Supplemental Material for Psychological Methods Web Site

LISREL Syntax for the CFA Model

ti MZ Males Double-entry CFA

da ni=8 no=137!8 input variables and 137 cases

km!Correlation matrix (lower triangle)


.358 1.000

.335 .431 1.000

.461 .404 .318 1.000

.407 .231 .130 .219 1.000

.231 .444 .171 .196 .358 1.000

.130 .171 .092 .114 .335 .431 1.000

.219 .196 .114 .355 .461 .404 .318 1.000

me!Sample Means

3.058 2.523 2.908 3.119 3.058 2.523 2.908 3.119

Sd!Sample Standard deviations

.622 .618 .611 .674 .622 .618 .611 .674

la!Labels for the observed variables

reapp1 foresgt1 insight1 selfdir1

reapp2 foresgt2 insight2 selfdir2

!Lisrel Model command, 8 observed variables(nx), 2 factors (nk)

!Free factor variance-covariances matrix (ph)

!Allow specification of error variances and covariances (td)

!Fix factor means at zero (ka)

!Free indicator intercepts (tx)

mo nx=8 nk=2 ph=fr td=sy,fi, ka=fi tx=fr

lk!Labels for the latent variables

factor1 factor2

va 1 lx(4,1) lx(8,2)!Set latent variable scaling indicators

fr lx(1,1) lx(2,1)!Free designated factor loadings

fr lx(3,1) lx(5,2)!

fr lx(6,2) lx(7,2)!

fr td(1,1) td(2,2)!Free designated error variances

fr td(3,3) td(4,4)!

fr td(5,5) td(6,6)!

fr td(7,7) td(8,8)!

fr td(5,1) td(6,2)!Free designated error covariances

fr td(7,3) td(8,4)!

eq lx(5,2) lx(1,1)!Equate corresponding factor loadings

eq lx(6,2) lx(2,1)!

eq lx(7,2) lx(3,1)!

eq td(5,5) td(1,1)!Equate corresponding error variances

eq td(6,6) td(2,2)!

eq td(7,7) td(3,3)!

eq td(8,8) td(4,4)!

eq ph(1,1) ph(2,2)!Equate corresponding factor variances

eq tx(5) tx(1)!Equate corresponding item intercepts

eq tx(6) tx(2)!

eq tx(7) tx(3)!

eq tx(8) tx(4)!

ou nd=3 !Lisrel output command

Lisrel Syntax for the I-SAT Model

ti MZ Males Double-entry I-SAT

. . .

!Lisrel Model command, 8 observed variables (nx)

!8 factors (nk) with Identity matrix for factor loadings (lx)

!but factor variances and covariances zeroed out (ph)

!and item residual covariance matrix freely estimated (td)

!Item intercepts freely estimated (tx)

mo nx=8 nk=8 lx=id ph=ze tx=fr td=sy,fr

eq td(1,1) td(5,5)!(a) Equate corresponding item variances

eq td(2,2) td(6,6)!(b)

eq td(3,3) td(7,7)!(c)

eq td(4,4) td(8,8)!(d)

eq td(2,1) td(6,5)!(e)

eq td(3,1) td(7,5)!(f) Equate intra-partner covariances

eq td(4,1) td(8,5)!(g)

eq td(3,2) td(7,6)!(h)

eq td(4,2) td(8,6)!(i)

eq td(4,3) td(8,7)!(j)

eq td(6,1) td(5,2)!(p) Equate inter-partner covariances

eq td(7,1) td(5,3)!(q)

eq td(8,1) td(5,4)!(r)

eq td(7,2) td(6,3)!(s)

eq td(8,2) td(6,4)!(t)

eq td(8,3) td(7,4)!(u)

eq tx(5) tx(1)!(v)Equate corresponding item intercepts

eq tx(6) tx(2)!(w)

eq tx(7) tx(3)!(x)

eq tx(8) tx(4)!(y)

ou nd=3

Lisrel Syntax for I-NULL Model

ti MZ Males Double-entry I-null

. . .

mo nx=8 nk=8 lx=id ph=ze tx=fr td=di

eq td(5,5) td(1,1)!(a) Equate corresponding item variances

eq td(6,6) td(2,2)!(b)

eq td(7,7) td(3,3)!(c)

eq td(8,8) td(4,4)!(d)

eq tx(5) tx(1)!(v) Equate corresponding item intercepts

eq tx(6) tx(2)!(w)

eq tx(7) tx(3)!(x)

eq tx(8) tx(4)!(y)

ou nd=3