Annual Spring Surf Fishing Tournament

Hosted By Old Inlet Bait and Tackle / Sponsored by Hi Seas and Okuma

Beach Rules:

·  All 4WD vehicles must have a valid Delaware Surf Fishing Vehicle Permit. All anglers must be licensed in accordance with Delaware law.

·  No fishing other than in the designated tournament boundaries. In the Delaware Seashore State Park, the boundaries are from Conquest Road south to the 1000 foot marker and from the marked northern boundary on 3R’s Road south to the marker near the pilings. In the Fenwick Island State Park the boundary is from the York Beach Crossing (northern most) south to the Middle Crossing Walk on fishing areas will be located at Conquest Road and 3R’s Road. Walk on participants are responsible for parking fees. Please respect the walk on areas if you have a 4WD vehicle. The Fenwick Bathhouse and Keybox Road are NOT in the tournament area.

·  Fishing from the Indian River Inlet jetties is not permitted.

·  Person baiting, casting the rod, hooking the fish must land the fish.

·  All fish must be caught on hook/lure and landed on the beach.

·  If gaffing of a fish is required to beach fish, assistance may be provided if the fish is fully visible from the beach.

·  Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification. Final ruling will be made by the Tournament Committee.

·  No lines in the water before 7am. Fishing hours are from 7am-3pm on Saturday.

·  Castnets are not permitted during tournament hours.

·  Purposefully killing a shark or skate will result in disqualification.

·  No more than 10 yards may separate any participant’s rods. No more than two rods per person.


·  Fish may only be scored to the person landing them. Transferring fish is not allowed and will result in immediate disqualification. All fish must be released by the person landing them.

·  Judges will be patrolling the beach during fishing hours to measure and record catches on tournament score sheets. Please DO NOT record your own score. All scores are to be recorded by the judges.

·  Any disputes will be settled by the judges.

·  All fish will be scored by the length of the fish as measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail. One point per inch. No partial points will be awarded.

·  Release Incentive – released fish will earn one additional point. Bring a bucket to keep fish alive in until the judge can measure them. Place the bucket in front of your truck to let the judges know you have fish to be scored.

·  Once a fish is measured, if you want to keep it, a section of the tail will be cut making the fish no longer eligible.

·  Total points will determine winner(s).

·  Ties on total points will be broken by – most fish. If tie continues, the second tie breaker is the sum total points of the largest fish. Remaining unbroken ties will result in dividing prize money.

·  Ties in the Largest Fish of Tournament prize will result in money being divided.

·  Your name and tournament number will be marked on score sheet. Women’s and Kids score sheets are marked as appropriate. Turning in an incorrect score and/or an unsigned score sheet will result in disqualification.

·  Score sheets must be turned in to judges or Old Inlet no later than 3:45pm on Saturday. Turning in score sheet after 3:45pm will result in automatic disqualification. Score sheets will not be accepted at the Awards Ceremony.

Prizes will be awarded at the Pavilion on Savages Ditch Road at 5pm on Saturday, May 7. Tournament Results will be posted at Old Inlet and on Old Inlet: 227-7974