Executive Journals, Volume One -
Selected text pertaining to Indian tribes
from the
Council of Colonial Virginia
Vol. I
June 11, 1680 -- June 22, 1699
(From the Public Record Office,
London, Colonial Office, Class 5, Vol. 1405)
Volume 1, Page 4
At a Councill held at James City
19'th June 1680
His ExcellencyS'r Henry Chicely L't Gov'r
Nich Spencer Secry
Coll Nath: Bacon
Maj'r Gen'll Rob't Smith
Coll John Bridges / Ralph Wormley Esq'r
Maj'r Rich. Lee
Coll Aug: Warner
Coll Jn'o Custis
Coll Tho Swan
Whereas his most sacred Maj'y upon the representation of the
Affaires of this Colony by his Hon'ble Comm'rs S'r Jn'o Berry and Coll
Fran. Morrison and their advice and Councill thereupon, in relation
to the articles made by them with the Indians (without consulting or
adviseing with your Maj'ty's Councill here, or Assembly some short
time before sitting, and in severall points contrary to the opinion of
your Councill, and as they have reason to believe of the whole Assem-
bly also, and to the disadvantage of your Subjects here, was pleased
to send four rich Coronets with Robes Silver badges, and sev'l other
presents to four Indian Kings and Queens here so called, w'ch accord-
ingly this day his Ex'cy brought hither with intent to deliver to them
accordingly. The Councill being all present and considering, and
fearing those people may be heightened thereby especially by such
Marks of Dignity as Coronets, w'ch as they humbly conceive ought not
to be prostituted to such mean persons, doe therefore crave leave to
offer their opinions to his Ex'cy in this weighty Affaire, and do unani-
mously desire his Ex'cy at least to forbear the delivery of the said Cor-
onetts untill his Ma'ts Pleasure by further known w'ch they conceive
will be an acceptable service to his Maj'ty and tend to the Welfare of
this his Colony. This Country haveing in its minority received from
the Indians fatal returnes for considerable presents given unto them,
and it hath alwayes been found a wrong way of manageing of those
people they esteeming presents to be the effects of fear, and not kind-
ness besides which severall other Neighbouring and more considerable
Indian Nations who have deserved of the English at least as well as
the called Queen of Pomunkeyor any of the rest, will be infinitely dis-
satisfied therewith, and if not to the English themselves will shew
their Resentment at least against them which is almost as bad, Wee
being by the Articles of Peace bound to protect them will necessarily
involve us againe in their defence, in a most dangerable and chargeable
Hen Hartwell Cl Con:
. . .
Volume 1, Page 7
At a Councill held at Green Spring the 8'th day of July 1680
His Excellency Thomas Lord Culpeper Baron of Thoresway his Maj'ts Leiu't and Govern'r Gen'll of VirginiaS'r Henry Chicheley Kn't L't Govern'r
Coll Nich Spencer Secry.
Coll Nath: Bacon Auditor.
Coll Joseph Bridger. / Coll. Phil: Ludwell.
Coll. W'm Cole.
Coll Rich: Lee.
Coll Jn'o Custis.
Coll: Matthew Kemp, and Coll Jn'o Page were this day sworn of
his Maj'ts Councill for this Colony of Virginia.
Hen: Hartwell Cl Con:
. . .
It being this day moved in Councill that his Excell'cy would be
pleased to Commisionate some able, and discreet persons in whom a
power might reside upon any Attack Our Indian Enemies should make
on our Frontiers forthwith to raise men whereby to repell and pursue
them, the w'ch if not speedily done do too frequently pass undiscovered,
and considering y'e remoteness of Our Frontiers from his Excell'cy the
opportunities of takeing our satisfaction from the spoiles and Injuries
done us by our Indian Enemies is lost before his Ex'cy has knowledge
or can give orders therein. Its therefore the opinion of this board and
accordingly thought fitt that discreet and able persons be by his Ex-
cell 'cy impowered thereto with such Limitations and Restrictions as
his Ex'cy by his Instructions shall think fit therein to give them, and the
persons by this Board nominated to be so Commissionated, and im-
powered by his Ex'cy are as followeth
Coll. Joseph Bridge ...... for Nanzmond
Lower Norfolk
Isle of Wight
& Surry.
Col. Wm. Bin [Byrd] for ...... Henrico& Charles City
Lt. Coll: Geo: Lyddall for ...... New Kent.
Lt. Coll Wm Lloyd for ...... Rappahanock
Capt Geo: Cooper for ...... Potomeck
Hen: Hartwell Cl Con:
. . .
Volume 1, Page 9
Att a Councill held at Green Spring the 15'th day of July 1680
His ExcellencyS'r Hen: Chicheley Kn't L't Gov'r
Coll: Nich: Spencer Secry
Coll Nath: Bacon Aud'r / Coll Phi: Ludwell.
Coll W'm Cole.
Fra: Leigh Esq're
Coll: John Page
The debate concerning his Ex'cy appoint and commisionating
discreet persons on the Frontiers of each River for the immediate
raiseing of Forces in the remote Counties, whereby to engage any In-
dian Enemy that shall attack our Frontiers being this day in Councill
reassumed fully debated, and all Events well weigheded and considered:
It's the opinion of this Board, and accordingly resolved that Coll
Joseph Bridge be commissionated and impowered by his Excellency
according to such Limitations and Restrictions as his Excellency by
his Instructions shall think fitt to give him, for the immediate raiseing
such a number of men and horse (fitted with Armes & Ammuntion)
in the Counties of Lower Norfolke, Nanzemond, Isle of Wight, and
Surry, as may be agreeable to a present Exegency, giveing speedy
Intelligence thereof to his Excellency. And whereas at a Councill
held that 8'th of this month Itt was resolved that Coll Byrd, L't Coll Geo:
Lyddall, Coll Llloyd, and Capt Cooper should in the like nature be com-
missionated which being this day considered in Councill It is found
that there is not y'e like reasons for such Commissions for the head of
Rivers they have fixed Garrisons for their defence, Is therefore re-
solved that onely a Comm'on issue to Coll: Bridger for the defence of
the Counties aforeaid, the safty of the other Frontier being pro-
vided for as is before expressed.
Hen: Hartwell Cl Con:
Volume 1, Page 12
At a Councill held at Green Spring the 3'd day of August 1680
His ExcellencyM'r Secretary Spencer
M'r Auditor Bacon / Coll Phil" Ludwell.
Fra: Leigh Esq'r
Coll John Page
. . .
Upon the reading Coll Edw: Hills Letter to M'r Secry -- advising
that there was a man missing in Charles City County, for w'ch they
had in suspition a Nottoway Indian Its thereupon ordered that M'r
Secretary write to Maj'r Gen'll Wood, and send him a Copy of the
Letter desireing him to make inquiry into the matter to the intent if
possible the Truth be discovered.
Hen: Hartwell Cl Con:
. . .
Volume 1, Page 13
At A Councill held Att James Citty
the 1st of October 1681
S'r Hen: Chicheley Kn't his Maj'ties L't GovernColl Jos: Bridger
Coll Wm: Cole
Ralph Wormeley Esq'r / Col Richd Lee
Coll John Custis
Coll Matt: Kemp
Coll John Page
. . .
Whereas A Letter was directed to the R't Hon'ble the Deputy Gov-
ern sent and delivered by the Secretary of Maryland, from the upper
house of Maryland, Signifying y't a certain Nanzatico Indian, by name
Nehemin, had committed a most barbarous murder att Point Look
Out in Maryland and desiring the same Indian to be sent and delivered
into their custody, to answer for y't his most inhumane act, as formerly
they had obliged this Colony by doing the like: Its therefore desired
by this Board, Y't Mr. Secretary Spencer, who is well acquainted with
the carriages of the Nanzattico Indians this last Summer, if he be
not able to clear the said Indian of his own knowledge, doe with his
best dexterity and judgem't forthwith gett the said Indian into his
hands and transmitt him safely to Maryl'd pursuant to the request
of the said upper house of Maryl'd, but if he can clear the s'd Indian
from this accusation the way before express'd, y't then he forthwith
give the Govern'r an acc'nt of it and likewise send an Answer to the Lord
Baltemore, in the name of the Councell, with the reasons of our re-
fusing to deliver the Indian aforesaid.
. . .
Volume 1, Page 40
March 13th 1682-3
His ExcellencyM'r Secret Spencer
M'r Audit Bacon
Mr. Jos: Bridger / Coll Phil Ludwell
Coll W'm Page [Cole]
Coll John Page
. . .
That noe Indians ought to come to Towne, att y'e Countries
charges, unlesse sent for or upon some emergent occasion.
. . .
Volume 1, Page 52
Hot Waters September 17'th 1683
Nicholas Spencer Esq President
Coll Nathanial Bacon
Coll Wm Cole
Coll John Page
Pursuant to M'r Presidents request this day y'e above Gentlemen
of y'e Councel mett, in order for a consultation about some Speedy
course for y'e prevention of y'e Seneca Indians future Incursions, and
perpatrations of Spoils on y'e stocks and inhabitants of this Colony,
att w'ch Time all letters directed to y'e Hon'rble M'r President, from the
Commanders of Rappa: and other Counties signifying y'e late disasters
sustained by y'e Indians barbarity as likewise M'r Presidents returns &
orders thereon grounded, maturely and seriously considered, were
approve of by y'e said Board, (being as effectual as possibly could,)
who make it their request, that he would continue his care, by forth-
with dispatching a messenger to y'e northerne parts for advice, how
those parts stand affected, in what posture of defence our Inhabitants
are in, w't effects are wrought by y'e said Indians, what number of them,
& that he give directions for constant rangings, against whose returne
(provided y'e Indians continue their rapines, depradations & Spoiles)
y'e Councel will convene (ye General Court being att hand) & consult
of some meanes to bee Speedily put in execution, both to prevent the
Enemies future injuries, and force a satisfaction for all damages al-
ready susteined both in our stocks and y'e losse of our fellow Subjects.
. . .
Volume 1, Page 53
James Citty November 21'th 1683
Nicholas Spencer Esq PresidentM'r Auditor Bacon
Coll Joseph Bridger
Coll W'm Cole / Coll John Page
Coll W'm Byrd
Coll Jo'n Lear
M' r President having this day communicated to y'e Councel all
late occurences relating to y'e Seneca Indians incursions, how they have
perpatrated great Spoiled on y'e stocks of y'e Inhabitants of this Gov-
erm't riffled some houses, and reduced and taken y'e Mattapony Indian
Town, and att present beseiged y'e Chicahominy fort, w'ch being taken
into consideration by this board, and how fatal y'e consequences may
be, if not timely Prevented, either by an accomodation or force, being
thoroughly debated, This Board have thought fitt, and doe hereby
accordingly propose & request that y'e Hon'rble Coll W'm Byrd, one of
his Majesties Councel of this Colony, doe forthwith repaire, either to
Chicahominy or Rappa: Indian Fort, one of them being now beseiged
by y'e Seneca Indians, there to treat with them, according to such In-
structions, as he shall receive from this board; in w'ch Coll W'm Byrd
readily declared his willingnesse to secure his King & Country, This
Board doe therefore most heartily & unanimously returne him their
thanks for y'e same, and order y'e Instructions be immediately prepared
for his better conduct & guidance therein.
. . .
Volume 1, Page 54
James Citty November 29th 1683
Nicholas Spencer Esq PresidentNatha: Bacon Esq
Coll Joseph Bridger
Coll W'm Cole / Coll Jo'n Page
Coll W'm Byrd
Coll John Lear
. . .
Whereas y'e Barbarous Seneca Indians have lately made Incur-
sions & Inroads amoungst y'e Inhabitants of this his Majesties Colony
of Virginia, perpatrated great spoiles on some stocks & plantations, &
as may be feared, designe in all probability to continue & persist in
such their outrages; if not timely prevented, that wee may be there-
fore in all readinesse, not only to defend our selves, but if occasion
should require, that we may be likewise in a posture to oppose and debar
their further progresse, all and every Collector and Collectors, in this
his Majesties Colony and Dominion of Virginia, are requested and ord-
ered by this Board, to use their best care and endeavours to provide
att their entry of ships one thousand weight of shot, bullet, Carbine,
pistoll, swan and goose, for w'ch charge they shall be allowed againe att
their making up their account of fort Duties att y'e Audit
This board taking into their serious consideration y'e great dan-
gers our neighbouring Indians (whom by Articles of Peace wee are
obligdged to defend), are daily exposed to, by y'e incursions of y'e Seneca
Indians, and endeavouring to find some expedient for y'e future to
defend them from their violence, doe conclude it absolutely necessary,
for y'e preservation of our Indinas, that ether Rappa: & Nazattico
Indians be united & incorporated (y'e Nanzatiticos being willing) or
that y'e Rappa: Indians remove to their new fort, and that this may be
effected, It is ordered that both y'e said Indian nations be made sensible
of y'e care of this board for their defence, and likewise friendly ad-
monished, that an union will produce y'e better effects, and that y'e
Indians may be safe on their way (if they consent thereto) a party of
horse is ordered to be in motion, and to conduct y'e Rappa: to such
place for security, as they make choice of, either to their new fort, or y'e
Nanzattico Town.
Whereas y'e upper and frontier plantations of this Governm't have
lately been infested by y'e approach of y'e Seneca Indians, who have
Committed and still doe continue to commit great injuries and rapines,
and their motion being uncertaine, y'e whole Governm't in a manner is
exposed to their mercilesse furty, that wee may be therefor ready on
all occasions, and att all times, not only defend ourselves and our
neighboring Indians, but if occasion should required, to oppose y'e
Senecas further progresse and to curbe their insolencies; This board,
that they may discharge y'e Trust reposed in them, have thought fit,
and doe hereby order, as y'e best expedient, to secure y'e frontier planta-
tions, that Coll W'm Byrd have alwaies in readinesse y'e horse of Hene-
rico County, and that upon y'e Enemies approach or advice of any
danger from Coll Byrd, That Coll Edward Hill send such a part of
horse of Charles Citty County to his Assistance, as he shall desire,
and that upon y'e absence or mortality of Coll W'm Byrd or any other
Accident, y'e power of Commanding in Chiefe shall reside in y'e said
Coll Hill, and in case y'e Appamattox Indians shall stand in need of any
amunition or provision, Coll W'm Byrd is requested to supply y'e same
according to his discretion, which shall be satisfied againe.
. . .
Volume I, Page 70-71
Att a Councell at James Citty
May 7th 1685
His Excellency Francis Lord Howard of EffinghamGovern'r & c
M'r Auditor Bacon
M'r Secretary Spencer
Coll Joseph Bridger
Coll Phill Ludwell
Coll W'm Cole / Coll Richd Lee
Coll John Page
Coll W'm Byrd
Col Jo'n Lear
Coll Xpher Wormeley.
. . .
Consideration was this day had of y'e articles of Peace concluded
on att Albany, on the thirtieth day of July last between his Excellency
Francis Lord Howard Govern'r on y'e behalfe of this Colony, and y'e
Maquas [Mohawk] Coqouges Onnondages and y'e Seneca Indians; and
forasmuch, as in one of y'e Articles It is concluded, that some of our
neighbouring Indians should this summer att y'e aforesaid place give
a meeting to y'e aforesaid Indians; as an entire confirmation of y'e
aforesaid Articles of Peace w'ch this board conclude to be absolutely
necessary, as likewise, that some able and fit persons be appointed to
goe with y'e aforesaid Indians, and represent y'e Government, y'e safety
and honor of y'e Country depending on y'e parts of those, that shall
act in such a Sphere; This Board, doe therefore propose the Hon'ble
Ralph Wormeley Esq, Coll Richard Lee, Coll W'm Byrd, John Lear
and Coll Christopher Wormeley, out of w'ch number, his Excellency is
most humbly requested to make choice of such two or one, as he shall
think fit, to proceed on a voyage to New Yorke by water, with an In-
terpreter, two Indians from Appamattocks, two Indians from Nan-
zatico, two from Chicahominy, and two from Pomunkey, by the
tenth day of July next, to confirme y'e aforesaid Articles; and in re-
garde y'e charge is uncertaine, It is impossible by this board to be setled
as he shall appoint to goe, to order y'e furnishing out such sloop or
vessel as shall be appointed, with all other necessary contingent
charges, but are of opinion, that it will be for y'e Countries Interest,
that Presents be made from this Government, and our Indians, to
such Indians, as they goe to treat with, being a Custome amongst all
nations of Indians, as y'e tye and pledge for the performance or [of] Ar-
ticles of Peace.
. . .
Volume 1, Page 72
Att a Councel att James Citty
June 12'th 1685
His Excellency Francis Lord HowardGovern'r & c
M'r Auditor Bacon
M'r Secretary Spencer
Coll Joseph Bridger
Col Phill Ludwell / Coll W'm Cole
Coll John Page
Coll W'm Byrd
Coll John Lear
. . .
Whereas by y'e Articles of Peace concluded on att Albany between
his Ex'cy Francis Lord Howard of Effingham Govern'r on y'e behalfe
of this Colony, and y'e maquase, Seneca and other Forraigne Indians,
It was concluded on, that an agent with some of our neighbouring
Indishould some times this summer goe to Albany to ratifye the
aforesaid Articles, and it being under consideration, what person is fit
to negotiate in soe great an affair; It is resolved, That Coll W'm Byrd,
one of his Majesties Councel of this Colony, be employed as Agent for
this Country, in this negotiation; and It is likewise resolved, that M'r
Edmund Jenings, who by reason his formerly being att New York
and Albany, and well acquainted with the Peace his Excellency made
with those northern Indians, and y'e [manner] of treating with them, be
ordered to attend Coll: W'm Byrd, as an assistant in this agency; This
being resolved on, and y'e charge being had under consideration by
this board; It was proposed to M'r Auditor Bacon to know what fund
of money was in his hands to support y'e charge of such an agency, as
y'e sending an agent, Vessel and eight Indians of our neighbouring
Towns will necessarily require to w'ch M'r Auditor Bacon replied, that
he had noe money in his hands, upon y'e account of y'e two shillings per
hhd and port duties, notsoe much as to satisfye y'e councelors money
and other contingent charges, nor could give any Credit, unlesse his
Excellency would be pleased to issue a warrant upon what has arisen
this year upon y'e account of y'e Quitrents, which if his Excellency shall
think fitt, then It is ordered, that y'e measures taken for y'e agency to
New York be forthw'th proceeded on.