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RIBA Research Trust Grant 2017

Information for Applicants


The intention of the scheme is to support individuals who are pursuing research in the field of Architecture. It is anticipated that winners will in subsequent years undertake a career as skilled researchers in the academic field or as practising architects developing a research trajectory.

The RIBA may support recent graduates or individuals who are already further into their careers. The committee will particularly welcome applications from new researchers and practice-led researchers: those in collaboration with academia and those not from a traditional research background.


The scheme is open to applicants interested in a wide range of subject matter relevant to the advancement of architecture, and connected arts and sciences, in the United Kingdom.

The RIBA Research Trust Grant is for a closely defined piece of architectural research. The committee will support practice-led or academic research, but it will not support course fees and subsistence costs for PhD/MPhil or Masters’ programmes.

Applicants based outside the UK are also eligible to apply; however the research work must in the main be undertaken within the United Kingdom.

Selection criteria

Applications will be considered solely on their merits. Applicants must be capable of completing the research work within a period of 24 months from31 August 2017.

In all instances, the committee will be looking for clear evidence of how the results of the research will be transferred to the public domain. Applications should demonstrate that the applicant has identified a project that needs to be carried out and has been isolated so that it is of manageable size, capable of being completed with available resources. Applicants are encouraged not to attempt to work outside their capability. In the event of two equally good applications being considered, preference will be given to candidates who have secured match-funding from elsewhere and/or who are RIBA members.


The maximum grant applicants may apply for is £10,000. A detailed breakdown of costs should be provided in the application form. The committee reserve the right to offer less money than has been requested.

Grants are given only to named individuals, not organisations.

The grant will be paid in instalments. The RIBA will pay the final instalment (50% of the total grant) upon submission of a final report and its approval from the Committee. The RIBA will make earlier staged payments to the grant holder, not exceeding 50% of the total amount of the grant (see the attached Terms and Conditions and Conditions of Payment).


An appropriate supervisor should be identified, selected for their broad understanding and expertise in the research area. The role of the supervisor is to guide the applicant in carrying out the work to time, cost and quality, and to provide reassurance to the Grants Committee by providing a brief statement along with the researcher’s progress report. The supervisor must be domiciled in the United Kingdom.

Completed applications should be emailed to andmarked‘Research Trust Application Grant Submission 2017’.

The application deadline is 5pmon Monday, 5 June 2017.

Grants will be available from July 2017.

RIBA Research Trust Grant Application Form 2017

(Office Use) Reference No. / Date received:
1 Personal Details
Full Name
Email address
Telephone number
Postal address
RIBA Membership number
How did you hear about the RIBA Research Trust Grants?
2.1 Details of Higher Education
Institution / Award obtained / Dates
2.2 Please provide details of any architectural education or research you are currently undertaking (include location and dates of commencement and anticipated completion).
2.3 If you have already completed any architectural education or research, state when and describe any completed research undertaken, and under whose direction. Name and date publications recording your work.
3.1 Subject of application
Title of the proposed study
3.2. The committee will need to establish a clear understanding of the subject to be studied, and your approach. Please provide a statement about your research proposal under the following headings (1,500 words maximum):
  1. Context
  2. Competence and Track Record
  3. Research Questions
  4. Originality and Significance
  5. Research design and method
  6. Collaboration with others
  7. Impact: beneficiaries and publication
  8. Planning, programming and resources
Please refer to the guidance notes on page ii to ensure you address all the relevant areas.The applicant is expected to discuss these matters with their supervisor.
Please do not exceed 1,500 words.
3.3 Please provide an executive summary for your research proposal detailing aims, objectives and outputs (maximum 300 words). If successful in your application, this will be used on the website and as a basis for monitoring progress.
3.4 Has a similar application been made elsewhere? If so, when and to whom?
4 Programming and study plan (This section is designed to ascertain how you intend to successfully complete your research)
4.1 What is the estimated cost of completing this research?
4.2 When do you envisage commencing the research?
4.3 When do you aim to complete the research?
4.4 How much time will you devote to the research?
5 Financial income and expenditure
Please complete all boxes; otherwise the application may be deemed invalid. Values to be inserted in £Stg.
Total Project Cost / Amount Contributed by others / Amount sought from an RIBA Research Trust Grant
Applicant’s Time / Hours
£ / £ / £
Assistant’s Time
(if applicable) / Hours
£ / £ / £
Equipment / £ / £ / £
Facilities / £ / £ / £
Printing / £ / £ / £
Materials / £ / £ / £
Travel / £ / £ / £
Other expenses
(please give details) / £ / £ / £
Total / £ / £ / £
Please describe the equipment referred to above
Please describe the mode, class and purpose of travel referred to above
Please name other financial contributors (if applicable)
The supervisor selected by the applicant is required to discuss the project with the applicant, to give advice on the proposal and the application form. Supervisors are required to sign the declaration on the application form, and thereby agree to the terms of the grant. In deciding on future grants, the committee will take into account any uncompleted projects under the supervision of the institution. Please note the specific requirements about completion of a research project, and note that by signing this form, supervisors are consenting to being occasionally contacted by the RIBA to confirm the progress of the research.
Full Name
Name of affiliated institution
Email address
Telephone number
RIBA Membership number (if applicable)
Area of expertise (please outline why this person is best suited to supervise this research)
Supervisor’s declaration:
I have read the particulars relating to the scheme and the applicant’s intended work. I agree to act as a supervisor.
Signature / Date
7 Applicant’s Declaration
I apply to the scheme for a grant in the sum of: £
and confirm that funding is not available from any other source.
(If you have indicated that part of the funding is to be provided by others, in the event of a successful application, the Research Grants Committee will require written confirmation of all funding.)
Signature: / Date:

Completed applications should be emailed to andmarked‘Research Trust Application Grant Submission 2017’.

The application deadline is 5pmon Monday, 5 June 2017.

Grants will be available from July 2017.

Please keep a copy for your records.

RIBA Research Trust Grant 2017

Form A: Terms & Conditions

  1. The research project should be completed within two years of 31 August 2017.
  2. Grant applicants should complete and return the conditions of payment form. Please note that the final instalment (50% of the total grant) will only be released after a rigorous and critically reflective written output has been produced and judged satisfactory by the Grant Committee. This should incorporate evidence of all outputs listed in the original application form. It may, for example, take the form of an article submitted to a scholarly journal.
  3. The final report must be substantially in the form of the outputs detailed in the proposal. If it is not, the committee reserves the right to reassess the level of financial grant associated with the report.
  4. Grant holders should submit a brief report after a period of six months indicating progress to date and the approximate date of completion.
  5. If for any reason it becomes clear that the research will take more than two years to complete, the grant holder should inform the RIBA immediately indicating a revised completion date.
  6. The final report must be submitted within three years of the original application to retain access to the grant. After three years, any unclaimed monies will be reinvested into the trust fund and made available to new applicants. Should the research project not be completed and only a part-payment claimed, the institution affiliated to the project will be barred from submitting applications to this grants scheme for a period of two years.
  7. The final report should be presented to the RIBA in readable and publishable form for publication on the RIBA website. Where final output is in alternative media format, the committee will expect to see supportive literature. Two hard copies should also be submitted to the RIBA.
  8. The final report, and any subsequent publications based on the research work should acknowledge the receipt of an RIBA Research Trust Grant.

Please make and keep a copy for your records.

RIBA Research Trust Grant 2017

Form B: Conditions of payment

Applicant to type into form, insert date and use hand written signatures.

Name (first named applicant)
Address for correspondence
Telephone number(s)
Email address
Project start date
Project end date
Total amount of grant / £
Instalments: / Please note that the payment of instalments is not automatic and requests for payment should be sent to the RIBA Education Department. The final instalment of 50% will only be released on approval of the final report.
No. / % / Amount / Date required (approx. mth)
1 / £
2 / £
3 / £
4 / £
50% Final Instalment / £

Signed 1st Named ApplicantSigned 2nd Named Applicant

Date: / Date:

Please make and keep a copy for your records.