6th Grade Math

withMiss Gannon!

Course Description:

This year in math, students will explore a wide variety of mathematical topics and concepts. Theoverarching topics that we will be discovering together are the Number System, Ratios & Proportions, Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, Geometry & Measurement, and Data Analysis & Statistics.Through our efforts this year, students will develop essential mathematical skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, reasoning, and modeling which will help them become college and career ready!Concepts will be presented using a variety of techniques and representations in order to meet the unique needs and learning styles of each and every student.

Student Conduct:

Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the SOAR expectations set school-wide. Consequences will follow the school-wide PBIS plan.

Classroom Rules of Room 304:

*Be Prompt*Be Prepared *Be Respectful *Be Positive *Be Persistent

*Be the best YOUthat you can be!

6th Grade Math Grading Scheme: Grade Assignments:

  • Homework = 10%A = 90-100
  • In-Class Activities/Class work = 20%B = 80-89
  • Quizzes = 30%C = 70-79
  • Projects/Assessments = 40%D = 60-69

F = Below 60


- Binder with Looseleaf Paper- PENCILS ONLY – NO PENS ALLOWED- Erasers- Textbook

Additional Resources/Extra Practice:

-Khan Academy ( - Reflex Math for Fact Fluency (

- Glencoe Textbook Online ( - Miss Gannon’sSchool Website

Extra Help:

Miss Gannon will also be available for Peer to Peer Tutoring afterschoolone day a week from 3:45-4:15pm starting in September (day to be determined)– permission slips will be distributed for afterschool support. Students MUST be picked up promptly at 4:15pm in order to attend after school tutoring. Additionally, Miss Gannon will be available prior to school on Wednesday mornings from 8:00-8:20am for extra help.

Homework Policy:

Homework will be assigned regularly to reinforce the concepts learned in class. Students will be given time in class to begin homework assignments when possible. I will try my best to avoid assigning homework on Fridays so that the students can enjoy their weekends and get outside and PLAY! Homework will most often be graded based on effort and completion but may be collected and graded for accuracy on a random basis.Ten consecutive, completed homework assignments will equate to one 100% extra credit quiz grade! Missing or incomplete HW will result in a 60% mark for that assignment. Partial pointscan be earned back if the HW assignment is completed and shown to me by the student in a timely manner.

Classwork Policy:

Students are expected to complete a Bell Ringer every day at the start of class. Every 10 Bell Ringers will count for a classwork grade. These will most often be graded based on effort and completion, but may be collected and graded for accuracy on a random basis. Students will be given a BELL RINGER NOTEBOOK LOG where their grades will be recorded for each bell ringer. These notebook logs will need to be signed by parents at the end of ten consecutive bell ringers for a homework grade. Students will be notified in advance of what other classwork activities will be collected and graded.

Quizzes, Assessments & Projects:

Quizzes and formative assessments will be administered to gauge student progress. Review materials and ample notice will be given in order for students to best prepare. Quizzes will be administered throughout each unit and cumulative tests will be administered at the end of each unit. *Quiz and test corrections can be completed to earn back a portion of deducted points.*

Make-up Work/Late Work:

Students are responsible for securing their own make-up work. Students have 5 days after they are absentto turn in make-up work. If they miss an assessment,they should expect to make it up when they return during either their Related Arts period or afterschool. Points will be deducted for late assignments.

Methods to Stay Informed of Grades & Assignments:

  • Agendas
  • Students must write their homework assignments in their agenda on a daily basis!
  • Teacher Website/Calendar
  • Parent Portal
  • Remind101Text Message Alerts (optional)

Contact Information:

  • Phone – (843)-762-2784 ext 27819
  • ***Email –
  • Room – 304
  • Remind101 Text Alerts (optional)

Parent/Guardian/Student Information

Math with Miss Gannon

Please complete the following information about your student who will be a part of ourAWESOMEMath class this year!


Parent/Guardian Name(s) ______

Available Method(s) of Communication: (Please check ALL that apply)

Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail

Remind101 Text Alerts Access to Internet at home???

Contact information: ______

What is an academic goal you have for this student? ______

What is a social goal you have for this student? ______

In what ways does your student excel best in the classroom? ______

Additional Comments (anything else I should know about your student?): ______

I agree that I have read the important information and expectations for Miss Gannon’s 6th Grade Math Class. I understand that Remind101 is anoptional form of communication, that all personal information remains completely confidential, and that teachers will never see my phone number if I subscribe.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______Date ______