Chris Davies:morning all..
LSGW Backup:Welcome to this Learning and Skills Group webinar. I'm Donald H Taylor, your host, chairman of the Learning and Skills Group.
Mehnaz:Morning everyone
LSGW Backup:We'll be starting at 10:00 UK time
LSGW Backup:The recording, slides, and web chat will be available afterwards at:
LSGW Backup:Our speakers today is:Mike Booth of Vodafone
Chris Furnell:Morning from the grey sky of Southampton
LSGW Backup:And I'm your host, Donald Taylor, chairman of the LSG
Chris Davies:sounds like an really interesting session
Tonna Danzine:Good Morning all
Tamanya:Good morning from Letchworth Garden City ...Rain. Enough said. :-(
Susan Andrews:Sunny in Glagsow
Chris Davies:im from sunny swansea, wales
Gavin Blagden:Country Durham - wet
Annemiek Osinga:Sunny in Amsterdam
Michelle Humphrey:Good morning from gloomy Bracknell
Alok:hot in Mumbai, India
Mehnaz:I am from Birmingham City University - cloudy today here
Tonna Danzine:Grey skies in Buckinghamshire :-(
Susan Andrews:Very sunny i Glasgow
Carolyn Lewis:Good morning everyone! grey sky, but no rain in Inkpen!
Adam Wooldridge:Morning from a gloomy Canary Wharf
niallgavinuk:Morning all
Catherine Dartnall:Hola! Sounds lovely :)
Helen Rushby:clearly you are missing the weather chat in Barcelona
Paul B:Good morning everyone from not so sunny Coventry!
Frank Calberg:Hi Donald, what do you like about Barcelona?
richard:morning everyone
Carolyn Lewis:I'm just up the road from Newbury, amazing when we have people from all over the world.
Tess Robinson (LAS @mygoalgetter):Good morning from Leamington Spa. Grey here but fortunately a lot less wet than yesterday
Liz:Morning from a drizzly Windsor
lakshmi:Very hot and sunny in southern India
Liisa:I'm in sunny Amsterdam
Catherine Dartnall:Morning everyone - I'm in North Warwickshire/Birmingham - grey skies to report here.
Kirsty:It's true Glasgow is amazing sun and 0c
Batseba Seifu:I'm in cloudy Addis Ababa
LouiseT:Hello everyone from Yorkshire:)
Batseba Seifu:Thanks so much!
Shaun:Shaun/Greg from Blanford Camp
Pablo Rico:Good morning from Madrid
Gary Whitfield (GP Strategies):Good Morning from Birmingham
Melanie:Good morning from Cyprus!
Liisa:I am having trouble with the audio that seems to be braking every now and then. Is it just me?
niallgavinuk:It's tough at the top Don
Jerry:Morning from non sunny Derby
Sue Jones:Morning from cloudy Birmingham
Jane Mackenzie:Morning from grey Kent. Wish I was in Barcelona too :-)
Alan:Good morning from almost sunny Bonnybridge scotland.....who needs barca sunshine ;-)
Bob:All OK here
LSGW Backup:The sound will play through your computer speakers / headset. If you prefer you can dial in:
Tess Robinson (LAS @mygoalgetter):Good turnout from the midlands today!
Melanie:Me too - the Mediterranean is looking good! Audio is great thanks!
LSGW Backup:Dial in details: UK: +44 20 8934 7640 Pin: 2746920#
Susan Andrews:Audio is O.K.
LSGW Backup:Dial in from outside UK: Pin: 2746920#
Sam Crown:Good morning from London!
katherine chapman:morning peeps from reading
Liisa:Thank you!
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Good Morning everyone in cloudy Goring-by-Sea
Pablo Rico:Donald, you are welcome in Madrid. Whatever you need, just let me know
Mandy Randall-Gavin:from Goring-by-Sea
Catherine Dartnall:Hello @Mandy Randall-Gavin :)
Christina Merl:Goodmorning from sunny Vienna
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Cat Hi! Lovely to 'see' you :-)
Julian Baker:Bore Da from sunny Cardiff, Wales
niallgavinuk:Lol Mandy and I joining in from upstairs and downstairs at home this morning
Christina Merl:Thank you
Roberto Figus:hi everyone
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Hahaha 'randy'?
niallgavinuk:Digital living!
Juliet:Morning everyone cloudy in London
LSGW Backup:Dial in from outside UK: Pin: 2746920#
Sarah:Hi everybody!
Nick Emmett:Aloha LSG - long time no see :)Hope all's well. IKnterested in the Collaboration/Community aspect of today's session :)
Gary Whitfield (GP Strategies):That image can't be Mike?
Nick Emmett:Houston... we have a problem!
niallgavinuk:We've all been there!
Chris Davies:ooops
Alan:no mike on mike !
Keith Myers:Presentation mode?
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Technology eh... you gotta love it
Tamanya:he muted his phone
lakshmi:Gary, OMG, its you!!!
Gary Whitfield (GP Strategies):Shhh.... yes Lakshmi
David Garrick:Classic error - we've all done it!
Chris Davies:could it be presentation mode?
Tamanya:Mike, is it your headset?
Catherine Dartnall:Great to see such good use of chat - always so interactive
Tamanya:he gone to the loo!
Frank Calberg:No worries, Donald. WHat questions should we talk about on the chat in the meantime?
Pablo Rico:This is the demo effect. Do not take it seriously :)
Martine Bolton:Maybe we need to muzak ;-)
Mat Dodd:I'm with Mike at the moment - he's going to dial in!!
Martine Bolton:*some muzak!
LSGW Backup:How would you show the impact of shared, user generated content in your organisation?
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Usually Survey Monkey or emails saying thanks
Tony C:Our issue is always to get buy in from the client
Paul B:Feedback from the users about how they use it
Annemiek Osinga:label content and attache it to skills/competences
Chris Davies:feedback, results from KPI's
Bob:engagement with the content
Bob:view etc
Brenda:participation from new users
Nick Emmett:Do you guys publish the results? Sometimes culture doesn't lke/allow that level of sharing!
Carolyn Lewis:Amount of engagement
Anna Sasiak:yes
Paul B:Yes
David Garrick:Yes
Stu Bailey:Loud and clear
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Yay!!
Melanie:Yes we can hear Mike
Pablo Rico:Yes
Annemiek Osinga:clear
Tess Robinson (LAS @mygoalgetter):We can hear Mike
Catherine Dartnall:Time saved and examples of sharing of tacit knowledge embedded in user generated content/resources
Jane Mackenzie:We can hear him
Nick Emmett:We hear you Mike :)
Roberto Figus:yes, very clear
Tony C:can hear you now
niallgavinuk:We can hear Mike
Helen:post event ongoing outcomes
Helen Rushby:yes I can hear Mike
Catherine Dartnall:Loud and clear
Tony C:fail
Mehnaz:Can hear Mike now!
Tamanya:We can hear both of you
niallgavinuk:and Don
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Mike's very loud but at least we can hear him
Tony (UCA):Can hear Mike fine!
Frank Calberg:@Bob and Carolyn: What do you understand about the word "engagement"?
Nick Emmett:If you do publish your results internally, do you socialise them at all?
niallgavinuk:It's all going swimmingly
Tamanya:We heard!
Tony C:we heard everything
Emma:I have done exactly the same thing before! Its easily done :-)
Jane Mackenzie:Intesting to learn that for future if in Adobe.
Michelle Humphrey:We use Saba Collaboration via Saba Cloud to share information throughout the business
Tony C:Giving the pins out to all = fail
Bob:whether the user has commented/how many times they've viewed it. helps us to understand how useful it is to them
Mandy Randall-Gavin:thank you for the explanation Don - only a practised webinar presenter on Adobe would know that
Nick Emmett:And do you get good engagement on Saba @Michelle?
Nick Jones:happy to bear with you Don. These calls always normally run perfectly and are worth the wait
niallgavinuk:Memo to me: Find out more about adobe for future ref.
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Results put in reports to senior managers
Catherine Dartnall:Hi Mike
Paul B:Loud and clear
Tony (UCA):Yes!
Roberto Figus:yes
Mehnaz:Yes Mike, can hear you
Alan:HURRAH :-)
LouiseT:Hi Mike- got you loud and clear:)
Tamanya:we can hear you Mike
Michelle Humphrey:Absolutely Nick. Also share info and collaborate using a mobile device
Mandy Randall-Gavin:I can hear both Mike and Don. Yay!!
Catherine Dartnall:And breathe...:)
Tess Robinson (LAS @mygoalgetter):Yay! Well done Don and Mike
Tamanya:tut tut Don :-)
Frank Calberg:Sound great.
Jane Mackenzie:and animals :-)
Tony C:difficulty to get client buy in
Paul B:Using = not so much
Nick Emmett:By mobile platform - do we mean as in an app, or perhaps just a responsive site?
Alan:limited, working to implement but there is a fear factor from the business....own device, social etc
Amanda Smith:We have been using Fuse for about a year
richard harknett:not using
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Well I've had lots of experience using Lync which is great
Helen Rushby:very little
esben:yammer mobile
Annemiek Osinga:no mobile learning currently used in my organization. Looking into it for sure.
niallgavinuk:Just getting to grips with #Slack for collaboration and sharing across desktop and smartphone
Melanie:Not using... yet
Susan Andrews:we encourage our learners to collaborate on moodel courses which they can sue from mobile
Mehnaz:University App, Virtual Learning Environment App
LouiseT:not much experience
Becky:We have found that mobile apps contribute to the main collaboration sites - eg by notifying you if you have an update - bu they havent really taken off big time. Some people just still dont know how to use their iPhones!
dylan 2:none yet
Ryan:very little experience- mainly due to limitations with technology and lack of IS investment in comms infrastructure - Lync/Yammer is as good as it gets for us
Gary Whitfield (GP Strategies):I get mobile work and informal learning through my Yammer App
Stu Bailey:We've built our own 'Learning Communities' with our LMS which is getting great up take now!
Mehnaz:Our VLE is Moodle
Emma:security issues - linking to the LMS....
Jane Mackenzie:We use Skype for Business, but starting to use Visimeet.
Amanda Smith:We use it for social learning - sharing knowledge between staff
laura hall:gamification for clients once engaged to keep them coming back for more and allow us to enusre learning taught has been embedded
Hanna:Yes, very relevant and using increasingly. Quizzes, html5, videos...
Martine Bolton:Probably need a definiton of what we mean by mobile in this context...
Keith Myers:no social on mobile but gamification, interactive activities, users-creatred videos with ratings/feedback
Pablo Rico:Never managed to have everything in one solution and single user interface/app, ie. learning, colaboration and communication
Catherine Dartnall:Been using BaseCamp 3 for project collaboration
David Garrick:Early stages of use of Yammer
Roberto Figus:my previous organisation was looking to use Cornerstone mobile, but had still issues with available functionality
Chris Furnell:From a central L&D function we don't utilise the potential; funny that all of our operators (some 20,000) use the simple channel of WhatsAPP but this is mainly for communication rather than colloration & learning
Amanda Smith:We also use fuse for our induction training
Adam Wooldridge:Very little, some quizzes and videos
laura hall:we also use it for daily coaching sessions with managers to do coach the coach and 1-2-1 remotely
Frank Calberg:I find, for example, WhatsApp and Skype useful to quickly exchange information.
Mandy Randall-Gavin:Lync has been great for sharing documents, links etc
Nick Emmett:Interesting to see plenty of people using Yammer internally here, I'd be interested to know the kinds of industries everyone works within.
Nick Jones:i work for a large corporate bank, not much mobile use at the moment but definitely on the horizon. they don't talk to our systems yet
Michelle Humphrey:All mandatory learning is pushed through Saba Cloud via Saba Moobile app
Alan:Using Yammer in retail Nick
Tony C:Lync is used across our business
Mehnaz:@ Nick - I work for Birmingham City University
Pablo Rico:Mike, do you manage to integrate the three dimensions (learning, communication and collaboration) in one single user experiencie?
Nick Emmett:@TonyC - what sort of clients do you work with , and why do you think buy-in is difficult to obtain? I think Mike is talking internally rather than externally, but often the challenges can be overcome in the same ways
Tony C:Public sector in th emain, YOD is a big no no, and provisoin of suitable equipment a financial barrier
LSGW Backup:TonyC - what's YOD?
LSGW Backup:ok
LSGW Backup:ok
Brenda:bring your own device?
LSGW Backup:Fair point, Tony, which I'll raise at the end.
Tony C:sorry yes
niallgavinuk:Can certainly relate to those challenges
Mehnaz:Alot pf BYOD here at the University noth staff and students
Nick Emmett:Value/Benefit versus price/tech is an important conversation to have
Frank Calberg:Question: To what extent do you help customers, for example elderly people, use devices they have?
Tony C:IT restrictions allowing users own devices onto networks
Mehnaz:@TonyC - what sort of restrcitions?
niallgavinuk:Apple Store colleague model seems to address some of those issues
Tony C:Be interested to know what elements of SAP you use?
Tony C:Reluctance of IT depts to open access, without VPN on company endorsed equipment
Frank Calberg:Question about organization: How many hiearchical levels does Vodafone have? Forgive me if the question is perceived as being a bit too far off topic ;-)
Stu Bailey:@ Frank Calberg I think Barclays are doing a fantastic job of helping customers with their 'Digital Eagles'
Shaun:which app is it?
David Garrick:Fuse
Frank Calberg:Thanks, Stu. Please elaborate using a concrete example.
Tess Robinson (LAS @mygoalgetter):How do you personalise it? By role? By the learner choosing their own topics?
Susan Andrews:Whats the FAP feed?
Emma:Frank, you can book an appointet in a BArclays branch to see a Digital Eagel - thats concrete!
Stu Bailey:@Frank, they help any customer, regardless of what the customers experience is with tech and devices...
Mehnaz:@ TonyC - That interesting, everyone can log into the University Wireless network with their staff or student ID and password, there is also a Guest access too
Catherine Dartnall:Interface looks appealing
sinead:is this connected to LMS??
Brenda:do you still have a legacy LMS?
Frank Calberg:@Stu, thanks. I quite like the name "digital eagles."
Chris Bowie:got user ratings
Chris Bowie:thumbs up ratings
Nick Emmett:@Susan, I suspect it's SAP - an ERP platform provider
niallgavinuk:Turning off emails gets my vote. Seems to be on of #Slack's attractive features as well
Stu Bailey:We're thinking of implementing the same thing for our customers too
Mehnaz:@Frank - Me too!
Frank Calberg:@Stu, what company do you work for?
Stu Bailey:We're called Bromford.
Stu Bailey:I used to look after Social learning for Virgin Media too
Tony C:@Mehnaz thats the difference between an audience who are not provided with IT equipment and an environment where it is mandatory
sinead:thanks i iworked in VF ireland and was involved in saba roll out
Nick Jones:@stu and frank, there's also the Barclays digital driving licence site and app, which uses a bit of gamification and something we're working on
sinead:interesting mobile not enabled for saba thanks
Gary Whitfield (GP Strategies):@Stu Sounds like a town mash-up... nice name
Catherine Dartnall:If majority of workforce are millenials I can see why the app would appeal more than email - familiar type of communication mirroring work and personal use
Michelle Humphrey:Saba does have a mobile app
Mehnaz:@TonyC - Very true!
Susan Andrews:I know SAP but I thought he said FAP
Stu Bailey:@Nick Nice!!! I didn't kow that... Thanks :D
sinead:its probably default saba app and not customised api that VF would implemented
Keith Myers:i think LMS is a must, xAPI to track more social learning - loads of learning not getting tracked
Stu Bailey:@ Gary Whitfield... I know what you mean lol
LSGW Backup:Nick - interesting stuff! Please can you contact me via LinkedIn (DonaldHTaylor), I'd realy like to know more
Emma:Also look out for Barclays wiorking with the BBC on the new BBC Microbit'
sinead:true Keith, think importanti integrate social learning with formal etc
Frank Calberg:@Nick, thanks for the additional information.
Charlie Kneen:What is the balance of "performance support", compliance and push communications?