SHAC Committee Meeting

December 4, 2012


Attendance: Alice Ford, Ashley Stamper, Laura McFerren, Deanna Hearn, and Ann Afflerbach

  1. Flu vaccinations for employees

District wide, approximately 127 staff members received flu vaccinations. Flu shots were free if employees had the school health insurance. If not, the shots were $20.

  1. Head Lice

CDC, several Education Service Centers, and the Denton County Health Department were all involved in a webinar, which stated that they support sending home students with live lice. Parents have to report back as to what interventions were taken at home. Students must be re-checked and be lice free before returning to the classroom. New legislation wants head lice to be considered a nuisance and for students to be able to stay in school. Possible loopholes may be left for individual school districts to have a stricter policy and to still be able to send students home if live lice are found. The American Pediatric Association does not support excluding students from the classroom for head lice. Absenteeism due to head lice is a cost to the district. In January, districts should find out what the new rules are concerning head lice.

  1. November Diabetes Month

(No action taken on glucose testing for district staff)

Ms. Afflerbach suggested finding out if Denton County Health Department could come and do a health screening for school employees. (Blood pressure checks, diabetes screening). Ms. Afflerbach volunteered to contact DCHD.

  1. Staph Infections & Flu

BES has several cases of staph infections amongst the student population. Three cases were confirmed by tests ordered by a physician. Flu season is just beginning. Steps should be taken to sanitize the items students come in contact with frequently (desks, chairs, water fountains, door handles.) Teachers should encourage the use of hand washing. Student desks, chairs, water fountains, computer keyboards and mouse need to be cleaned daily either by custodial staff or by students if something could be found for students to use that is non-toxic. Possibility of 2 students daily as helpers, so gloves could be used.

  1. Health curriculum in elementary
  1. Future Meeting Dates: January 28 and February 25 @ 3:30 p.m.
  1. Board Report

During the January 28and February 25 meetings, we need to start working on the report for the school board.

  1. New Items
  1. Shuman: Encourages everyone to wash hands often during cold and flu season.
  2. March is National Nutrition Month.
  3. Sanger has a wonderful walking trail, but many women have expressed concerns about safety since the trail is along the creek and interstate. The Sanger walking trail could be better utilized if a police presence was available early in the morning or in the evening at designated times (perhaps bicycle police, or a golf cart for an officer). Ms. Ford will contact the police chief and ask if it would be possible to have police patrol the walking area at certain times of the day.
  1. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm.