Good Morning Golden Eagles! Will you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance?

Ready, begin: I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

·  TODAY is Friday….so that means NAME THAT TUNE!! You must know the name of the song, the name of the artist and the name of the featured artist if there is one. Please call extension 2102 with your answer WHEN THE SONG IS DONE PLAYING. REMEMBER, leaving a voice mail does not get you a win….you MUST talk to the person answering the phone. Keep calling until you get through! The winning Class gets the GLORY of winning plus 5 minute early dismissal to lunch IF your teacher agrees. The winning class will be announced at the end of today’s announcements.

·  NEXT Week is Homecoming Spirit Week! This year’s Spirit Days include: Monday, Oct. 2nd is Under The Stars Day – come comfy in your appropriate pajamas; Tuesday, Oct. 3rd is Clone Day – grab a friend and make sure to dress alike; Wednesday, Oct. 4th is May the 4th Be With You – Go all out with Star Wars gear and get ready for Homecoming; Thursday, Oct. 5th is Dark Side vs. Light Side – wear ALL white or ALL Black to symbolize what side you’re on; Friday, Oct. 6th – Rally Day/Extreme Class Color Day – Seniors wear purple, juniors wear orange, sophomores wear red, freshman wear green.

·  Homecoming Dance tickets are on sale in the student store room 102! The “Star Wars” Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 7th from 8 PM to Midnight in the Gym. ALL grades are invited to this dance. Ticket prices are $25 with a USB Punch; $30 without a USB punch; and $45 at the door with or without a USB punch. If you would like to bring a guest that does not attend DHSHS you MUST get a Guest Pass approved NO LATER THAN October 4th. Guest passes WILL NOT be sold at the door. Guest ticket prices are $35 each. ID is RQUIRED to purchase a ticket AND to get into the dance – NO EXCEPTIONS! The deadline to get a pre-sale dance ticket is LUNCHTIME next Friday, Oct. 6th.

·  Attention Seniors: If you ordered a Senior Shirt – they have arrived! Please stop by the student store room 102 to pick up your shirt ASAP during lunch!

·  The Fall Dance Spectrum featuring Dance 1, Dance 2 and the Dance Team is this Saturday, Sept. 30th at 7:00 PM in the Theatre. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased from any dance student or at the door. Come see a great show presented by our talented dance students!

·  All girls interested in playing Basketball: get your physicals done and start coming to after school workouts! Tryouts start October 16th and we want to get you ready. If you have any questions, please see Coach Arcilla or Coach Hernandez.

·  Attention Seniors: FAFSA NIGHT IS COMING TO DHSHS on Thursday, Oct. 5th! What is FAFSA you ask? It is the FREE application for Federal Student Aid and your counseling team along with volunteers will be here to help you complete your Financial Aid. Make sure you see your counselor and make sure you have already signed your parents up for an FSA ID. If you don’t know what that is, then by all means, see your counselor or Mr. Rodriguez A$AP!!

·  Attention Students & Teachers: This week is GLSEN’s Ally Week. Ally week is where LGBTQ students and teachers lead the conversation on what they need from their allies in school. LGBTQ students, what do you need from your allies? Share on social media using #MyAllies, and snap a selfie with our #MyAllies sign! Go to to learn more.

·  Students: At the end of every month we will be recognizing athletes who have shown their hard work throughout the month. MVP’s for the month of September are: for Volleyball – Valeria Arredondo; for Football – Joziaha Winfrey; for Girls Tennis – Amanda Diaz; for Cheer – Lily Taylor; for Girls Golf – Perla Agustin; and for Dance – Sabrina Amin. Congratulations Athletes!!

·  SHOUT OUTS are on sale in the student store room 102 for $1 each! If you would like to recognize someone or give a shout to a fellow student, stop by and purchase a Shout Out! TODAY we have one shout outs: Vote Joziaha Winfrey for Homecoming King and Stephanie Duran for Homecoming Queen!

·  Happy Birthday to the following students who have birthdays today: Rebecca Gutierrez, Avalina Herrera, Luis Reynoso-Orozco, Andrew Schrader, and Diego Urbina-Avalos! We wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you have a great day!

Here is Mr. Bullis for TODAY’S Positive Referral winners:

·  9th Grade – Monserrath Montalban Salinas-Submitted by Mr. Perez;

·  10th Grade – Erika Munoz– Submitted by Mr. Chariton;

·  11th Grade – Eber Garcia Hernandez- Submitted by Ms. Beyronneau;

·  12th Grade – Margarita Prado- Submitted by Mr. Sturms;

·  Successful Soaring Staff Award goes to Coach Johnson- submitted by= Thayne Jackson - Coach Johnson is a great person all around. He makes my football experience fun. He has taught me more in 3 months than I learned in 2 years. Thank you Coach Johnson.

TODAY’S ID Challenge student is: Rudi Morales – if you are wearing your student ID card, please come to the office for a prize.

Winners – please stop by Ms. Carolyn’s desk in the front office to pick up your prize.

TODAY’S Name that tune song was: Livin’ On a Prayer by Bon Jovi. The winning class is: Ms. Isenberg’s class in room 355! You may be released 5 minutes early to lunch IF your teacher agrees.

Have a great day Golden Eagles….the choice is ours!