/Initials in Minutes
4 December 2003:Total 14
Ms Rosanne Beal / Ms RB / Yes
Capt Roger Benison / RB / Yes
Mr Mark Brunt / MB / Apologies
Capt Jeremy Butler / JB / Apologies
Capt Paddy Carver (Chairman) / PC / Yes
Capt Graham Cruse
(Deputy Chairman) / GC / Yes
Lt Cdr Ian Daniels RN / ID / Apologies
Ms Jo Davies / JD / Yes
Ms Hannah Dowson / HD / Apologies
Mr Carey Edwards / CE / Apologies
Mr Cliff Edwards / CJE / Yes
Dr Paul Emmerson / PE / Apologies
Capt Paul Field / PF / Yes
Capt Pete Griffiths / PG / Apologies
Capt David Harrison / DH / Apologies
Dr Tony Head / TH / Yes
Mr Pieter Hemsley / PH / Yes
Mr Rick Heybroek (Treasurer) / RH / Apologies
Capt Steve Hunt / SH / Apologies
Ms Heather McIntyre / HMc / Apologies
Ms Fiona Merritt (Secretary) / FM / Yes
Wg Cdr Barry Neal RAF Retd / BN / Yes
Dr Ian Perry / IP / Apologies
Capt David Robinson / DR / Apologies
Mr Alan Simmons / ASi / Apologies
Dr Philip Smith / PS / Apologies
Dr Anthony Smoker / ASm / Apologies
Capt Mike Stonehewer / MS / Apologies
Ms Nicole Svatek / NS / Apologies
Mr Arthur Thorning / AT / Yes
Dr Peter Waugh / PWa / Apologies
Miss Nyree Jordan
(RAeS Conference Staff) / NJ / Yes
Capt Paul Wilson (Observer FOG) / PWi / Yes
Human Factors Group Committee
Royal Aeronautical Society
Human Factors Group
Minutes of the Committee Meeting
held at RAeS, 4 Hamilton Place, London
on 4 December 2003
/ Actions /ITEM 1. New Chairman's Opening Remarks
The Chairman thanked the Committee for their support, with special thanks to Pieter Hemsley as outgoing Chairman
ITEM 2. Apologies for absence
See Page 1.
ITEM 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 12 June 2003
The Minutes were accepted without comment
ITEM 4. Matters Arising
ITEM 5. Research Presentation
A presentation was given by Arnab Majumdar from Imperial College and Branka Subotik of Eurocontrol, entitled: ‘An Overview of ATC/ ATM Research at the Centre for Transport Studies (Imperial College)’.
If anyone has any particular issues they wish to raise concerning ATC, triggered by this presentation, please send them to PC who will raise them at a future meeting.
ITEM 6. Membership
Currently the HFG Committee is capped at 30 members. Ms Heather McIntyre and Mr Mark Brunt have retired from the Committee, and AT has offered to stand down if his place is needed. All other members have requested to remain on the Committee, although a few have stated that they may not be able to make the meetings therefore will remain as corresponding members. Currently the HFG Committee consists of 28 members. Future requests for joining the Committee, including possible requests from SG members, should be directed to Capt Graham Cruse.
A proposal for Jerry Allen to join the committee as a corresponding member was accepted. Both Jerry and Curt Graeber wish to act as corresponding members, and it is envisaged that the appropriate SGs should proactively solicit their input on specific issues when appropriate.
Action: Mr Pieter Hemsley and Capt Graham Cruse are to compile a list of people wishing to join the Committee.
Action: SG Chairs and Ms Fiona Merritt to compile lists of all members of Standing Groups. / PH & GC
SG chairs
& FM
ITEM 7. Nominations for Roger Green Medal
The Chairman of the Medals and Awards Committee, Mike Steeden, should be asked to join the HFG Committee meeting on the 3rd June 2004 when the Committee will be discussing the Medals and Awards nominations.
Action: The Chairman is to invite Mike Steeden. / PC
There have been no nominations for the Human Factors Practice Award. Closing date was 1st December 2003. This may be extended, as it was last year, if RH agrees.
ITEM 8. CRM Group Annual Financial Statement
The group is solvent. Expenditure went on the conference that was held on the 15th October 2003. Some income has been generated from the sale of 2003 calenders. There is currently a balance of £3,464 (plus a refund from the RAF club, from the social event in October 2003).
FM asked whether the previously agreed funding for 2004 calendars could be deferred until next year, since it was going to be too late to produce calendars in time for 2004. There was some discussion as to what form such calendars should take (a specific application area, or general human factors), and who might buy them. This will be discussed further at a future meeting.
The October 15th conference generated approximately £4500 in income for the Society.
ITEM 9. Standing Group Reports
9.1 CRM
see AGM minutes.
9.2 EMSG
see AGM minutes.
The EMSG, in conjunction with another industry group dealing with maintenance human factors issues, is looking at the feasibility of setting up a Maintenance Human Factors Panel (MHFP) along similar lines to the CRMAP. FM stressed that there were some significant differences between the two contexts, since the CAA is not proposing to accredit MHF trainers or courses as they did with CRM. BN suggested that we ought to be looking at a combined Panel for MHF and CRM, but PC advised against this, suggesting that individual groups needed to have ownership of their own initiative(s), at least at the beginning. FM would also advise against a joint Panel, since there are significantly different approaches between CRM and MHF training.
9.2 Training Evaluation and ROI
see AGM minutes.
Phil Smith has asked whether the HFG feels that the time is now right to look once again at revitalising this group. The Committee agreed to put it on the agenda for a future meeting of the HFG when PS could be present.
9.3 ATC
see AGM minutes.
Nothing further to report
9.4 Research
see AGM minutes.
Jo Davies has spoken to Sue Hull and Carl Sandon at a recent NATS conference, who suggested holding a combined workshop. The topic could be the human role in safety cases. Currently, research focuses on the technical aspects but there should also be a focus on the human behavioural aspects of safety.
There was a short discussion of this proposal, BN in particular being in favour of such an idea (for instance, the safety and survivability group only looks at technical safety, not the human factors issues). HFG committee members were invited to pass on any ideas to JD, as well as names of contacts in industry who might be willing to speak on the subject (eg. BN has a contact at AEA Technology
9.5 Conference Planning
see AGM minutes.
PH is in the process of analysing the feedback from the questionnaire that was given to each delegate at the Oct 15th conference.
ITEM 10. Event Planning and website
There have been requests for a list of MRM approved commercial training course providers. It was queried whether such a list can go on the Society website. The Committee decided to keep the list off of the website.
ITEM 11. CRM Advisory Panel Report.
See AGM minutes.
Two particularly topical areas include:
· CRMIE standardisation
· Single Pilot CRM
TF volunteered to input on the SPCRM area.
ITEM 12. Feedback from other Groups
Capt Paul Wilson, from the FOG Committee, reported that FOG are currently concerned about the additional costs to industry resulting from the establishment of EASA. .
FOG will produce a contribution for the Aerospace publication so that members are aware of the work done by FOG. The intention is to produce a paper for each publication.
FOG are concerned by the lack of influence that Committees have on the Society policy.
The FTG Committee’s next meeting is being held in the middle of January 2004.
ITEM 13. HF NAC Report.
The last report was produced about 18 months ago. There are lots of reorganisations and funding issues currently, which are effecting the group’s work.
This group has now folded, due to no volunteer to replace the Chairman, who was standing down
ITEM 15. EASA – Future of JAA HFStG
Currently, EASA are recruiting staff and concentrating on setting up an organisational structure. For the time being, the JAA have been contracted to continue dealing with the technical work The JAA HFStG, along with other JAA voluntary committees, are busy organising themselves with a view to offering their advice to EASA at some point in the future. The JAA HFStG is putting together a set of summary reports on each key subject area (Ops, maintenance, licensing, design & certification, and safety management).
ITEM 16. Feedback from LSB
Please see Attachment 1 on the Review of Specialist Groups. Any comments to PH by 15 Dec.
It was suggested that, with the advent of EASA, the time is right for another brainstorming session on the role of the Committee..
Action: The Chairman is to sort out a date for the brainstorming session. / PC
Thanks was given to Pieter Hemsley for his excellent role as Chairman.
ITEM 18. Dates of 2004 HFG Meetings
Meetings next year: Thursdays 4 March, 3 June, 2 September and 2 December 2004. Note: all to start at 1100 hours.