academic year 2006 / 2007

For all the students of PDSS who are not sociologists by profession the following differential exams are prescribed:

A   methodologies of social research

B   theoretical sociologies

C   one of particular sociologies

The exams must be passed as the condition for enrolment in the fourth semester of the study.

Exception: Master’s of science who have received the right to enrol in the final year, must pass the differential exams before the defence of their dissertation synopsis.

A   Programme and literature for the differential exam in Methodology of Social Research:

The exam consists of three parts and two sections:

1st part (held by Ph.D. Vjekoslav Afrić, full professor or Ph.D. Anči Leburić)

1. Research methods

relation between theory and empirical research,

language and science (terms, concepts, definitions),

classification of basic principles of science,

epistemological foundations in methodology,

empirical verification of theories,

concepts of paradigm, research programmes and research traditions,

strategy of scientific research,

general problems and principles of measuring

classification of research design

theoretical-conceptual research designs,

operational research designs,

hypotheses and basic principles of causality,

qualitative and quantitive methods

indicators and variables,

-  methods and techniques: scales and social indexes,

2nd part (held by Ph.D. Benjamin Čulig, full professor)

2. Foundations of statistics

3. Foundations of multivariance analysis


1st part:

1.  Afrić, V.: Struktura sociološke teorije, Naprijed, Zagreb 1989.

2.  Babbie, E.: The Practice of Social Research, Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, California, 1986.

3.  Durkheim: Pravila sociološke metode, Jesenski i Turk / HSD Zagreb, 1999

4.  Đurić, M.: Problemi sociološkog metoda, Beograd 1962. (Poglavlja: V i VI).

5.  Kuvačić, I.: Rasprave o metodi, Naprijed, Zagreb 1988.

6.  Leburić, A. (1996) Metodološki aspekti sociološkog empirijskog istraživanja društvenih fenomena. U Teorijski izazovi i dileme: prilog sociologiji hrvatskog društva. Zadar: FF.

7.  Mejovšek, M.: Uvod u metode znanstvenog istraživanja u društvenim i humanističkim znanostima, Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko, 2003

8.  Milas, G.: Istraživačke metode u psihologiji i drugim društvenim znanostima, Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko, 2005

9.  Novaković, S.: Hipoteze i saznanja, Nolit, Beograd 1984.

10.  Supek, R.: Ispitivanje javnog mnijenja, Liber, Zagreb 1981. (ili bilo koje drugo izdanje)

11.  Vujević, M. (1983) Uvođenje u znanstveni rad u području društvenih znanosti. Zagreb: Informator.

2nd part:

1.  Serdar, R. (više izdanja) Udžbenik statistike, Šk. Knjiga, Zagreb

2.  Petz, B.: Osnove statističke metode za nematematičare, Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko, 2004.

3.  Bujas, Z. (više izdanja) Uvod u metode eksperimentalne psihologije, (poglavlje: Kvantitativna obrada podataka) Šk. Knjiga, Zagreb.

4.  Blalock, H. M. jr. (više izdanja) Social statistics, McGraw Hill, New York.

5.  Fulgosi, A. (više izdanja) Faktorska analiza, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

6.  SAGE UNIVERSITY PAPERS, Series: Quantitative Applications in Social Sciences, (Odabrani naslovi prema sadržaju kolegija)

7.  PREPORUČUJE SE: bilo koji klasični udžbenik multivarijantne analize slijedećih autora: Cattel, Anderson, Horst, Harman, Maxwell, Harris, Rao, Momirović)

8.  Momirović, K. (1988), Uvod u analizu nominalnih varijabli, sekcija za metodologiju i statistiku JUS-a, Ljubljana.

B   Literature for the differential exam in theoretical sociology

The exam consists of two parts:

1st part „Classical sociological theories“ is held either by Ph.D. Milan Mesić, full professor or Ph.D. Rade Kalanj, full professor.

2nd part „Contemporary sociological theories“ is held by Ph.D. Ognjen Čaldarović, full professor)

LITERATUR (for 1st and 2nd parts)

Obligatory literature

1.  Barnes, H. G. (1982) Uvod u istoriju sociologije, BIGZ, Beograd.

2.  Ritzer, G.(1997.) Suvremene sociologijske teorije, Globus, Zagreb.

+ three books of own choice from Sociološke hrestomatije:

1.  Đurić, M. (više izdanja) Sociologija Maksa Vebera, Naprijed, Zagreb.

2.  Fiamengo, A. (više izdanja) Saint-Simon i Auguste Comte, Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb.

3.  Katunarić, V. (1990.) Teorija društva u Frankfurtskoj školi, Naprijed, Zagreb.

4.  Kuvačić, I. (1990) Funkcionalizam u sociologiji, Naprijed, Zagreb.

5.  Lukić, D. (više izdanja) Formalizam u sociologiji, , Naprijed, Zagreb.

6.  Supek, R. (više izdanja) Herbert Spencer i biologizam u sociologiji, Naprijed, Zagreb.

C   Differential exam in one of the particular sociologies

Student after consulting the lecturer chooses one of the particular sociologies to pass as the differential exam. The exam will be held by one of the course lecturers either in Zadar, split or Zagreb, depending on the placement of the course lecturer. The literature for the exam will be prescribed by the course lecturer in the particular sociology.

Head of the PDSS

Ph.D. Vjekoslav Afrić, full professor

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