Agenda No.




TUESDAY 19 JUNE 2012 AT 10.00 AM


APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED single storey classroom block EXTENSIONS, additional car parking and landscaping at MARTINSWOOD PRIMARY School, MILDMAY ROAD, STEVENAGE, HERTFORDSHIRE.

Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment

Author: Felicity Hart Tel: 01992 556267

Local Member: Phil Bibby

1  Purpose of Report

1.1 To consider planning application ref. 2/0132-12 for the permanent expansion of Martinswood Primary School involving the construction of four classroom extensions and the creation of a new hall to the existing school building, together with additional car parking and landscaping.

2  Summary

2.1 The proposal would enable the school to expand on a permanent basis from September 2012 from a 2FE (two forms of entry) to a 3FE (three from of entry) primary school. It includes a new permanent nursery following its temporary expansion from September 2010. When fully implemented the school, including the nursery on site would have 720 pupils.

2.3 The existing nursery accommodation is located at the school. A temporary mobile classroom was sited to the front of the school last year to cater for the first increase in pupil numbers. It is proposed that the mobile classroom would remain at the school until September 2013 by which time the permanent expansion proposals should be completed.

2.4 The principal issues to be taken into account in determining this application are:

·  Visual impact

·  Trees

·  Parking/highways issues

·  Sustainability

·  Access including disability provisions


2.5 It is considered that the proposal for the new classroom extensions represent a good standard of design appropriate for the local area and which would meet an educational need in the area.

2.6 It is therefore recommended that the Chief Executive and Director of Environment be authorised to grant plannning permission subject to the following conditions:

1.  Time limit for commencement of development

2.  Approved plans

3.  Compound area and contractor parking details

4.  Hours of construction, working and deliveries

5.  Implementation of flood risk assessment

6.  Preliminary risk assessment of contamination

7.  Groundwater protection

8.  Contamination and remediation

9.  No infiltration of surface water drainage

10. School Travel Plan

11. ‘park and stride’ facility

12. Parking restriction on Bellmount Avenue

13. Staff car parking before new buildings are brought into use.

14. Archaeology

15. Landscaping scheme

16. Tree protection measures

17. details of lighting

18. construction materials

3  Description of the site and proposed development

3.1 Martins Wood Primary School is a single storey school built in 1968 and located on a 2.48ha site within a residential area to the north of Stevenage town centre in the Pin Green area. The school is bounded to the south by Mildmay Road with residential development opposite the school; to the north by houses in Sefton Road and to the east and west by further housing. At around the time the school was built a substantial number of trees were planted which have now matured.

3.2 Mildmay Road is sited to the south of the school entrance and is a through route and bus route. The school playing fields are located on the western side of the site entrance with the school buildings towards the eastern side of the site. The main school boundary to Mildmay Road is predominantly hedged with an ‘in and out’ entrance in front of the school onto Mildmay Road. One of the access points on the ‘in and out’ entrance is blocked by a temporary mobile classroom and cannot be used. Access is also available via a recnntly reopened gate ont to Sefton Road giving another access point for pedestrians.

3.3 There are a number of trees within the site, particularly in the eastern and northern part of the site. A tree survey has been carried out and was submitted with the planning application in which 45 individual trees were assessed. The proposal would not result in the removal of any of the trees.

3.4 The existing school building is single storey and mainly flat roofed with a more modern nursery building on the western side towards the front. The playing fields are located to the west of the existing school buildings.

3.5 The proposal involves the erection of a new classrooms,in four extensions to the existing buildings, a hall and a nursery building to enable the school to expand from 2FE to 3FE from September 2012.

3.6 A temporary mobile classroom to be used for the nursery provision is required until 31st December 2012 whilst the new permanent classroom block is being constructed,

3.7 The application proposes the provision of 15 additional staff car parking spaces adjacent to the existing parking facilities for staff. There are currently 47 car parking spaces and some cycle parking spaces. There are currently two on-site covered cycle parking areas and it is not proposed to provide any additional spaces as part of the school expansion.

3.8 The application also proposes a new ‘park and stride’ facility

3.9 External lighting is proposed by way of the car park being lit by fluorescent lamps and the new classroom block being lit externally by wall mounted lamps.

4  Consultations

Responses relating to permanent expansion 9/1045-11

4.1 Stevenage Borough Council – no objection but the only possible area of concern relates to the proximity of the new classroom blocks to existing residential development to the north and east of the site. It is important to ensure that there are no adverse impacts on neighbouring residential amenity but this can probably be mitigated by appropriate separation and boundary treatment. Subject to this Stevenage Borough council would have no objection to the development.

4.2 Environment Agency – no comments received to date.

4.3 Hertfordshire County Council as Highway Authority – does not wish to restrict the grant of planning permission subject to the following conditions:

1.  Before the development is brought into use the 12 additional staff car parking spaces shown on drawing no. 10026/2 are to be provided.

Reason : In the interests of highway safety.

2.  The School Travel Plan accompanying the application shall be maintained to current Hertfordshire County Council’s criteria, and implemented in full throughout the life of the school.

Reason : To assist in achieving greater use of sustainable transport modes, with less reliance on the private car, in line with national government policies and County council’s sustainable transport policies.

4.4 Sport England – do not object to the proposal as none of the grassed areas that would be lost or encroached onto to the north and east of the site would be large enough to accommodate a playing pitch. Whilst there would be the loss of a part of the Lower KS2 play area, overall the school is relatively well provided for in terms of play areas. Sport England are therefore satisfied that the proposals will only affect land incapable of forming a playing pitch or part thereof and does not affect existing playing pitch provision on the site.

4.5 Historic Environment Unit – no comments received to date

4.6 A total of 996 properties were consulted on the application and 10 letters objecting to the application were received. The issues of concern can be summarised as:

·  Increased traffic, congestion and car parking issues on local highway

·  Travelling distances to school and the safety of children

4.7 Site notices were erected on 5th March 2012 and a statutory advertisement placed in the Comet Series on 22 March 2012.

5  Planning considerations

5.1 The relevant development plan policies are:

Stevenage District Local Plan 1991 -2011 (adopted December 2004)

Policy TW1 Sustainable Development;

Policy SE4 Energy Conservation and Supply;

Policy TW2 Structural Open Space;

Policy TW8 Environmental Safeguards;

Policy TW9 Quality in Design;

Policy TW10 Crime Prevention;

Policy T6 Design Standards ;

Policy EN36 Water Conservation;

Policy EN13 Trees in New Development;

Policy T14 Pedestrians;

Policy T15 Car parking strategy;

5.2 The principal issues to be taken into account in determining this application are:

·  Highways/traffic impacts

·  Access and disability

Temporary mobile classroom

5.3 The temporary mobile classroom was granted planning permission in 2011 (ref: 2/0307-11) and has been sited to the front of the school in front of the nursery. Planning permission was also granted at the same time for the retention of the existing double mobile classroom. These two mobile units were granted planning permission until September 2013 conditions require their removal. This period of time should cover construction of the permananent extension now being considered.

Proposed Extensions

5.4 The proposal for the expansion of the school was developed to be well-designed with appropriate facilities for the expanded school.

5.5 The extensions have been designed in keeping with the style of the existing single storey school buildings and it is considered that they would complement the existing buildings without causing any adverse effect on adjacent residential occupiers. In addition, the mature trees that are sited around the school, particularly to the north and east would be retained and would provide a degree of screening between the residential properties and the new developments.

5.6 It is therefore considered that the proposed extensions to the school are acceptable in design terms and would not adversely affect residential amenity.

Impact on the highway/traffic impacts

5.7 Concern has been expressed from a number of local residents regarding existing problems in relation to traffic and parking in the vicinity of the school. The school does occasionally receive complaints from local residents and communication is sent to parents to request that they park in a considerate manner in the vicinity of the school. However, letters of objection to this application state that they are concerned that if planning permission is granted for the expansion of Martins Wood Primary School that the traffic and parking situation will worsen.

5.8 The school is reviewing its School Travel Plan and is currently encouraging parents to reduce car journeys. Current statistics do show an improvement in those walking to school and the school has recently opened a rear gate onto Sefton Road to provide and alternative and reduce the use of the access off Mildmay Road.

5.9 The school is also in the process of designing a “park and stride” scheme to reduce the number of cars using Mildmay Road in connection with collection and drop-off. The majority of parents who drive to the school come from Great Ashby but the development of Chrysalis Park nearby will open up of residential roads between the school and Great Ashby creating safer and more direct pedestrian routes to the school.

5.10 The proposed “park and stride” scheme would be from The Oval (a local shopping parade) car park situated approximately 7 minutes walk from the school. The school intends to use two members of staff to manage the “park and stride” scheme by taking registers in the morning and escorting the children safely to school. They would also escort the children back to The Oval in the afternoon and permission is being sought to use the community centre as a gathering and waiting place at both ends of the day.

5.11 The scheme would be useful for parents who travel on to work and it would avoid those cars using Mildmay Road entirely. At this stage, it is not known how many parents would be interested in using the park and stride, but for those parents who have to take their children by car to school it would be likely to become a popular option.

5.13 A survey has been undertaken by the applicant to determine the capacity of The Oval car park. This showed on 30th May that in the AM peak period there were 37 parked vehicles in the car park leaving 32 spaces potentially free. In the PM up to 45 parked vehicles were observed leaving 24 spaces potentially free. The Highway Authority considers the arrangements for the “park and stride “ scheme to be acceptable but raises the issue that at sometime in the future, either the car park owners may change the parking requirements or the school may find the cost of staffing the facility too expensive. At this stage, it has not yet been confirmed that authorisation has been granted to the school to use the car park.

5.14 The school does not want to provide any facility for drop off due to the loss of space and concerns about the management of such a facility.

5.15 The Highway authority are satisfied with the proposals though they do note that in the longer term as the park and stride it outside of the control of the applicant its use cannot be guaranteed. In addition the capacity is limited and using it cannot be enforced. However the highway authority recommends that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.

Background information used by the author in compiling this report

Planning application reference and

Consultee responses

Relevant policy documents

Draft decision notice


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of a five year period commencing on the date of this notice.

Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents submitted with the application unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

Put in plans and documents

Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission and for the avoidance of doubt.


3. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details of the compound area and on site car parking for the use of all contractors, sub-contractors, visitors and delivery vehicles engaged on or having business on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that no obstruction to the public highway occurs due to on-street parking during the construction period.