2017