Last updated: 13 May, 2016
Introduction to International Relations
Lecturer: Dr. Ben Mollov
Course: Required / Elective / Seminar Year: 2016-2017
Semester: A&B Hours/Credits: 3 Day & Hours: Wed. Lecture 10-12; Exercise 12:00-13:00
Course Website:
Contact Information:
Office Hours: Wednesday 14:00-15:00
Office: 502/11 Room 7
Mailbox: Department of Political Science or Interdisciplinary Department of Social Science (#3)
Cellphone (Optional):
Course Makeup:
Overall explanation of course methodology
The course is intended to impart the students with perceptual tools and research principles to understand and analyze processes and events in the field of international relations. The course will focus on three important research questions which correspond to the three main levels of analysis:
1) What are the factors that contribute to conflict or stability in the international system?
2) What elements influence a state’s successful foreign policy?
3) What elements determine the effectiveness of a leader at the international level?
The course will place special emphasis on historic and cultural aspects for understanding processes. In addition students will be encouraged to apply academic tools to issues on the international agenda.
Weekly Subject and Reading List in table form
1st Semester and 2nd Semester
Week # / Topic / Required Reading / Optional Reading / Comments /1 / Introduction –The historic development of IR as Discipline; Basic Theories and Approaches / Karen Mingst and M. Arreguin-Toft (2011) , Essentials of International Relations (5th Edition). pp.1-14; 65-92; 15-64 / See below / Video on First World War to accompany this topic
2 / Elaboration on previous topic: idealism vs. realism; scientific vs. traditional approaches to study of IR. / J.D. Singer and David Small (1976). The War Proneness of Democratic Regimes: 1816-1965. Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, pp.49-69. / " / Video from London School of Economics on schools of idealism and realism
3 / Development of School of Realism against background of collapse of League of Nations and rise of Nazism / Hans J. Morgenthau, and Kenneth Thompson (1985), Politics among Nations (Sixth Edition: New York: Alfred Knopf), chapter 1, pp. 3-17. / Ole R. Holsti (1989). "Models of International Relations and Foreign Policy," Diplomatic History, 13(1), January: pp. 15-44. / Video on League of Nations
4 / Munich Pact as watershed prior to outbreak of World War II; Comparative Lessons of Statecraft
of outbreak of World War I vs. World War II. / " / See below / Videos on Munich Pact and outbreak of World War II
5 / International Systems in Historic Perspective and Level s of Analysis; Cold War and War in Vietnam. Lessons of Statecraft / Morton Kaplan (1966). “Some Problems in International Systems Research,” in International Political Communities: An Anthology (Garden City, N.Y.: Double Day and Company, 1969) pp. 469-501. / " / Videos on Cold War and War in Vietnam
Exercise on use of Levels of Analysis to analyze decisionmaking
6 / End of Cold War; US Statecraft in 1970's and 1980's / " / " / Video on Fall of Soviet Union.
7 / Introduction to Level of State and conditions for effective foreign policy. / H. Morgenthau, chapters 3-7, pp. 31-114. / " / Video domestic impact of War in Vietnam on US society; problem of consensus.
8 / Interests, power and influence. / " / "
9 / Power, Influence and interests, issue of national commitment in competition between actors / " / "
10 / Soft Power as an important component of influence / Joseph Nye (2004). "The Decline of America's Soft Power", Foreign Affairs 83, 3: pp. 16-20. / " / Video interviews with Joseph Nye
11 / Nuclear weapons before and after the Cold War along with current challenges / Yehoshafat Harkabi, Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace. (Tel-Aviv: Maarachot, Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense, 1990), pp. 217-238.
R. Ned Lebow (2008). "Deterrence". (To appear on Moodle Site). / "
12 / Cultural Underpinnings of Foreign Policy
Case Study I: U.S. Foreign Policy / John Gerard Russie (1997). "Interests, Identity and American Foreign Policy," International Security, 21 (4) Spring: pp. 89-125. / "
13 / Case Study 2: Foreign Policy of People's Republic of China / Qin Yaqing (2012). "Chinese Culture and its Implications for Foreign Policy Making."
Electronic access available / " / Documentary Videos on Chinese Development; interviews with experts on directions of Chinese foreign policy
14 / Case Study 3: Russia / Stephen White, Morgot Light and Ian McAllister (2005). Russia and the West is there a Values Gap? International Politics, 42 (3). Pp. 314-333. / " / Documentary video on Russia during Putin era
15 / Arab-Islamic world, narrative and cultural values. Issues in regional and global politics. / Bernard Lewis (2003). This Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, (New York: The Modern Library): pp. 103-112. / " / Documentary videos (BBC) on historical and cultural issues of Islam
16 / " / " / " / "
17 / Introduction to Level of Leader/Decionmaker / Michael Brecher, Blema Steinberg and Janice Stein (1969). “A Framework for Research on Foreign Policy Behavior", Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 13, No.1 (March) pp. 75-101. / "
18 / Perception and Misperception / Robert Jervis (1968). "Hypothesis on Perception", World Politics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 454-479. / " / Documentary on aspects of Leadership
19 / Level of Advisors and Decisionmaking / Graham Allison (1969). “Conceptual models and the Cuban missile crisis”, American Political Science Review, 63 (September), pp. 689-718. / "
19 / Cuban Missile Crisis as Case Study to Illustrate Decisionmakking, Misperceptions and effective Diplomacy / " / " / Documentary Video on Cuban Missile Crisis
20 / The Challenge of Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution; Intercultural Communication / Raymond Cohen (1997). “Intercultural dissonance”, in Negotiating across Cultures, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace, chapter 3, pp. 25-43. / "
21 / " / " / " / Documentary Video on Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT)
22 / International Organization and the UN / Stanley Hoffmann (1970). “International organization and the International System”, International Organization, 24 (Summer), pp. 391-413. / "
23 / " / " / " / Videos on UN and comparison with League of Nations
24 / Characteristics of International System in 21st Century: Intercivilizational Conflict and possible means of Conflict Management; International Terror / S.P. Huntington, “The Clash of Civilizations?” Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993, pp. 22-44.
Rae, J. (2012). "Will it ever be possible to Profile the Terrorist?" Journal of Terrorism Research. Volume 3, Issue 2 - Autumn 2012
Electronic access available / "
25 / Globalization and Democratic Expansion / R. Keohane and J. Nye, "Globalization: What's New? What's Not? And So What?" Foreign Policy, No. 118 (Spring 2000), pp.104-119. / "
26 / Summary and Review
Course Structure and Evaluation
Demands requirements for course
Participation: Active participation bonus points
Writing and Research assignments: 40%
1. Submission of four bibliographical (article) summaries based on guiding questions
2. Short analysis of speech of Statesman based on framework of idealism or realism]
3. Group TV Simulation Commentary Project on International Event
Mid-Term Exam (optional, usually only for a full year's course)
Final Exam: 60%
Bibliography (Required and Optional Readings)
A. Introduction
What are international relations? – The historic development; Theories and Approaches
Karen Mingst and M. Arreguin-Toft (2011), Essentials of International Relations (5th Edition). pp.1-14; 65-92; 15-64 (Suggested/Optional).
327 MIN e5 (1215120)
E.H. Carr (1947). The Twenty Years' Crisis, (New York: Harper and Row). pp. 1-10. (Optional).
Reserved under CAR t2 (179876)
Charles W. Kegely Jr. and Gregory A. Raymond (1999). How Nations Make Peace. (New York: St. Martin's), pp. 142-168; pp. 169-199. (Suggested Background).
Reserved under KEG (447340)
Henry Kissinger (1994). Diplomacy. (New York: Simon and Schuster), pp.201-217; pp. 246-265; pp. 288-318 (Optional).
Reserved under KIS d (245118)
Sussanne Carruthers (2001). International History in: John Baylis and Steve Smith (eds.), the Globalization of World Politics (2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press). pp. 440-455
Reserved under GLO (491577)
1. The basic controversy:
Idealism versus realism; Classical Vs. Scientific Approaches
Tim Dunne and Brian Schmidt (2001). The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (2nd edition) John Baylis and Steven Smith (eds.) pp. 141-162.
Reserved under GLO (491577)
Charles Kegley and Eugene Wittkopf (2001). World Politics: Trends and Transformation (8th edition Bedford/St. Martins) pp.25-49;
Reserved under KEG (490703)
J.D. Singer and David Small (1976). The War Proneness of Democratic Regimes: 1816-1965. Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, pp.49-69. (Required)
Hans J. Morgenthau, and Kenneth Thompson (1985), Politics among Nations (Sixth Edition: New York: Alfred Knopf), chapter 1, pp. 3-17. (Required)
Reserved under MOR p (67592)
Ole R. Holsti (1989). "Models of International Relations and Foreign Policy," Diplomatic History, 13(1), January: pp. 15-44.
Ejournal (142870)
2. Levels of analysis in international relations
Bruce Russett and Harvey Starr (2006). "Levels of Analysis" in: World Politics: The Menu for Choice (4th edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth), pp. 124-151. (Suggested)
Reserved under RUS (1111264)
B. The international system
3. Models
Morton Kaplan (1966). “Some Problems in International Systems Research,” in International Political Communities: An Anthology (Garden City, N.Y.: Double Day and Company, 1969) pp. 469-501. (Required)
Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Gregory A. Raymond (1999). How Nations Make Peace (Worth Publishers), pp.142-199. (Suggested)
Reserved under KEG (447340)
Henry Kissinger (1994). Diplomacy (New York: Simon and Schuster), pp. 288-331. (Optional)
Reserved under KIS d (245118)
C. The State
Fred Halliday (2001). "Nationalism" in: John Baylis and Steve Smith (eds.), the Globalization of World Politics (2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press). pp. 440-455. (Suggested)
Reserved under GLO (491577)
Bruce Russett and Harvey Starr (1992). World Politics: The Menu for Choice (4th edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth), pp. 46-72. (Suggested)
Reserved under RUS (1111264)
4. What are power and influence? How are they characterized?
H. Morgenthau, chapters 3-7, pp. 31-114. (Required)
Reserved under MOR p (67592)
Karen Mingst and M. Arreguin-Toft, Essentials of International Relations (5th Edition), pp.115-154. (Suggested)
327 MIN e5 (1215120)
Bruce Russett and Harvey Starr (1992). World Politics: The Menu for Choice (4th edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth), pp. 124-151. (Suggested)
Reserved under RUS (1111264)
Yehoshafat Harkabi, Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace. (Tel-Aviv: Maarachot, Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense, 1990), pp. 217-238.
Reserved under HAR (1138720)
R. Ned Lebow (2008). "Deterrence". (To appear on Moodle Site).
Joseph Nye (2004). "The Decline of America's Soft Power", Foreign Affairs 83, 3: pp. 16-20. (Required)
Journal Ejournal (146564)
Eytan Gilboa (2008). "Searching for a Theory of Public Diplomacy", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 616: pp. 55-77. (Suggested)
Ejournal (125618)
Eytan Gilboa (2006). "Public Diplomacy: The Missing Component in Israel's Foreign Policy", Israel Affairs, 12, 4: pp. 715-747. (Suggested)
Ejournal (268705)
5. Setting national goals, elements of power and cultural background of Foreign Policy
Morgenthau, Chapters 8-10, pp. 117-183. (Required)
Reserved under MOR p (67592)
Simon Murden, "Cultural Conflict in International Relations: The West and Islam" in The Globalization of World Politics, pp. 374-389. (Required)
Reserved under GLO (491577)
John Gerard Russie (1997). "Interests, Identity and American Foreign Policy," International Security, 21 (4) Spring: pp. 89-125. (Required)
Journal Ejournal (151847)
Bernard Lewis (2003). This Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, (New York: The Modern Library): pp. 103-112. (Required)
Reserved under LEW (1066654)
Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scoball (2012). "How China Sees America," Foreign Affairs, September/October: pp. (Suggested)
Ejournal (146564)
Qin Yaqing (2012). "Chinese Culture and its Implications for Foreign Policy Making."
Electronic access available (Required)
Stephen White, Morgot Light and Ian McAllister (2005). Russia and the West is there a Values Gap? International Politics, 42 (3). Pp. 314-333. (Required)
Ejournal (582125)
Roger E. Kanet and Remi Piet. (2016). Shifting Priorities in Russia's Foreign and Security Policy. (Routledge). (Suggested)
6. Interests, means and goals
Robinson, T. (1967). “National interests”, pp. 182-190. In Rosenau, G.N. (ed.), International Politics and Foreign Policy, New York: Free Press. (Required)
Reserved under INT (2967)
D. The level of the individual – psychology and making decisions
7. Perspective of the leader
Michael Brecher, Blema Steinberg and Janice Stein (1969). “A Framework for Research on Foreign Policy Behavior", Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 13, No.1 (March) pp. 75-101. (Required)
Ejournal (117345)
Robert Jervis (1968). "Hypothesis on Perception", World Politics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 454-479. (Required)
Journal & Ejournal (150304)
Mingst and Arreguin-Toft (2011). Essentials of International Relations, pp.155-180. (Suggested)
327 MIN e5 (1215120)
8. The Decision making the rational model versus the bureaucratic model
Graham Allison (1969). “Conceptual models and the Cuban missile crisis”, American Political Science Review, 63 (September), pp. 689-718. (Required)
Journal & Ejournal (119278)
Y. Ben-Meir, National Security Decision Making: The Israeli Case (Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishers), (optional)
Reserved under BEN-MEI (61819)
Henry A. Kissinger (1977). “Domestic structure and foreign policy”, in American Foreign Policy (third edition), New York: Norton & Co., chapter 1, pp. 11-43. (Optional)
Reserved: under KIS (182843) - Expanded ed., 1974
E. Diplomacy and international cooperation
9. The challenge of diplomacy and conflict resolution
K.H. Holsti (1992). International Politics: A Framework for Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, chapter 6, pp. 132-156. (Suggested)
Reserved under HOL (186664)
Raymond Cohen (1997). “Intercultural dissonance”, in Negotiating across Cultures, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace, chapter 3, pp. 25-43. (Required)
Reserved under COH (466230)
10. International organizations versus the balance of power
Morgenthau, chapter 11, pp. 213-226. (Suggested)
Reserved under MOR p (67592)
Stanley Hoffmann (1970). “International organization and the International System”, International Organization, 24 (Summer), pp. 391-413. (Required)