Water Census Ad Hoc Committee

Notes from Conference Call 6/18/10

Presentation by Ada, Don, and Ward


Sharing Data to support sound water resources planning.

Five years ago, started planning to build a hub of information.

Preliminary framework to serve all of this.

Access to technology for water resources planning.

Website for the framework

Data Sharing

What is the relationship between IWRM's toolbox and IWRSS? Integrated Water Resources Science and Services

Regional Demonstration Projects


Realized problems in forecasting capability

Drivers: More consistent information, communicate more information about risk and uncertainty, land surface variables, common operating picture during disasters, sharing information, produce who new sets of products.

Looking at all these issues together

New water information system for the federal government that looks at past, present, and future issues.

Collaborative approach required

Went out two years ago and conducted workshops with USACE and USGS

Water Census was part of those discussions.

What were the common elements? Create interoperability, seamless data synchronization, have systems speak to each other. Make their databases talk to each other.

Need for new geospatial information

Production of new data and prediction and linked with the water budget.

Knit these concept together into one coherent plan and working on an MOU. Setting up technical teams to fill out the details of the plan.

Linkage to the Toolbox - IWRSS supports the federal toolbox. Supplying the federal toolbox with information.

Implementation for IWRSS - setting up teams - building up capacity over the next couple of years.

Common operating system

Forecasts: Snowpacks - gridded product, one water variable, national grid of data. Do this for all water budget variables. Change over time.

Pilot Studies: Proof of concept, regional demonstration mode. Can't start any new ones because of resources.


View into the future.

Inventory of capabilities and tools

IWRSS to develop the linkages

We will do some demonstration Projects

Engage the external stakeholder community

Conduct GAP analysis


Tools and Models and other water resources capabilities

National Report will be available

Not just models and data, but also catalogue to capabilities

Grace – Spelling of IWRIS? California also has IWRIS

Ward - One of the consistent themes was the desire to have more access to federal data

John Wells - Linkage with other agencies?

Mike Muse - Catalogue by end of year; No timeline for the GAP analysis

John Wells - Will the state information be in the toolbox in five years? - Ada - Yes, it should be.