Robin A. WelshEnglish III Enriched Lesson PlanT.I.S.D

TEKS Lesson Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

Teacher: Robin Welsh Subject/Course: English III Enriched

Grade: Grade 11Time Frame: 45 minutes

Lesson Plan Number: 23

Topic/Process: Subject Verb Agreement (with Linking Verbs)

Textbook: Glencoe Writer’s Choice, Grammar and Composition, Grade 11, page 603

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS):

(3)Writing/grammar/usage/conventions/spelling. The student relies increasingly on the conventions and mechanics of written English, including the rules of usage and grammar, to write clearly and effectively. The student is expected to:

(A)produce legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct use of the conventions of punctuation and capitalization such as italics and ellipses;

(B)demonstrate control over grammatical elements such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, verb forms, and parallelism;

(5)Writing/evaluation. The student evaluates his/her own writing and the writings of others. The student is expected to:

(A)evaluate writing for both mechanics and content; and

(B)respond productively to peer review of his/her own work.

TAKS: 5-3b, 6-3b

Concepts:Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles

The student will understand:

AgreementThe subject and verb must agree in number. Only the simple subject, not a predicate nominative, affects the number of the

linking verb.

Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies):

  1. Journal: Correct any errors in these sentences, underline S/V, and label PN/PA.
  2. The brownies on the plate was tasty.
  3. My favorite meal are hamburgers with cheese.
  1. Discuss journal response and correct answer.
  1. Review predicate nominatives, predicate adjectives, linking verbs and how to identify each.
  1. As a class, practice out loud choosing correct subjects and verbs from sentences like this. Provide 10 sentences.
  2. The footprints in the mud (were, was) the only clue.
  3. My favorite breakfast (is, are) eggs scrambled with ham.

5. Have students partner up, and work together. They are to identify S, V, PN, or PA in a group of 10

sentences. Discuss answers

a. The dancer’s costumes (was, were) a symphony of color.

b. They say that the eyes (are, is) a window to the soul

6. Give students 10 sentences like the preceding and ask that they work alone.

a. Rude remarks from children (continue, continues) to be a problem

b. The children’s closets (is, are) a mess

7. Ask students to tell you how they identify subject, verbs, predicate nominative, predicate adjectives when

they are writing.

Assessment of Activities:

  1. Class participation
  2. Journal response
  3. Practice exercises
  4. Class observation

Prerequisite Skills


Key Vocabulary:


Materials/Resources Needed:

1. Textbooks

2. Writer’s Choice: Grammar Enrichment, Grade 11

3. Writer’s Choice: Grammar Practice Workbook, Grade 11


1. Pair students for work on practice exercises.

2. Students complete Grammar Practice Workbook, pg. 28

Differentiated Instruction:

1. Students complete Grammar Enrichment pg. 28

Sample Test Questions:

1. The loudest sound at the game _____ the fans in the stands.

a. is b. are

2. The greatest excitement during the third quarter _____ the touchdowns.

a. was b. were

Teacher Notes:

1. Extra practice: Diagram sentences with subject/linking verb/ predicate noun structure.

Project developed and delivered through a Collaborative Research Grant between Texarkana Independent School District and TAMU-T Regents’ Initiative.