
Skills Test 1

Exercise 3

Amanda: Hello. What’s your name?

Juan: Hi. My name is Juan. Juan Barrio.

Amanda: How do you spell your surname?

Juan: B – A – double R – I – O.

Amanda: Where are you from, Juan?

Juan: I’m from Mexico.

Amanda: Wow! You’re Mexican, then.

Juan: Yes, I’m from the capital city.

Amanda: Mexico City?

Juan: That’s right!

Amanda: How old are you?

Juan: I’m twelve years old.

Amanda: What are your favourite school subjects?

Juan: My favourite subjects are Maths and Science.

Amanda: What’s your favourite sport?

Juan: My favourite sport is football.

Amanda: That’s great! What’s your favourite colour?

Juan: My favourite colour is orange ... [school bell rings]

Amanda: Bye.

Juan: See you!

Skills Test 2

Exercise 4

Teacher: OK, everyone let’s talk about hobbies. Peter, have you got a hobby?

Peter: Yes, Miss. I like collecting.

Teacher: Collecting? What do you like collecting?

Peter: I’ve got a collection of gloves.

Teacher: Gloves? That’s interesting!

Sam: I’ve got a collection, too, Miss.

Teacher: Yes, Sam?

Sam: I like watches so I’ve got a big collection of watches!

Teacher: How about you Sue? I know you like video games. Have you got a collection of video games?

Sue: No, Miss. Judy has got a collection of video games. I’ve got a collection of dolls. I’ve got one here today, look!

Teacher: She’s very pretty. How about you, William? Have you got a collection?

William: Yes, Miss. I like basketball. I’ve got a big collection of basketballs.

Larry: That’s cool!

Teacher: Yes, you’re right, Larry. But how about you?

Larry: Well, I’ve got a collection of skateboards. I can ...

Skills Test 3

Exercise 4

Suzanne: Hi, Karl. Tell me about your family. What can your mum do? Can she drive?

Karl: No, she can’t drive. But she can ride a bike. My sister Anna can drive.

Suzanne: Can your dad dance?

Karl: No, he can’t, but he can sing very well.

Suzanne: Can your brother, Brian, play any sports?

Karl: Yes, he’s very good at sports. He can play badminton very well.

Suzanne: Can Meg play sports?

Karl: No, she can’t. She likes music. She can play the guitar very well.

Suzanne: Great! And what about your little brother, Stewart? What can he do?

Karl: He’s only 3 years old, but he can run fast!

Skills Test 4

Exercise 3

Hello, this is the Royal Pavilion information line.

The Royal Pavilion is a great place for all the family. Our address is 5, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton. We are open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5:15 pm. You can buy tickets inside the hall. Tickets for adults are ₤8.30 and for children they are ₤5.00. The Royal Pavilion is an old and very unusual building. It doesn’t look British, it looks like a building in India. Inside there are rooms with Chinese furniture, old carpets and beautiful paintings. And don’t forget to visit our gift shop before you leave where you can buy some beautiful souvenirs. Come and see a great landmark!

Skills Test 5

Exercise 3

0 Where is Anna from?

A: Hello. My name is George. I’m from the USA. What about you?

B: My name is Anna. I’m British.

A: So, do you come from England?

B: No, I come from Scotland.

1 What is Mrs Smith’s job?

A: Hello, Mrs Smith, I’m your daughter’s teacher, George Allen.

B: It’s nice to meet you, Mr Allen. My daughter likes your classes very much.

A: So, what do you do, Mrs Smith?

B: Well, I look after sick people in the hospital.

A: So, you’re a doctor?

B: No, I’m a nurse.

2 What does Mary’s dad look like?

A: What does your dad look like, Mary?

B: Well, he is tall and he has got fair hair.

A: Is he plump?

B: No, he is very thin.

3 What sport does Peter play at the


A: Do you play any sports?

B: Yes. I play basketball on Wednesday and I have tennis practice on Thursday.

A: What about at the weekend?

B: My friends and I play football every Saturday and Sunday.

4 Who is Michael?

A: Who are these people in this picture, Doug?

B: That’s my sister, Sarah, and her husband, David, with my grandfather, Bill.

A: And who is the young boy?

B: Oh, that’s their son Michael.

A: Ah! So you are an uncle!

5 What time does Laura get up in the morning?

A: What time do you go to school, Laura?

B: I take the bus outside my house at eight thirty every morning.

A: So, do you get up at eight?

B: No, I usually get up earlier, at seven o’clock.

Skills Test 6

Exercise 3

Bill: Mary, look at this article in the school newspaper. It’s about the Dog Show.

Mary: What’s the Dog Show? Is it a programme on TV?

Bill: No, it’s a festival. Dogs compete in races and perform tricks to win prizes. I bring my dog, Spot, every year.

Mary: Is it only for dogs from our town?

Bill: No, it’s a national festival. The winner goes to the World Dog Show in America. Do you want to come?

Mary: Bill, I have a cat. Not a dog!

Bill: I know, but people bring many different types of pets to the show. Is your cat afraid of dogs or big crowds?

Mary: No, she’s not, but she is terrified of you! She runs under my bed when you come to my house.

Bill: Don’t be silly. Anyway, I want you to help me take care of Spot at the show.

Mary: When is it?

Bill: Well, it starts on Friday, but Spot competes at the weekend, so we can go then.

Mary: I’m busy on Saturday, but I can come on Sunday.

Bill: Great! After Spot competes we can walk around and look at the other dogs. I always play with some of them and take photographs of the funny-looking ones! Also, there is a pet shop we can visit.

Mary: Great! I want to go to the pet shop and buy a toy for my cat! So, what’s the admission?

Bill: Well, it’s £25 for us because Spot is competing. For people who come to watch it’s £5 for adults and £4 for children. My dad comes every year.

Mary: Sounds good! See you then.

Bill: OK.

Skills Test 7

Exercise 3

0 What does Tony eat for lunch?

A: Hi, Tony. Do you eat breakfast every day?

B: Yes. I always eat some bread with jam in the mornings.

A: And what do you eat for lunch? A salad?

B: No. I eat salads for dinner in the evenings. For lunch I prefer to eat fish and chips.

1 What is the weather like?

A: What’s the weather like today, Laura? Do I need an umbrella?

B: No. It’s not raining and there are no clouds in the sky.

A: So, is it sunny then?

B: No. It’s a little chilly, so wear your coat.

2 What do the boys decide to do?

A: Hi, Jim. Shall we play computer games at my house today? I have a new basketball game.

B: Well, the weather is lovely today, so let’s do something outside instead.

A: OK, you’re right. Let’s go swimming at the beach then.

3 Which colour dress does she like best?

A: Excuse me, how much do these dresses cost?

B: The purple one is €50 and the red one you’re wearing is €70.

A: I prefer the red one, but it’s very expensive.

B: But it looks really nice on you, especially with your black shoes. Look in the mirror.

A: Yes. It’s perfect.

4 Which is Ann’s favourite season?

A: Which is your favourite season, Bob?

B: I love summer. What about you, Ann?

A: I don’t really like hot weather, so I prefer autumn and winter.

B: But which is your favourite?

A: Hmm. I like autumn best. Winter is sometimes too cold.

5 Which is Paul’s school uniform?

A: Hi, Paul. Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?

B: Yes, we have to wear black trousers and a striped shirt.

A: And a tie, too?

B: No, not a tie.

Skills Test 8

Exercise 3

Receptionist: Hello. The Fat Lobster Restaurant. Can I help you?

Patrick: Yes. I want to book a table for this evening, please.

Receptionist: I’m sorry sir, but there are no tables available this evening. We are very busy on Sundays.

Patrick: What about tomorrow evening then?

Receptionist: We have a table available at 8 pm tomorrow.

Patrick: Hmm. I finish work at seven thirty and I need some time to get ready. Is eight thirty OK?

Receptionist: That’s no problem, sir. So, Monday evening at half past eight. And your name, please?

Patrick: My name is Patrick Trimble.

Receptionist: Can you spell that?

Patrick: Sure, it’s T-R-I-M-B-L-E.

Receptionist: OK. Thank you. Now, how many people do you want your table for?

Patrick: Only for my wife and me. We are celebrating my wife’s birthday.

Receptionist: OK, sir. Is there anything else?

Patrick: Yes. Is there any entertainment at the restaurant?

Receptionist: Yes, there is. We have a live band every night.

Patrick: That sounds great. And where is the restaurant exactly?

Receptionist: We are in 45 Bond Street.

Patrick: OK. See you tomorrow evening, then.

Receptionist: Goodbye.

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