Class 4
Spring 2013
These rules were drawn up by the children and we try hard to achieve them at all times.
We will:
- Listen well.
- Work hard.
- Be kind.
- Look after things.
- Be positive.
Routines and Homework:
Monday – Maths homework given out, literacy homework due.
Wednesday-Literacy homework given out
Thursday-Maths homework due
Friday - Spellings given out and Spelling test of previous weeks spellings.
Reading diaries checked for 4 signatures.
Reading books- These are changed on a regular basis. Each individual is responsiblefor his/her reading book and should have the book in school every day. A record of books read will be kept in class. Children need to read at home and your comments in the diaries are valued. Reading diaries should be signed 4 times a week and this is checked on Friday.However, if youdo have any worries please write a separate note or call in to see me.
Numeracy-Rounding up and down, using decimal notation for tenths and hundredths, recognising multiples, multiplying 2 digit numbers, co-ordinates, 2D and 3D shape, finding fractions of amounts, 24 hr clock, divisibility.
Literacy-Key texts: “The Bogler’s Apprentice,” by Rachael Lindsay (a local author) and “The Firework-Maker’s Daughter,” by Philip Pullman. Look at setting and characters in fantasy stories. Narrative writing- own fantasy story. Instructional writing. Develop a range of connecting words and phrases to enhance writing style. Revision of apostrophes for omission and possession.
Science- Changing sounds; Circuits and conductors – focus during Maths and Engineering Week.
Creative -Fantasy in literature. The Bogler’s Apprentice set in Norway- link to Vikings.
Music- Yr 5 Exploring lyrics / timbre; Compostion – fantasy music.
Yr 4 Pentatonic scales, Dragon-themed song.
RE-Christian Stories –listen and respond to the parables that Jesus told.
P.E- Yr 5 Gymnastics and games. Yr 4 Dance; invasion games; swimming
SEAL Yr 4 Going for goals; Good to be me.
Yr 5 KiVa programme;Going for goals; Good to be me.
ICT-Designing computer games
FRENCH- Family – link to Vikings