September 20, 2017

P.W. Moore Parents and Families,

We are almost half-way through the first nine weeks of the 2017-2018 school year! Our school staff has loved having our Lions back in the Den and working hard to learn!

This year, the staff at P.W. Moore is focusing on Our Promise: both the promise and commitment we make to each and every child we serve and the promise that each and every child holds within. We ask you, as parents, families, and community members to help each child realize every ounce of promise that he or she holds within by supporting their learning and our school in any and every way that you can. We face some tough challenges this year and need your support!

Parents and family members, we encourage you to be as involved as possible in your child’s life at school:

●Ask questions about his or her day,

●Read with him or her each night,

●Set up structures at home that allow him or her to have an after-school routine that allows time for reading and homework,

●Come to the parent events we host here at school

●If your schedule allows it, come out to school and volunteer

●Ask questions about our school’s PBIS incentives for positive behavior choices and our Lion’s Pride Code of Conduct

●Come and eat lunch with your child

●Talk with your child when you are together, teach him or her new words and build that vocabulary bank up

●Joining and being an active part of our newly re-established Parent-Teacher-Organization

Community members (both near and far), we ask for your support by volunteering in the following ways:

●Coming to the school to be a reading or math buddy for an individual student or small group of students

●Tutoring after school for students who need a little extra help in math or reading

●Providing donations of classroom school supplies, gently used clothing, new socks or underwear

●Being a mentor or lunch buddy for students who need a positive role model

●Serving as a member of our school committees to be a part of our fulfilling Our Promise

We would like to thank all of you who have already been involved so far this year by coming to our Meet the Teacher event, our Fall Open House or by providing support through volunteering or donations.

Some of the things to look forward to on this website are part of the PW Moore Staff keeping their promise to partner with families to provide every child, every day with the education needed to be successful citizens:

●Videos from our teachers that will help parents understand how your child is learning math at school (so you can help at home!)

●A monthly Lion’s Den Digest update from Mrs. English about what’s happening at PW Moore

●Volunteer opportunities for each month

The bottom line is this: our students will be successful this year! They will be even more successful with your help, support and involvement! If you can volunteer, please contact the school office to learn more!