CONFIDENTIAL27.04.18 S2018


COMMODITYWiring Accessories and Cable Management

DATE1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019

TERMSDiscount off Trade

As per individual members terms

REBATE10% paid quarterly to AED Office

SETTLEMENTEnd of month following month of invoice for 2.5%

BACS and Direct Debit 2.5% - 30 days


Order Value / Order Processed / Carriage Charge / Overnight Delivery
Greater than £250.00 / Yes / £nil / £30.00
Less than £250.00, Greater than £50.00 / Yes / £22.50 / £30.00
Less than £50.00 / No / Not Applicable / Not Applicable
  • Customer Services will call customers whose orders are less that £250 to discuss and agree options.
  • The standard carriage charge for orders less than £250 is £22.50.
  • Orders with a value less than £50 will not be processed – Customer Services will call customers whose orders are less than £50 to discuss and agree options.
  • Overnight charge is £30.

STOCK CLEANSEMembers must get prior approval for stock cleanses over £1000 in value. Members must not raise debit notes until the proposed cleanse has been authorised by the TM and a compensating order obtained.

All debits must be priced at the price at which the goods were originally invoiced, NOT standard invoice price ie: if products were bought at promotional terms, they will be reimbursed at promotional terms.

All stock cleanses MUST be accompanied by a Goods Return Note that has been signed by the TM responsible for the account.

Handling charge must appear on GRN AND Debit note.

Stock cleanses should be agreed on the following principle;

25% handling charge – Compensating order at 2 x debit value (Standard Terms only)

15% handling charge – Compensating order at 3 x debit value

10% handling charge – Compensating order at 4 x debit value

The compensating order should be attached to GRN

Goods must be in a re-saleable condition/ in pack quantities and must be current catalogue stock.

27.04.18 SW2018

If the debit value exceeds £1000, the TM should visit the ke sure that the above stipulations are met before authorisation.

Where possible, the Member should record Honeywell/MK part numbers and not descriptions. Compensating order number must be shown on GRN. Claim cannot be processed if this is not adhered to.

No fast runners to appear on Stock cleanse or compensating orders. These are as follows;

K2747 WHIK2746 WHIK2757 WHI

K4870 WHIK4871 WHIK4872 WHI

K330 WHIK370 WHI1186 WHI

3191 WHIK2946 ALMK5686s MAG

K5682s MAGVTS1/5/14 WHIVP180 WHI

All MCB’s

Products bought on promotion or as part of a new product launch incentive can only be returned within one year of purchase with prior permission from the National Account Manager or Regional Sales Manager responsible for the account or geographic area.

Credits will only be issued when the goods are received and checked. Discrepancies of significant value will cause the claim to be rejected.

A maximum of one stock cleanse will be authorised per 12 month period. The stock cleanse value should be no more than 2% of the previous years branch turnover.

The value of the stock cleanse will be deducted from Members invoiced sales figures

CONTACTSGraham Foskett

Mobile 07801 625463

ADDRESSThe Arnold Centre

Paycocke Road



SS14 3EA

TELEPHONE01268 563000

FAX01268 563550


REASON FOR ISSUENew terms for 2018/2019

The parties agree that FEGIME UK are only responsible for the administration and collection of its members’ rebate payments. Any rebate payment due to any particular member is owed by the supplier to that particular member and shall be recoverable as a debt by that member in the event of non-payment. By entering into this agreement you hereby agree to comply and accept all its terms and conditions.

This document is the property of AED and is to be returned on request. The information it contains is also the property of AED and is provided to you in confidence. Disclosure or breach of confidentiality renders you liable to court proceedings for an injunction and or damages and costs.