Roanoke Outdoor and Social Club Rules

January 19, 2009


Members and guests must recognize the authority of the trip leader or event organizer, assistant organizers and the head organizer and follow any additional rules they set up for ROSC events/outings/activities.

Trip leaders, assistant organizers or the head organizer have the authority to remove or reject any member or guest from participation if they are not in condition for the event. This is a safety issue and also helps assure the enjoyment of the other participants.

Only the head organizer has the authority to remove or ban members from the club. This can be based on recommendations from assistant organizers or trip leaders. Effort will be made to obtain information from all parties before a final decision is made.

More information on the role of the head organizer can be found under the Meetup Terms of Service, Section 7.3.


Remember that you are representing the ROSC while participating in any ROSC event. Members should conduct themselves in such a way so as not to detract from the enjoyment of other participants (at all times).

Members may be asked to leave an event if their behavior or actions become disruptive. The final decision rests with the leader or organizer for that particular event.

Complaints about members or behavior should be reported to the head organizer. For more information see the complaint policy.


Complaints about Trip Leaders or Organizers

All our trip leaders and organizers are volunteers. Members are welcome to participate in their activities but recognize they do at their own risk. Only written complaints against a Trip Leader or Organizer will be considered. Messages should be sent to the head organizer.

If there is a complaint about the head organizer, the message should be sent to one of the assistant organizers who will discuss the issue with the other assistant organizers prior to confronting the head organizer.

Complaints about other Members

The ROSC strongly encourages members to deal with issues directly. If you are unable or unwilling to deal directly with the person (or persons) involved, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Complaints must be sent to the head organizer via email. Please include the date(s), time(s), event(s), behavior(s), what your reactions/ responses were, and any corroborating evidence (i.e. emails) or witnesses.
  2. Complaints must come first hand from the victim. No second or third hand information will be acted upon unless it is in corroboration with the original complaint.
  3. Complaints must be serious. Harassment (sexual or otherwise), violence, illegal activities, dangerous driving, etc. are valid complaints. Talking non-stop during carpools is not.
  4. Complaints must be specific. Vague accusations of being “creepy” or “annoying” are not valid complaints. In the event of vague complaints, the ROSC may choose to hold off action until more evidence is produced, or the perpetrator acts inappropriately again.
  5. Complaints must stem from club activities. Actions of members interacting outside of club events, or who interact with members on an event without being signed up for that event themselves will not be reprimanded through the club.
  6. Complaints must be timely. You must contact the head organizer within 48 hours of the event to make your complaint.
  7. The head organizer should be informed of any action that results in the police or other emergency services being called during a club event or activity.

Please Note:

  1. Although the head organizer will be discreet (i.e. not disclose your identity), they cannot guarantee anonymity because when communicating the nature of the complaint to the perpetrator, it may be possible for them to deduce who the complaint originated with.
  2. The club will not serve as a mediator for personal disputes.
  3. The club may choose not to provide details on how the situation is handled, only that a warning was sent, etc.
  4. In the event of a first complaint against a member, that member will likely receive a warning (unless the situation is very extreme). In the case the club receives multiple complaints against the same person, they may be removed from the club.
  5. In the event of retaliation (i.e. attack via email or phone) resulting from the complaint, the perpetrator may be suspended/ expelled from the club without question.
  6. The head organizer will be responsible for communicating all warnings, notices of removal from the club or actions taken regarding a complaint.


The ROSC encourages responsible drinking. Come events may allow for the purchase and/or consumption of alcohol. By consuming alcohol you give permission for the trip leader or an organizer to find alternative ways to transport you home, get you to the remainder of the event or exclude you from the remainder of the event.

The use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated on any ROSC activity. Use of illegal drugs may result in removal or exclusion from the event and removal from the club.


Dogs are permitted on SOME events. This is at the discretion of the trip leader or organizer and whether or not the area in which the event is occurring permits them. Please see the event description to see if dogs are permitted. Your dog will need to be trained to stay with the group and/or be on a leash at all times and must be able to get along with other dogs which may be attending the event. If there is a question contact the trip leader or an organizer.


Event attendees are responsible for their own first aid and are encouraged to carry their own first aid kit and have first aid training.

Members should have ICE (In Case of Emergency) information on them during events and should make the trip leader aware of any conditions (i.e. bee sting allergies) that might require immediate attention. Basic emergency contact information (name and phone number) may be collected prior to the event by the trip leader or organizer.

ICE information should contain:

Name, address, phone number

Name and phone number of emergency contact

Allergies and/or medications being taken

Any other relevant information


Firearms/ weapons, fireworks and all illegal substances are prohibited on all activities. The only exception is for shooting events held at an established firing range.


If an event is posted through the meetup site on the club calendar then it is open to all club members.

The property owner or organizer has final say regarding RSVPs. If there has been a documented issue in the past with a member (see complaint policy) that member may not be permitted to attend.

If a member is not permitted to attend the event the organizer must notify them via email and copy the Head Organizer.

Members attending an event at a private residence acknowledge that the property owner or event organizer can ask them to leave or exclude them from the event if the property owner or event organizer deems their behavior or actions to be inappropriate. Should this occur, the event organizer must submit a written statement to the head organizer stating why a member was asked to leave. This message should be submitted no later than 48 hours after the event occurs.