Español 2015-2016

Dear Parents/Guardians:

¡Hola! My name is Señora O’Malley and I will be your child’s Spanish teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. I am looking forward to the opportunity to begin our study of Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, culture and so much more. We will be using various medias to help all types of learners explore Spanish which will include skills such as listening, speaking and writing activities, projects, quizzes and exams. Please take a moment to review the Course Guidelines for Spanish class. This will be the first homework grade of the quarter! J After doing so, please fill out the form at the end and return it, verifying that you and your child have read and understood the class expectations.

Your child will receive a Spanish progress report from me at the beginning of each week (with the exception of the last week of every quarter) along with all missing homework assignments highlighted. This gives students the opportunity to verify that all assignments are correctly reflected in their progress report and provides them ample time to improve their grade. If the grade is below a C-, it must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned the very next day.

Not only is this a language class, but a new culture discovery. We will learn about happenings in Spanish speaking countries, different customs and ways of life, and present on those findings. Mutual respect is key, and I expect nothing less than an open, understanding, and respectful learning environment. There are limitless boundaries for what can be learned if this is the attitude of each of my students.

I’m excited to have your child in class and I’m looking forward to a great year!

¡Gracias! -Señora O´Malley

Classroom Rules

1.  Please Come to class prepared. This includes having all your materials -- your assignment planner, folder/trapper, paper, pens, and assignments. If you do not have your materials and need to borrow something, you are to remain silent in your seat, raise your hand, and I will rent you one of my classroom pens.

2.  Please Follow directions the first time they are given. You are expected to follow all classroom procedures. They will be posted in the room as reminders.

3.  Respect your classroom, respect your peers, and respect yourself. This includes respecting your classmates’ opinions, classroom property, and your work area. You are expected to keep your work area clean; garbage should not be left on the floor and your desk should not have any writing on it. You are to behave in a manner that is nondisruptive to others, which includes refraining from talking at inappropriate times.

4.  Please Listen while others are speaking. You are expected to listen and pay attention to presentations given by your classmates as well as content I am covering in class, as I am sure you would wish the same treatment for yourself.


YOU are responsible for conducting yourself appropriately in the classroom. If I have identified that you have chronically broken a classroom rule, a consequence will be issued. Excuses such as “other people were doing the same thing” and “they were talking to me first,” etc., are not acceptable.

1.  First Consequence: Non-verbal warning

2.  Second Consequence: Verbal warning

3.  Third Consequence: Detention with a phone call home.

4.  Fourth Consequence: Office referral

Classroom Procedures

I. Attendance/Tardiness/Procedure:

·  Enter the classroom quietly. Socializing/talking is over once you enter the classroom.

·  Take your seat promptly.

·  Begin the BoardWork assignment immediately. Check the board for instructions and

begin to work independently.

·  Write down any assignments posted on the board in your planner.

If you are not in the classroom ready to learn when the bell rings, you are considered tardy. You will need to obtain a pass from the office to be admitted into class. If you are late more than once, you will receive a phone call home. Please request homework prior to a scheduled absence (field trip, vacation, doctor's appt., etc.) and is due the day you return.

II. Responsibility: You are responsible for any and all class work and homework missed due to excused absences.

You are expected to check my website regularly and email me when you are absent so you don’t fall behind. Quizzes and tests that were announced before the absence need to be taken upon return. Students will not be allowed to go to their lockers for materials once the class has begun. If you do not have your homework with you once class begins, it will be considered late (unless previous discussions were had).

III. Preparation: Homework is considered crucial practice and must be completed each night at home. It is important to ask questions and seek out extra help when something is not understood. Learn vocab early; practice often! Assignments and due dates will be posted on the board and also on my website. It is your responsibility to write down assignments in your assignment planner.

·  Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.

·  Assignments are to be completed in black or blue pen and to be labeled as follows:

1.  Your name.

2.  Date.

3.  Class period.

4.  Name of Assignment with page #s.

·  There is an Honor Code that will be followed. Assignments are to be done independently unless otherwise noted and without the use of an online translator or help from a Spanish speaking friend or family member.

·  Assignments will be graded by yourself and saved in your notebooks until the end of the unit. We collect them all at the end in a packet, so they can be used as a study tool for quizzes and tests.

·  If there are circumstances, which hinder completion of your assignment on time, it is your responsibility to notify me no later than the morning before class to discuss this matter (emails are fine). Extensions may be granted at the teacher’s discretion.

·  Students who are absent will have extra time to complete homework that was assigned during their absence. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to see me to go over any instructions for assignments. Otherwise late work will not be accepted for credit.

IV. Materials: Come to class prepared every day!

-Blue or Black Pens -Red, Purple, Green, or ANY COLOR Pen for grading!

-Spiral notebook -Folder (or binder) designated for Spanish

V. Participation: You are expected to be a positive participant in class on a daily basis. This means having a

positive and cooperative attitude while participation in all daily activities. These include, but are not limited

to, review of homework, speaking with your partner, class discussions/dialogues, working in your groups, active

listening, taking notes, and coming to class prepared. In class work is a portion of your grade. Please raise your hand and wait quietly until you are called upon for any request. If it is an emergency, I will be understanding.

VI. ¿Puedo ir al baño? If a bathroom pass is needed, you must ask in Spanish. Only one student may be out of the classroom at a time.

VII. Respect: Respect the opinions and input of your classmates and teacher. Your Spanish class is a SAFE place

to practice the language. It's OKAY to make mistakes - you'll make plenty! Be understanding of your classmates’


VIII. Honesty: Assignments are to be done independently unless otherwise noted and without the use of an online translator or help from a Spanish speaking friend or family member. Cheating is taken very seriously!!!

IX. Grades: Tests/Quizzes/Projects = 85% Homework/In Class Work = 15%

X. Help: You should be working on Spanish each night, whether we have a written assignment or not. Study each night and I highly suggest having a study buddy. I am often available after school for help and for re-takes and re-dos. Set up an appointment (verbally or by email) to make sure you can see me.




Parent/Guardian Info: Name(s): ______

Phone #: ______Alternate Phone #: ______

Email: ______Best way to reach you: ______