Endowed Scholarship Application Form

This application is a Word “Form” and is designed to be completed electronically. Please click in the gray areas below to type your information – the area will expand as you type. Applications printed out and completed by hand will not be accepted. Once you have completed the application and essay, save the document to your desktop and email it as an attachment to .

Ø  All essays are due by Sunday, April 7.

Ø  Preference is given to students who will be at least a Junior in Fall 2013.


1.  By completing this application, you will be eligible for WJU scholarships (see the full list at 13-14 List of Named Scholarships). If you meet the criteria for any of the additional scholarships listed below, please check the box next to the scholarship(s) you would like consideration for:

2.  Complete all biographical questions below.

Name: Birthdate:

Address: City, State, Zip:

Home Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Major at WJU:

Cumulative Earned Units: GPA:

Class Standing: Transferred Units:

First term at WJU: Expected Graduation Year:

Name of Church You Attend:

Are you presently serving in ministry? Yes No

If yes, in what position do you minister?

Name and location of ministry:

Which WJU Faculty member is most familiar with the body of your academic work:

3.  Personal Essay

In the gray area below, please describe yourself and your qualifications for the scholarship(s) you listed in part 1. Your essay should be double-spaced and no longer than three pages in length. Be sure to address the following:

1.  Your background and what led you to apply to or attend WJU;

2.  Your participation in university, church, and community service activities;

3.  Your plans after graduating from WJU;

4.  How you believe you uniquely qualify for the specific scholarship(s);

Leland C. McPherson Memorial Scholarship applicants only, also include:

5.  What you consider the most pressing public policy issue for your generation and why.

Great Commission Scholarship applicants only, also include:

6.  In Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus commissioned his original followers and all subsequent generations of Christians to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Please describe your sense of calling and commitment to the Great Commission – explaining how you intend to make a contribution to its fulfillment.

Personal Essay (this gray area will expand and pages will be added as you type)

Ø When finished, save to your computer and email to .

REMINDER: All Endowed Scholarship applicants are encouraged to attend the Celebration Chapel on May 8 where recipients will be announced and presented with their award!