Faculty of Psychology
Johanna Palcu
Department of Applied Psychology:
Work, Education and Economy
Universitaetsstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna
T +43 (1) 4277-47355
F +43 (1) 4277-47359


2012 – 2017 Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Vienna (Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Research Lab), Austria

January 2012Diploma (Psychology), University of Vienna, Austria

Research Interests

Social influence, social cognition, consumer information processing, self-regulation, implicit measures, brand management, retail atmospherics, sensory marketing


Book Chapters

Florack, A., & Palcu, J. (in press). The psychology of branding. In C. Jansson-Boyd, & M. Zawisza (Eds.). International Handbook of Consumer Psychology. New York: Routledge.

Florack, A., Genschow, O., & Palcu, J. (in press). Implizite Markenführung [Implicit brand managment]. In A., Schimansky (Ed.). Der neue Wert der Marke [The new brand value]. Munich: Vahlen.

Palcu, J., & Florack, A. (2015). Eye-Tracking und reaktionszeitbasierte Verfahren zur Messung impliziter Kommunikationswirkungen [Applying eye-tracking and implicit measures to assess implicit brand communication effects]. In F.-R. Esch, T. Langner, & M. Bruhn (Eds.). Handbuch Controlling der Kommunikation [Handbook of communication controlling]. Berlin: Springer.

Paper (peer-reviewed)

Palcu, J., Sudkamp, J., & Florack, A. (2017). Judgments at gaze value: Gaze cuing in banner advertisements, its effect on attention allocation and product judgments. Frontiers in Psychology.

Diamantopoulos, A., Halkias, G., Florack, A., & Palcu, J. (2017). Explicit vs. implicit country stereotypes as predictors of product preferences: Insights from the Stereotype Content Model. Journal of International Business Studies.

Florack, A., Palcu, J., & Friese, M. (2013). The moderating role of regulatory focus on the social modeling of food intake. Appetite, 69, 114-122.

Florack, A., Keller,J., & Palcu, J. (2013). Regulatory focus in economic contexts. Journal of Economic Psychology, 38, 127-137.

Florack, A., Rohmann, A., Palcu, J., & Mazziotta, A. (2014). How initial cross-group friendships prepare for intercultural communication: The importance of anxiety reduction and self-confidence in communication.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 278-288.

Selected Conference Presentations(*denotes presenting author)

Palcu, J.*, Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A., & Halkias, G. (May, 2017). Attention asymmetry: How judgments of warmth and competence direct attention to a product’s country of origin. Lalonde Conference, La Londe le Maures, France.

Palcu, J., Florack, A., Diamantopoulos, A.*, & Halkias, G. (Februar, 2017). Attention to country-of-origin information: An eye-tracking approach. Winter Conference of the American Marketing Association, Orlando, FL, USA.

Palcu, J.*, Kleber, J., & Florack, A. (October, 2015). How store employees influence consumer choice under retail crowding – A social overload perspective. Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Halkias, G.*, Diamantopoulos, A., Florack, A., & Palcu, J. (May, 2015). Explicit and implicit country-of-origin stereotypes: Using the stereotype content model to predict consumer responses. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium.

Palcu, J.*, Kleber, J., & Florack, A. (September, 2014). When the cause is not the cure – Retail crowding leads to less consideration of social heuristics. Paper presented at the 16th ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Palcu, J.*, Florack, A., & Friese, M. (October, 2013). The moderating role of regulatory focus on the social modeling of food intake. Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Chicago, IL, USA.

Palcu, J.*, Florack, A., Friese, M., & Mueckstein M. (September, 2013). Decisions at gaze value: Gaze cueing effects on attention allocation and affective judgments. Talk presented at the 14th Conference for Social Psychology, Hagen, Germany.

Palcu, J.*, Florack, A., & Friese, M. (August, 2013). Regulatory focus and the reliance on social information. Paper presented at the 15th ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Invited Presentations

Palcu, J. (May, 2014). The (embodied) consumer mind – Psychological approaches to sensory and consumer science. Invited talk at the Symposium of the Sensory Network Austria in partnership with the European Sensory Science Society (E3S), Vienna, Austria.


Course Lecture

2018“The Psychology of Branding and Consumer Behavior” (International Marketing and Sales Master), FH Wiener Neustadt

2017/2018“Applied Social Psychology – Brand Managment” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2016“Applied Social and Economic Psychology” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2015/2016“Research Methods” (Elective Research Seminar, Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2015/2016“Sensory Marketing” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2015“Applied Social and Economic Psychology” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2015“Research Methods” (Elective Research Seminar, Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2014“Sensory Marketing” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2013/14 “Social Influence” (Elective Research Seminar, Psychology Master), University of Vienna

2013“Social Perception and Social Cognition” (Psychology Master), University of Vienna

Teaching Assistant

Sep. 2015“Consumer, Culture, Change” (Communication & Cultural Management, Master), Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany

2012/2013“The Role of Attention in Consumer Choice”, University of Vienna (Research Seminar, Psychology Master)

Professional Affiliations

German Society for Psychology

Association for Consumer Research

Research and Travel Grants

2016Research award (EUR 11500,-) for the project “ Effects of customer density on consumer decision-making at point-of-purchase.”,Austrian Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)

2015Research grant (EUR 1500,-), University of Vienna

2015Travel grant “International Communication”, Austrian Research Association

2014Research grant (EUR 2000,-), University of Vienna

2013Travel grant “International Communication”, Austrian Research Association

Professional Service

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Frontiers in Psychology

Ad-hoc Reviewer, Association for Consumer Research Conference