MAY 10, 2014

President Report- Anita Groeschke-

Happy Nurses’ Week May 6 -12- Happy Mother’s Day- Anita went to the OAANP meeting on 5-8-14 & learned about an OAAPN video that will be used to promote advanced practice nursing. is a great video. NEONP can donate to OAAPN’s project ‘A Study of the Economic Benefits of Full Practice Authority in Ohio” because this is a study & not a political project.

Patients that are dual eligible for Medicare & Medicaid are victims of many scams. Be sure your patients know what they are signing up for.

This is Anita’s last report as president. She has had a great time & is willing to help any new executive.

President Elect- Dodie Nelson

Dodie is anxious to start her new role as President of NEONP

Treasurer/ Membership- Chris Suchan

Chris reports NEONP is solvent- bills are still coming in from the conference

Secretary Report- Chris Armstrong

Chris will be taking meeting minutes starting at the September meeting

Committee Reports:

Conference committee- Mary Dellorso- chair: members Karen Brenner, Anita Groeschke, Dodie Nelson, Terry Logerlof, Nancy Lyberger, Lenore Posedly, Chris Suchan, Pat Summers, Lucy Thomas

Karen Brenner reviewed the conference evaluations. There were 167 attendees & we received 165 evaluations. There were the usual complaints about the room being too cold or too hot. The tables were too close together. There were a few suggestions the committee liked: we need a microphone for the audience or put index cards on the tables for people to write down their questions. We will suggest to Steve that we need to stick to the 1 week deadline for online registrations. Anyone wanting to register after that can register the day of the conference. There were several suggestions for speakers & topics for next year.

There was a special raffle for Bobbie Cook, an NEONP member who recently had a serious medical event. A big thanks to all who donated. Karen Brenner is the conference chair for next year conference which will be held on Friday, April 24, 2015.

Website committee- Lucy Thomas

Chris Suchan reports she has not received online membership renewals in a while. (She has since received.) Lenore is having some computer issues & can’t open the scholarship applications she received. Lucy will have Steve send them to her & she will print them & send them to Lenore in the mail. The members only section is not working. Update: The members only section has been working – use this password: npheart

Program Committee- Nancy Lyberger, Lucy Thomas

Next meeting dates

September 13- possible review NEONP bylaws- Karen has arranged for an NP to talk about Movement Disorders

November 13


January 10

March 14

May 9

September 12

November 14

We welcome meeting program suggestions and ideas.

Awards Committee Lenore Posedly, Pat Summers

NEONP has 2 $1000 scholarships available. Applications are due the end of October 2014.

NP of the Year 2014 was awarded to Mary Dellorso.

A special award was given to Bobbie Cook for her courage in recovering from a life changing medical event. Also proceeds from the raffle that was held at the April conference was presented to Bobbie & her husband Wayne. Picture will be posted on our website.

“Transitions to Practice” program- Christine Armstrong will chair our next program Saturday January 31, 2015 at the Holiday Inn, Independence, OH.

Legislative- OAAPN/AANP- Terry Logerlof

Terri attended an OAAPN Economic Impact Study/ Watchdog Research Group meeting in Columbus. She reports they viewed the video OAAPN wants to focus on:

-Increasing membership

-Raising funds for feasibility study

-House Bill 301

-Pink slip amendment (for APRN with psychiatric specialty certification)

- questions for OAAPN lobbyist Andrew Minton

- they talked about other issues to be announced in the future

Next meeting will be July 11 9: 30 AM – 3 pm at Hilton Polaris, Columbus

Old Business- NEONP Offices elections

Elections 2014- 2016 candidates

President- Dodie Nelson

Pres elect- Karen Brenner

Treasurer- Chris Suchan

Secretary- Christine Armstrong

All nominees were unanimously elected- congratulations new offices- thanks to the outgoing offices

New Business- next meeting Sept 13