Warranty Part Return eLabel FAQ’s

Q: How do I access the Warranty Part Return Label tool on h-dnet.com®?

A: You will need to communicate to your dealership’s security manager to make sure you have access to the “Warranty Part Return Labels” link and you will need to add it to your toolbox.

Q: What documents are in the “Help” tab?

A: The “Printing & Shipping” directions and the “Packaging Guidelines” appear as links. Click on the link to receive the information.

Q: When I log in and access the screen, I notice there are checkmarks in some of the boxes by each label record, what does this mean?

A: This means you have not viewed and/or printed the label on the line where the checkbox is located. When you choose the “View Labels” button at the bottom of the screen you can either look at or print out the label and when you return to the menu screen, the checkmark is removed. (The system does not know the difference between viewing and printing though, the checkmark is removed if either option is done).

Q: I cannot view/print the label – why?

A: Make sure you have disabled any pop-up blockers on your web browser. Also make sure you have a checkmark in the ‘select’ column of the label you want to view/print.

Q: Every day when I log on to my screen, I see the same label images appearing, when do they go away?

A: When the part(s) are returned to the correct location and scanned in they will be removed from your screen the next business day. Also, the HDMC warranty department has the ability to ‘remove’ a label from your list if needed.

Q: I returned a part directly to a Technical Service Representative at HDMC, but now I have a label request on my screen—what do I do?

A: Contact the HDMC Warranty Department at 414-343-4887, prompt #3. A representative will remove the call back label when appropriate.

Q: I don’t see a ‘print label’ button or option – how do I print my label?

A: Make sure you have a checkmark in at least one of the lines on the screen. Click the ‘View Labels’ button at the bottom. The label image will appear. You will need to click on “File” (top left hand of screen) and then select “Print”. You can then close the pop-up window to return to the Labels List screen.

Q: I lost the label before I put it on the package – is there anything I can do?

A: As long as the label image appears on your screen, just enter a checkmark in the “Select” column again and click on the “view labels” button at the bottom. You will be able to reprint another label.

Q: I can’t find my postage credits on my credit memos any longer, is there a reason for that?

A: HDMC is paying for the postage upfront with this new process, so there is no longer postage reimbursement to pay for or track. Remember there will be some overlap in between the old label process and this new process, so you may have postage credits appearing for awhile until they clear from the system.

Q: Can I print the label out and cut it in half and put the claim information portion in the box with the part?

A: The label needs to stay in one piece. Print the label out, fold it in half and enclose it into the plastic shipping pouches available from UPS.

Q: I don’t have a plastic mailing pouch, can I tape the label to the package?

A: No, this will cause problems with the material handling staff in removing the labels for the scanning process, and the label may get damaged in the return process. Contact UPS to receive more mailing pouches – you still have 30 days to return your parts to HDMC. Your credit could be either delayed or denied if HDMC cannot process the shipments properly.

Q: I’ve never shipped packages back with UPS before, can I use another delivery method?

A: No, you must use UPS. HDMC will not be able to reimburse dealers that do not follow the correct process.

Q: I have a part that weighs over 150 pounds. What do I do?

A: Print the label image out for the part, call the HDMC warranty department at 414-343-4887 prompt #3 and a warranty representative will arrange a common carrier pickup for you.

Q: I missed printing a return label out and my claim has now been rejected, I still have the part, is there anything I can do?

A: Contact the HDMC warranty department within a reasonable amount of time, a representative will work with you to have a new label image created for the return of the part.

Q: I’m having a problem keeping track of what I’ve printed and shipped back, do you have any suggestions?

A: The Warranty Tracker, found on h-dnet.com® under (Service/Forms/Warranty Tracker) is an excellent way to help track your warranty part return shipments. There is a ‘Dealer Shipping Log’ column and you can copy and paste your tracking number from the web site into the spreadsheet to help you keep track of your warranty part returns. Another suggestion is to print out 2 copies of the label and attach one to your copy of your warranty claim.

Q: Can I use this system to return RMA parts?

A: No, this is only for your warranty part returns.

Q: How do I exit the screen and return to h-dnet.com®?

A: Just click on the “X” at the top right hand side of your screen.

Q: I used to receive an edit message advising me that there will be a part return label issued for the part, I don’t see this any longer – why?

A: That message was removed due to the conversion to the UPS system. Instead, you will log into h-dnet.com® to determine if you have a part call back with whatever frequency is appropriate for your dealership. This may be daily for a high volume dealership, or a couple times per week, or once per week. You still have 30 days to return the part(s) to HDMC, so this should give you plenty of time to process your returns. You can also set up a reminder in your Outlook system (if you have this software) to remind you to check your labels until you are familiar with this new and improved process.