Student Feedback Questionnaire Program Code ______

Please return completed questionnaire by hospital mail, as described on the back of this page.

I am a student in the profession of______. Total number of hours of placement______

  1. My placement at Sunnybrook & Women’s met my learning objectives.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. Staff were supportive of meeting my learning objectives.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. Did your orientation include information related to the concepts of:

i. Women’s Health YES NO ii. Aging YES NO iii. Patient-focused Care Yes NO

  1. The attitudes, behaviors and practices of the staff reflected the principles of women’s health.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. The attitudes, behaviors and practices of the staff reflected the principles of aging.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. The attitudes, behaviors and practices of the staff reflected the principles of patient-focused care.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStronglyDisagree


  1. One thing I learned about interprofessional practice is______


  1. The environmental resources, for example space, computers, shuttle bus, and library facilities, support learning

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. I would recommend Sunnybrook & Women’s as a placement for fellow students

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree


  1. The best thing about my placement was______
  1. The one thing I would improve about my placement was______

Additional Comments: ______


To create an academic centre of excellence, that in partnership with its communities and fully affiliated with the University of Toronto, ensures a full-range of high-quality, values-based, patient-centred services, and is a leader in women’s health.

Patient-Centred Care

Patient-Centred Care means that staff at S&W will work together to create a hospital where all persons feel valued and respected.

As staff of S&W, we will: listen to people and pay attention to the things patients say are important to their health and life; respect patients, residents, and families as partners in care; refrain from judging and labeling people and we will not try to control or manipulate their choices. We will take actions that address the patient’s priorities, needs, and concerns. It is our belief that clients/patients are the best judges of quality of care and therefore, we will consistently seek input from individuals and families about their views and recommendations for improvement in care and service at S&W. We will formally document patient and family perspectives, wishes and evaluations.

Women’s Health

Women’s Health involves the emotional, social and physical well-being of women and is determined by the social, political and economic context of their lives, as well as by biology. Women’s Health is devoted to facilitating the preservation of wellness and the prevention of illness in women, and includes screening, diagnosis and management of conditions which are unique to women, are more common in women, are more serious in women, have manifestations and risk factors of intervention which are different in women.

As staff of S&W, we will: evaluate the effect of personal biases and limitations that have resulted from socialization, gender and racial stereotypes; recognize the existence of power differentials in relationships, especially those between health care providers and patients; behave in ways that enhance empowerment of the patient and minimize the hierarchical nature of that relationship; and use gender sensitive language and behaviour to minimize the negative impact of gender stereotypes and to foster respect for the equality, individuality and value of all people.


Aging refers to the physical, social and psychological well-being of elderly adults. Aging and geriatrics is devoted to studying and caring for elderly persons who are most vulnerable to health problems, because of physical health issues or critical psychological and social support issues. It is concerned with facilitating the understanding and care of elderly in whom diseases present differently, where treatment is different, where recovery is different and where the existence of health problems impacts quality of life and social supports differently.

As staff of S&W, we will: recognize the unique ways in which illness manifests in elderly individuals, and how this affects interactions with health care providers; seek to understand and identify ways that health care providers can facilitate care of the elderly with atypical disease presentations; promote the elimination of diagnostic and treatment decisions being made on the basis of age alone, but rather decisions being made based on health status and evidence; demonstrate an understanding of the critical interdependence of health, social supports and community in the lives of the elderly, and appreciate the impact that changes in any one of these has on the quality of life of the individual.

Thank you for your feedback.

Please fold completed questionnaire with the following address on the outside, staple and return via hospital mail to:


