Spelling and Vocabulary: List 18

Test: Thursday, April 14, 2016

1 / interact / to talk or work with people
2 / academic / having to do with school, studying, and learning
3 / dependent / relying on or needing someone or something for help or support
4 / device / a tool, machine, or piece of equipment that does a particular job
5 / preteen / a boy or girl before he or she becomes a teenager (someone between the ages of 8-12)
6 / fashioned / made, created
7 / confrontation / fight, argument, conflict
8 / organization / the act or process of putting parts of something in a certain order so that they can be found or used easily
9 / self-sufficient / able to support themselves
10 / defenseless / not able to defend themselves
11 / completion / the act or process of finishing
12 / persistence / the quality that allows someone to continue trying or doing something even though it is difficult
13 / rations / the amount allowed
14 / ceremonies / special ways of celebrating important times
15 / reasonable / fair and sensible or moderately good

Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe

Week 18 List

Due: Wednesday, April13, 2016

Test: Thursday, April 14, 2016

Write your words in fancy letters/colors / Write all your words in CAPITAL letters / Write your list, making all consonants in blue and vowels in red
Divide your list into syllable groups / Alphabetize
your list / Count the letters in each word and then order the words from least to greatest
Write 10 sentences using allyour words. Challenge yourself to put more than one word in a sentence. (make meaning clear) / Write words
3 times each / Write your word in one column, and a rhyming word in a column next to it (repeat for all word)