Country and Culture Profile Activity




Website Resources (these links also available on Blackboard in the UN Project Folder)

  • The CIA World Factbook available online at . Good for information about health, education, government, military expenditures, etc.
  • The UN’s National Government Information Page
  • UN CyberSchoolBus Country At A Glance
  • BBC News Country Profiles
  • Country Reports
  • The Economist Country Briefings
  • Embassies in Washington, DC
  • Governments on the World Wide Web
  • Infoplease Country Information
  • Library of Congress Country Studies
  • One World - Nations Online
  • Southern Center for International Studies, Timeslines and Infolinks
  • Political Resources
  • UN Missions
  • US Department of State Country Background Notes
    This site has excellent information about economic and political trends, government, environment, etc (scroll down page to country list).
  • BBC News World Edition, Click on “Country Profiles” for a guide to the history, politics, and economics to all countries.
  • Go to “Resources” in the top left corner. Click on “InfoNation” (basic or advanced). Or click on “Country at a Glance” (country’s UN Mission contact information).
  • Fox News
  • Also – New York Times, CNN, etc.
  • United Nations:
  • UNData:


Full name of country: ______

Location: (list continent, bordering countries, and bodies of water): ______





CapitalCity: ______Year country joined the UN: ______


Official Language(s): ______

Other Languages Spoken: ______

Population: ______Major Ethnic Group(s)______

Major Religions: (give percentages)______%;______%;

______%; ______%; ______%.


When do children begin school? ______

How many years do they attend? ______

Describe one interesting fact that you have learned about concerning education in this country:______


How long do people live in your country? (Women)______(Men) ______

(This is called “Life Expectancy.”)


Who is the current leader? ______

What is his/her title?______

When did country become independent (if applicable)? ______

What form of government is used?______

Research and define this form of government: ______


***Government/Economy Challenge Question***

What do the letters GDP stand for? G______D______P______

What is the total wealth of country (GDP)? ______

How much money is spent on defense? ______What percentage of the total budget does this represent? ______%

How much money is spent on education? ______What percentage of the total budget does this represent? ______%


List major exports: ______


List major imports: ______


Thought Question: What is an export and an import? ______


Who are country’s major trading partners? ______


Terminology: A “trading partner” is ______


Write a brief description of the current economic conditions in this country: ______





Describe the topography: ______


Terminology: Topography is defined as ______


Other Facts

Historic Allies: ______

Historic Adversaries: ______

State of Order (briefly describe recent peace agreements and/or current conflicts): ______




***”Factoid” Challenge Question***

Was the country ever subjected to colonial rule? ______

If so, by what country? ______For how long?______

***Super Challenge Question***

What is the origin of the name of your country? ______

How does the name describe the country in any way? ______



KNOW YOUR COUNTRY’S FLAG: Draw or copy a picture of your country’s flag: