INTRA-ACP program

The university mobility program INTRA-ACP Africa, Caribbean, Pacifique is a part of of two major political commitments of European Union (EU) through the African Union (UA) and the group of the States in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP).

On the one hand,

The Cotonou Agreement constitutes the principal partnership agreement between the developing countries and the European Union. Since 2000 (and the previous agreements which goes back to 1963 and Yaoundé Convention I), this agreement was used as framework for the relations between the EU and 79 countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). In this context, the group of the ACP States agreed with the EU to work together and to develop cooperation programs aiming at facilitating the access of the students of the ACP States to education and the training.

On the other hand,

The top Africa-EU which held in December 2007 in Lisbon, has consolidated a new strategic partnership Africa-EU which marked a new era in the relations between the two continents. This common strategy Africa-EU provides consequently a total and long-term framework for the relations Africa-EU. Its first action plan (2008-2010) includes specific proposals, structured according to 8 strategic partnerships Africa-EU of which 7th (Migration, Mobility and Employment) aims particuliarly “to reinforce the quality of the superior teaching at the local level, to revitalize the African universities and to promote the training of technical and professional human resources in high level, including by the means of the Nyerere program”.

The program is online with the commitments of the EU to improve the quality of education and to support regional integration, as it was said in the Program for the change of the EU and consequently, it supplements the existing regional initiatives in the sector of higher education such as the headlight program Panafrican University of the African Union Commission.


The strategy of intra-ACP cooperation over the period 2008-2013, granted between the EU and the group of the ACP States, encourages the mobility of the students within the ACP countries by the means of the reinforcement and the expansion of the program Mwalimu Nyerere of the Commission of the African Union (CUA), also the installation of a similar program for the regions of the Caribbean and the Pacific.


The funds allocated with this program rise to 45 € million and 40 € million include initially to the Intra ACP strategy, as well as a specific contribution of the budgetary heading for South Africa, intended for the African component of the program (Mwalimu Nyerere). The additional amount of 5 € million, granted between EU and the South-African authorities, constitutes a recognition of the need for the institutions and the nationals South-African to take part fully in this initiative specifically Panafrican.

Purposes of the Program

The general objective of the program is to promote sustainable development and the fight against poverty by increasing the availability of human resources professional and qualified in high level in the countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.

The specific objective of the program aims on the one hand, to strengthen the cooperation between the institutions of higher education (EES) in the ACP area, in order to increase the access to an education of quality which will encourage and make it possible to the ACP students to undertake studies of second and/or third cycle, and on the other hand, to support the permanence of the students in the area, as well as the mobility of staff (academic and administrative) while increasing the competitiveness and the attractivity of the institutions

The program aims more specifically to: To offer an access to higher education to the students, including with those resulting from handicapped mediums; To facilitate the cooperation on the recognition of studies and of the qualifications; To contribute to the improvement of the quality of higher education by the promotion of internationalization and the harmonization of the programs and the courses within the participating establishments; To improve the capacity of international cooperation of the EES in the ACP countries; To promote the cooperation between the origin establishments and reception of the students; To allow the students and staff to profit from the experiment of a mobility towards another country, and this from the linguistic, cultural and professional point of view; To improve in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economic links between the participating countries.


PAFROID Project is one of the programs of INTRA-ACP university mobility which was financed with the support of the European Commission. The amount of the subsidy is 2 537 750 Euro and the action last one 54 months (2013 to 2018).


The purpose of project PAFROID is :

- to offer to all students and in particular the public universities students a training experiment of international, to complete their training abroad

- to set up new partnerships within the framework of cooperation south-south; which offer

an alternative to the majority cooperation of the EES of the south with the EES of north and to build sustainable links through some of them.

- To pull out the EES Ocean Indian region from their insulation

- to concretize and improve LMD university system by setting up the recognition of appropriations between universities partners.

- to set up following agreements between institutions, the system of dual degree on the master level degree and Co-supervision on the doctorate level.

- to develop the teaching capacities of the teachers due to the experiments with international and the divisions of expert testimonies.

- to develop research in network.

- to make also profit from the exchanges and personal and cultural enrichment.

The partnership

The partnership is a consortium of 11 universities partners, a technical partner and a group of associated partner:

The 11 EES partners

- University of Antananarivo (Madagascar)

- Institute of higher learning of Technology of Antananarivo (Madagascar)

- University of Antsiranana (Madagascar)

- University of Mauritius (Maurice)

- University of the Comoros (the Comoros)

- University of Stellenbosch (Afique of the South)

- University of Yaounde 1 (Cameroon)

- University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

- University Cheikh AntaDiop of Dakar (Senegal)

- University Ibn Tofail de Kénitra (Morocco)

- University of Lome (Togo)

The technical partner

- University of Reunion (France)

The associated partner

- University agency of the Francophonie (All Countries - Office Indian Ocean based in Madagascar)


1- target groups

There are two target groups for individual flows of mobility for the students and staffs academic and administrative, defined by the European Commission: target 1 and target 2 groups.

Target Groupe / Participants / Type of mobility / Country of the people in mobility
Target Group 1 / Students who are registered in a EES member of the partnership / Master
degree / ACP Countries concerned with the consortium
Doctorate / ACP Countries concerned with the consortium
Staff which works or is associated with one of the EES partners / Exchanges of staff / ACP and nonACP country concerned with the consortium
Target Group 2 /
Students who are is registered in a EES which is not member of the partnership, or which obtained an university degree or equivalent in an ACP EES. / Master
degree / ACP country batch Africa
Doctorate / ACP country batch Africa

2-Eligible countries

The eligible countries for mobilities of the batch Africa are the ACP countries and the nonACP countries.

SOUTHERN / Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia et Zimbabwe
WEST / Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Cap-Vert, Gambie, Ghana, Guinea, Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone et Togo
CENTRAL / Burundi, Cameroun, Central African Republic Tchad, Congo, R.D. Congo, Guinea, equatorial, Gabon et Sao Tomé and Principe
EASTERN / Comoros, Djibouti, Erythrée, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, south Sudan, Ouganda et Tanzania
NORTH / Algeria, Egypte, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco

3- criteria of general eligibilities

To be acceptable for a scolarship mobility within this project, the applications must come from an ACP country for the students, ACP and nonACP for staffs. They must fill the following general criteria:

For the students

- To have a nationality and to be a national of the one of the countries covered by the batch Africa, ACP country,

- To be registered at the time of the grant application in one of the EES members of the partnership or to have obtained a degree of one of these EES for the target group 1; or being registered/allowed in a EES not included in the partnership of an ACP country for group 2,

- To justify of a sufficient knowledge of the language in which the courses will be taught in the host country.

For staffs

The eligibility criteria for academic and administrative staffs are:

- To have nationality and to be resident of an eligible country by the batch Africa

- To work in or be associated with the one of the EES partners.

4- specific criteria of eligibilities

Discussing during the meeting of launching.

5-types and duration of the scolarship

Three types of mobility concern the master degree, the doctorate as well as academic and administrative staff. For the PAFROID project; 200 mobilities are considered: 100 on the level of master degree, 50 on the level of doctorate and 50 on the level of the academic and technical staff of the universities.

The organization of the mobility of the students, of staffs academic and administrative will be done in two cohorts according to the following schedule:

- mobility first cohort: Between September 2014 and December 2015

- mobility second cohort: Between September 2015 and December 2016

The durations of mobility vary according to the type of mobility:

The master degree is 12 months

The doctorate is 10 months

personal academic is 2 months

- administrative staff is 2 months

6- Fields of studies

The trainings suggested are distributed in the following sets of themes:

Energy: renewable energies/geo energy/solar energy

Engineering: industrial engineering, civil engineer/mineral/material/hydraulic


Transversal: Teledetection/engineering Mathematical/Statistical mathematics/

1-  The Master degrees proposed by the EES members of the consortium by set of themes are the following:


Géo-energy (University of Antananarivo)

Energy (degree for the occupation of engineer Université of Antsiranana)

Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Mechanical Engineering)

Solar technologies Applied (University of Ouagadougou)

Renewable energies (University Ibn Tofail – Kénitra)


Industrial engineering in maintenance and production (STI of Antananarivo)

Building Services Engineering (University of Mauritius)

Industrial Engineering & Management (University of Mauritius)

Engineering Management (University of Stellenbosch)

Chemical Engineering (University of Stellenbosch)

Engineering of materials: treatments, characterization, and quality control (University Ibn Tofail – Kénitra)

Engineerings (UCAD – Dakar)


Agronomic sciences (diploma for the occupation of engineer Université of Antananarivo)

Agriculture in Agronomy (University of Stellenbosch)

Industry of the seeds/seed technologies (University of Yaounde 1)

Vegetable biology applied (University of Lome)


Natural teledetection and risks (University of Antananarivo)

Statistics (University of Yaounde 1)

2- The sets of themes suggested by the EES members of the consortium for the doctorates are:


Renewable energy and Environment (University of Antsiranana)

Energy systems and environment (University Cheikh Anta Diop)


materials and metallurgy Sciences (University of Antananarivo)

Mineral genius (University of Antananarivo)

materials and metallurgy Sciences (University of Antananarivo)

PhD in Engineering (University of Stellenbosch)


PhD in Agriculture (University of Stellenbosch)

Doctorate in Industry of the seeds/seed technologies ((University of Yaounde 1)


Step 1- Preparing the application

In the preparation phase of the application, the applicant must follow the following steps:

1. Read the Guide for applicants and the application form before fill in the candidature online;

Application guide and application form available and downloadable on the

2. Check the admissibility criteria;

3. Select at least one establishment and up to three different home institutions among all institutions of the project.

4. Select a training offers proposed by the partner institutions (training offer / institution of the choice)

5. Make sure that you master the language of teaching;

6. Make sure that you have the necessary academic knowledge in terms of fields of study and qualification required for the type of grant selected;

7- Collect all information and documents necessary to complete the application form;

Several documents are mandatory, if you do not insert in section 10 of the application form, the application will not be submitted. In case you send us unreadable documents, the application will be considered invalid and will not be evaluated.

8. Prepare a research project or activity describing the objectives, research or activities planned, results expected in the host university for doctoral students and staff

9. Make sure that the proposed project is objective and specific concerning itsmethodology, its advantages and its impact on your university;

10. Make sure that the motivation presented and the expected results are clear and reflect each one the general objective of the program. Explain briefly the reasons for which you want to take part in this project, the interest that you will bring and the responsibility that you intend to take for your institution/country upon your return.

Once all the informations are clear and that the documents are gathered, the candidate must create an account and the user name and password to access to the application form which will be automatically sent to the email address of the applicant.

To create an account in the application page online: www

Step 2. Online Submission

To fill the application form, it is necessary to consider the following points:

1.The applicant must have a valid address e-mailand an Internet connection.

2.The application form can be filled in English or French. Before starting to fill the application form , the candidate must be sure to have all the certificates and language skills to apply to different programs of studies and institutions.

The language chosen to fill the application form must be be concistent with the institutions and programs chosen by the applicant.