A balanced activities program is an essential component in the achievement of the educational goals identified for the Fromberg Schools. The activities program should provide opportunities for youth to further develop interests and talents in such areas as FFA, speech, drama, music and sports. Participation in these activities should provide many students with a lifetime basis for personal values, work and leisure activities.
The opportunity for participation in a wide variety of activities from which students may select is a vital part of the student's educational experience. Such participation is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the school, the activity, the student body, and the community. The development of learning skills and emotional patterns enables the student to make maximum use of his or her education. Knowledge and skills gained in classes may be applied and developed further through participation in extra-curricular activities.
Young people learn a great deal from their participation in activities. Lessons in sportsmanship, team work, cooperation, and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of all activities. Activities also can play an important part in helping the individual student develop a positive self-concept, an alert mind, and a chemical free healthy body. Competition enhances school spirit and helps spectators, as well as participants, develop pride in both themselves and the school.
Every effort should be made, within the capabilities of the School District, to support both the boys and girls activities programs with equal treatment and quality in the areas of staffing, scheduling, facilities, and equipment. Sponsors and coaches, through leadership and example, should teach the specific skills necessary for improvement. Sponsors and coaches should provide guidance in the development of self-esteem, good sportsmanship, cooperation, leadership, ethical behavior, and an appreciation for the importance of hard work and dedication.
Sponsors and coaches need to provide the opportunity for each individual to learn through practice and participation. At the elementary and junior high level the emphasis is on participation, not highly competitive ideals. At the high school level the emphasis shifts to a higher grade of competition requiring selective participation.
The Montana High School Association is our governing body for athletics and activities at Fromberg School. Sponsors in charge of activity groups that fall under the jurisdiction of the Montana High School Association will be expected to enforce all rules and regulations that are applicable to that particular group. This would include academic eligibility as well. The Activities Director will handle all administrative duties and discipline pertaining to issues with the MHSA.
Communication is very important for all parties involved. If a problem arises during the season, it is important that we start at the correct level to find an appropriate solution. The player or member of a team should speak to the coach and discuss the problem first. If a coach and player can not work out the problem, a conference can be scheduled with the player, parent, coach, and athletic director. The next step would include a conference with all parties and the Superintendent. The final step if a resolution cannot be found would be to take the issue to the School Board.
As a representative of the Fromberg School and community, the students have the responsibility to provide positive personal attributes related to citizenship, scholastic achievement, common courtesy, role modeling for younger students, and leadership.
Training Rules - according to the Activity Handbook
Conduct - Students shall not steal, display unsportsmanlike conduct, associate with people or places where drugs/alcohol/ and tobacco are at, and be insubordinate to coaches and/or sponsors.
Advisors/coaches may impose additional team rules not stated in this Handbook and all penalties will be in accordance with the Student Handbook and School Board policy.
Students in the activities listed below must have a certified physical after May 1st. These physicals must be on file in the office of the Athletic Director PRIOR to the student practicing or participating. Activities requiring a physical examination are: volleyball, football, boys & girl’s basketball, boys & girls track, and cheerleading.
Students in athletics should be covered with a basic health insurance policy with catastrophic insurance included. The school does not carry medical or health insurance of any kind which covers students while they are taking part in school sponsored activities. Parents are recommended to provide insurance by signing the medical consent release form provided by the school at the beginning of each year.
The Fromberg School District has administrative rule expressly prohibiting the scheduling of any activities on Sunday. This ruling applies to any and all activity groups that are sanctioned and sponsored by the school district.
It is the position of the Fromberg School District that participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege extended to the students who are willing to make the commitment to adhere to the rules that govern our extra-curricular programs. It is the District’s belief that participation in organized activities can contribute to the all-around development of young men and women and that implementation of these rules will serve the following purposes:
1)To emphasize concern for the health and well-being of students while participating in activities.
2)To provide a chemical-free environment that will encourage healthy development.
3)To diminish chemical use by providing an educational assistance program.
4)To promote a sense of self-discipline among students.
5)To confirm and support existing state laws which prohibit the use of mood altering chemicals.
6)To emphasize standards of conduct for those students who through their participation, are leaders and role models for their peers and younger students.
7)To assist students who desire to resist peer pressure, which often directs them towards the use of chemicals.
Students participating in any extra-curricular or co-curricular activity will adhere to the following regulations concerning use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or stolen property. Graded programs will not apply to this policy. Those activities may include, but are not limited to: Pep Band @ tournaments; Solos or ensembles @ Music Festivals; Honor Band; Honor Choir.
Students are not to be in attendance at any functions in which the law is being broken, whether you are breaking the law or not. Students shall not use, have in possession, sell or distribute alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, abuse prescription or non-prescription drugs, or give any of the previous to any other student.
USE: the consumption of illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
THEFT: the illegal theft of property not belonging to you
POSSESSION: to possess, or be in possession of, illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or stolen property
ACTIVITIES: FFA, Forensics,athletics, band, chorus, student council, cheerleading, pep club, and any other activities that occur partially or completely outside of regular school hours. This policy is in effect each school year from the date of the first fall practice until the last day of school in May.
a) Meeting with the student, parent, coach/sponsor and school counselor will be held.
b) Suspension from activities are as follows:
* basketball-four games
* volleyball-four matches
* football- two games
* track or cross country- two meets
* speech- two meets
* activities- next event
Activities include but are not limited to FFA, Music, JMG and Forensics.
c) Enrollment and participation in an approved chemical dependency class before being eligible to participate in the next sports/activity season. This will carry over from one activity to the next activity, if necessary. All costs of the class will be the responsibility of the student and/or parent-guardian.
SECOND OFFENSE: (in and out of season)
a) Meeting with the student, parent, coach/sponsor and school counselor will be held.
b) Suspension from activities for the current sports/activity season.
c) Professional drug/alcohol/tobacco evaluation and follow-up on the evaluation recommendation. Upon completion of the evaluation, the student is then eligible to participate in the next sports/activity season. All costs associated with the evaluation (and any other evaluations) shall be the responsibility of the student and/or the parent/guardian. This also will carry over from one activity to the next activity, if necessary.
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THIRD OFFENSE: (in and out of season)
a) Meeting with the student, parent, coach/sponsor and school counselor will be held with the intent to offer help to the student.
b) Suspension from activities for one (1) calendar year.
c) Referral for professional help. All costs associated with the evaluation (and any other evaluations) shall be the responsibility of the student and/or the parent/guardian.
All student-athletes will adhere to the curfew hours. Curfew hours are 10PM week nights or before games and 12:00AM on weekends. Coaches may set hours for holidays and other special occasions that may be exceptions to the set hours.
In accordance with the Montana High School Association (MHSA), to be eligible to participate in an Association contest, a student must have received a passing grade in at least twenty (20) periods of prepared work or its equivalent during the preceding semester in which he/she was in attendance. If a student is assigned an “incomplete” or a “condition” in a subject, or if he/she has not received a passing grade in the subject after two weeks, the grade will become an F. The record at the end of the semester is final, and scholastic deficiencies may not be made up in any way.
In addition, Fromberg High School has established the following standards for academic eligibility:
Students will be monitored on a weekly basis.
Students will maintain a “C” cumulative average in each class.
In order to help students maintain acceptable grades, the following measures will be taken:
If a student falls below a “C” in a class after one week, a warning will be issued, and the student may be required to attend academic supportat the discretion of the teacher until the grade reaches a “C.” This will be known as a “probationary week.”
If a student is below a “C” in a class for two successive weeks, the student will be required to attendacademic support at the discretion of the teacher and will be suspended from participation in extracurricular events for the week.
Teachers will report grades to the office for the cumulative quarter grade on Tuesdaymorning for any student falling below a “C.” In the event that a student is ineligible for extracurricular activities, copies of the report will be filed in the Superintendent’s office, mailed home to the parent/guardian, and placed in the student’s locker.
Grades below a “C” at the end of a quarter will result in an automatic one-week suspension from event participation, and the preceding rules will apply for successive weeks.
Activity participants must be in school attendance all day on the day of any activity in which they plan to participate, unless prior arrangements have been made. For Saturday competitions or performances, participants must be in school the preceding day, unless prior arrangements have been made. Exceptions are verified medical appointments, bereavement, and school related absences.
Any student, who is assigned out of school suspension (OSS), will not be allowed to practice or participate in activities during the suspension.
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The School District provides lodging for overnight trips on the basis of distance, number of events scheduled, and time of last scheduled activity. Equality for gender in both quality and room assignments will be maintained. Students who violate rules and procedures when traveling in school district transportation during school activities concerning drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or theft will be disciplined severely. The following steps will be taken: Parent will be contacted; Student involved with possession of items listed above will be turned over to local authorities; It will be the parent’s total responsibility to provide transportation back to Fromberg; Disciplinary action will be taken according to the discipline policy explained in this handbook. All students traveling to/from school sponsored activities, while under Fromberg School District supervision, will travel by school bus. Parents may request to remove their child from the school owned vehicle, with a prior approved written excuse or in actual presence of the school sponsor. Any other variations must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools. In addition, no other people are allowed to ride the team bus unless they are serving in an official supervisory capacity approved by the administration. If a student is going to ride the bus to an activity and is not going to ride the bus back, the student must have a parent sign-off on the coach’s player sign-off sheet. If a student is going to go home with someone other than a parent, a note from both parties is required a day before the activity that has been approved by the coach and given direct permission from the Superintendent of Schools. All teams will return home from District/Divisional tournaments immediately upon completion of their competition unless the team is eliminated on Saturday. In this case the team may stay for the Saturday night session, but not overnight. The pep band will attend all tournaments and will stay overnight only with the approval of the administration. Student participants are to dress appropriately at all home and away contests.
Meals must be pre-authorized by the Activities Director and may be provided for MHSA sponsored activities when students are on authorized trips. Maximum limit will be $12.50 per meal, however, team meals will primarily be provided at a lesser cost; i.e. team pizza, sandwiches, etc.
Students are responsible for their own meals during the regular season.
The school can in no way sponsor the event(s) and are not considered sponsors of the event(s). Coaching staffs from the schools may not be involved unless competition is between June 1 and July 30. No athlete can be in receipt of awards in excess of $100.00 and athletes cannot receive any amount of cash as an award. No proceeds may be used to help pay for spirit packs and/or camps. Monies earmarked for use by athletes for participation in individual tournaments (not camps) may only be used for expenses relating to transportation, motel and meal costs incurred for that particular tournament. Records should be kept by the sponsoring group and individuals. Equity amongst male and female opportunities must be maintained and documented. If a school accepts funds generated from an outside resource, the school must meet all gender equity standards when applying those funds to its athletic programs. School uniforms may be worn if approved by the Activities Director. MHSA insurance does not cover any of the participants in these events.
The lettering requirements for each sport are as follows:
BasketballParticipate in ½ of the total quarters or at the discretion of the coach.
FootballParticipate in ½ of the total quarters or at the discretion of the coach.
VolleyballParticipate in ½ of the total games or at the discretion of the coach.
TrackScore 10 points or make the divisional track meet or at the discretion of the coach.
ForensicsParticipate in the State Meet.
ArtEnter all school group competitions and place in at least one.
Individual Post-Season awards will be given only to high school participants. Participation certificates will be given to all junior high participants. Head coaches will give individual awards based on equity with the other sport that commences during the same season. One awards assembly in May or two awards assemblies, one for fall activities and one in May for academic achievements and winter/spring activities will be held each year. Participants who letter for the first time will receive their letter immediately following the season in which they earned the letter.
Each year, one male and one female senior or junior high school student-athlete may be recognized as the Outstanding Scholar-Athlete at Fromberg High School. Criteria for the awards: a minimum of 3.00 cumulative grade point average, lettering in three (3) varsity sports during the course of the school year, and earning all-conference recognition in two (2) of the three sports. In the event of a tie among student-athletes, the student with the highest cumulative grade point average at the time of the selection will be chosen. A tie between a senior and a junior will result in the senior receiving the award. All conference participation will also be used to break ties.
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