Draft: January 13, 2012



Services Committee Meeting

January 13, 2012

12:00 p.m.

Ackerman Union 3517

PRESENT: Amy Liu, Dave Lowenstein, Mikaela Saelua, Maggie Thornton, and Bob Williams

LATE: Paul Lanzillotti and Hironao Okahana

MANAGEMENT: Cindy Bolton, ASUCLA Director of Food Operations

Roy Champawat, ASUCLA Student Union Director

Rich Delia, ASUCLA Finance Director

Sandi Gillespie, Association Affairs Manager

Cynthia Holmes, UCLA Trademarks & Licensing Director

Karen Noh, ASUCLA Director of Special Projects

GUESTS: Ronald Arreujo, USA Finance Committee Chair

Jillian Beck, Daily Bruin Contributor

David Bocarsly, USA General Representative

Jacob Ferrari, ASUCLA Board of Directors

John Masline, UCLA Radio General Manager

Itak Moradi, Daily Bruin Contributor

Mark Reyes, ASUCLA Board of Directors

Lisa Richards, UCLA Radio Intern

Raquel Saxe, USA Academic Affairs Commissioner

Daniel Soto, USA Campus Events Commissioner

Tamir Sholklapper, USA Student Welfare Commissioner

Jamie Yao, USA Community Service Commissioner


Ms. Liu called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.


Ms. Liu called for consent to approve the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee January 13, 2012 Agenda. There being no objections, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.


Ms. Liu called for consent to approve the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors Services Committee November 18, 2011 Minutes. There being no objections, the motion was approved by unanimous consent.


Mr. Williams shared the Deluxe Edition of the John Wooden Book with the Committee. The deluxe edition includes the book, a number plate from a Pauley Pavilion seat, additional photos, and photo book. The deluxe edition is limited at 250 and sells for $250.00. The trade edition book costs $40.00.

The John Wooden Apparel Collection by Original Retro Brand is selling well in the Store and is being highlighted on the UCLA Store homepage.

Mr. Champawat stated that Ackerman Union Late Night is doing well with an approximately 30% increase in the number of students using the facility after hours.

Court of Sciences Student Center opening has been delayed. There was an issue with the countertops and management felt that they should be redone. This is the most time consuming issue and Ms. Bolton should know later today an estimate on when the project should be completed.

Ackerman Union Remodel Project is underway. There have been several meetings with the architects as well as a tour of the back offices.

Pauley Pavilion is moving forward and management is working on solidifying the food offerings that will be available. The remodel will allow for more service points as well as offering more menu options.

The Casual Dining project is still being considered. Mr. Delia contacted Wolfgang Puck and stated that they were still interested in opening a restaurant on campus.

Kinross Graduate Center should be opening soon. The Association will have a small store at this location.

Mr. Williams stated that at this time it would not be beneficial to offer hot breakfast options at the Greenhouse.


John Masline, UCLA Radio General Manager, asked the Services Committee to consider playing UCLA Radio in various locations at specific times within the Association’s facilities. Mr. Masline explained that in the past this concept was rejected due to the lack of control over the content. Since the radio station is not governed by the FCC, the station has the freedom to play whatever it chooses. Mr. Masline assured the Committee that he would have his best DJ’s available during the selected times and would only play appropriate material.

The Committee was open to the idea and asked management to put forth a proposal of available venues and times and present it to the Committee next month.


Various members of the Undergraduate Student Association explained their current financial situation regarding their contingency programming and BOD programming fund. The surplus of funds has been diminishing over the past few years, and since the current council was not aware of the total amount left in the surplus from the previous council, it had been allocating funds to student groups with the notion that there was a substantial surplus. USAC is requesting from the Board of Directors an additional $100,000 in funding to be able to fund the student groups with the same consistency as earlier in the year.

The Committee and various USAC members discussed at length their fiscal responsibility, funding practices and structures, and supporting student programming.

Mr. Okahana made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lowenstein, that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee amend the original motion of funding $100,000 to USAC Contingency and BOD Programming Fund ($50,000 to each fund) to the following:

The Services Committee recommends to the Board of Directors to assist the USAC in its student programming mission by providing one-time additional funding on an immediate basis to the USAC Contingency Fund and the USAC/BOD Programming Fund subject to the approval by Finance Committee and at the level determined by Finance Committee.

Services Committee also instructs USAC to develop a written policy to reduce reliance on the surplus in the future and present this policy to the BOD prior to a vote on this action by the BOD.

Services Committee also recommends that USAC continue its on-going research to develop a permanent solution to its programming funding problem so that in future years this problem will be solved.

Ms. Liu called for a vote to amend the original motion. The motion to amend was approved by a vote of 4 yeas and 2 nays.

Mr. Okahana made a motion, seconded by Ms. Saelua, that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee further amend the approved amendment to remove paragraph three and make it a separate motion (motion #2):

Services Committee also recommends that USAC continue its on-going research to develop a permanent solution to its programming funding problem so that in future years this problem will be solved.

Ms. Liu called for a vote. The motion to further amend was approved by a vote of 6 yeas and 0 nays.

Mr. Lowenstein made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lanzillotti, that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee approve the amended motion and create motion #2. Ms. Liu called for a vote. The motion to approve the amended motion and create motion #2 was approved by a vote of 6 yeas and 0 nays.

Mr. Okahana made a motion, seconded by Ms. Thornton, that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee postpone motion #2. Ms. Liu called for a vote. The motion to postpone was approved by a vote of 5 yeas and 1 nay.

The final motion approved by the Committee is the following:

The Services Committee recommends to the Board of Directors to assist the USAC in its student programming mission by providing one-time additional funding on an immediate basis to the USAC Contingency Fund and the USAC/BOD Programming Fund subject to the approval by Finance Committee and at the level determined by Finance Committee.

Services Committee also instructs USAC to develop a written policy to reduce reliance on the surplus in the future and present this policy to the BOD prior to a vote on this action by the BOD.

The final motion postponed by the Committee is the following:

Services Committee also recommends that USAC continue its on-going research to develop a permanent solution to its programming funding problem so that in future years this problem will be solved.


The final cost for the Music Café is not yet available; however, Mr. Williams would like the Committee’s approval to commit to the project, so it can be included in the budget next year. The café is scheduled to open in 2014.

Mr. Okahana made a motion, seconded by Ms. Saelua, that the Associated Students UCLA Board of Director’s Services Committee approve the Ostin Music Café Project. Ms. Liu called for a vote. The motion was approved by a vote of 6 yeas and 0 nays.


Ms. Liu called for consent for the Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors Services Committee to adjourn the January 13, 2012 Meeting. There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m.

Associated Students UCLA

Board of Directors Services Committee Meeting Page 5 of 5

January 13, 2012