Jordan Commons Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

Jordan Commonswebsite:

December 10, 2015

Board Members Present: Ginger Jordan, Lisa Massad,Mari-Louise Donovan and Kim Apicelli.

NPG: Deb Fuller, Property Manager

Unit Owners Present or By Proxy: 15,17,18,26,34,39,44,45,55,56,64,66,68,75,85,91, 93,98,108,114,115,128,138,140,142,143,151,159,160,163,165,167,168, and 107.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. at the Waterford Library, following Annual Unit Owners Meeting.

Election of Officers – Ginger Jordan, President, Kim Apicelli, Vice President, Lisa Massad, Treasurer and Secretary. Lisa Massad made a motion to accept. Kim 2nd it. Unanimous.

Approval of November’s 2015 Minutes– Ginger made a motion to approve. Lisa 2nd it. Unanimous.

Approval of November’s Financial Report – as of Nov. 30th, $578,443.23 in Reserves, $97,586.49 in Operating/Checking, $676,029.72 total. Lisa made a motion to accept, Ginger 2nd it. Unanimous.

Old Business:

  • Ratification by the owners of 2016 Budget – vote results - 26 yes, 7, no.
  • Building 12 Update –Ongoing exterior repairs revealed construction problemsand this repair work is almost compete. Two slider doors are yet to be installed.
  • Units 107 & 101 Overhang Repairs are in process. Additional framing was needed to properly secure the overhangs.
  • Gutter Cleaning scheduled for Friday, December 11th and Monday, December 14th. The proposal for installing gutter guards on some buildings will be reviewed in 2016.
  • Stone Wall Update – Arnold Landscaping quoted $550 to $600 for each, 12 needing repairs next year.
  • Driveway Repairs – completed at a cost of $3,403.20.

New Business:

  • 2016 BOD Meeting Datesare posted on bulletin board and website.
  • Mulch Bed Shrub Removal at unit 75 was completed at a cost of $145 by landscaper.
  • Unit 131 signed Hold Harmless for the requested wall removal has been received.
  • Jordan Commons Website Renewal – Volunteer Vern Joneswas reimbursed $34.34 for the website renewal.
  • Owner/Resident Data Information Form – each unit owner MUST respond by either e-mail or phone NPG office with updated information or simply state that “all is the same” by December 31st or FINES will be assessed. This important reminder will also be posted on the website.
  • Updated Maintenance Standard - The deductible was increased to $10,000 previously by the Board and the MS has been updated with this information. Ginger made a motion to accept. Kim 2nd it. Unanimous.


  • Grill Safety Reminders – be very careful when using your grill. Keep the safety of your neighbors in mind. The State has made changes to the fire code regarding grills. The fire marshal will most likely send out notices.
  • Secretary of State Annual Filing was completed by Deb.
  • Detached Garage at Jordan Commons for sale. See website for details.
  • New Snow Contract – Bruce & Sons requestsyour help and cooperation by moving your car when snow plow trucks are clearing parking areas. Clean the snow off of your vehiclebefore moving it to a clear parking space. Dumping snow in a clear parking space causes icy conditions. The reminder notice mailed to the owners with the annual meeting mailing will be posted on the website.
  • Someone is dropping their blue doggy waste bag in the storm drains and they are ending up in the retention pond behind building 14. Please report this if you see someone doing this.
  • Building 5 light out. Provide the pole number when calling it in to NPG for service.
  • Numbers on condos need replacing. Ginger will look into it.
  • Building 12 toilet overflow showed blockage is outside.
  • Building 10 stress crack, Unit 97 and 100 need repair.
  • Building 4 left end hornets nest to be removed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52.

Next Unit Owners Meeting: January 14, 2016 at 6:15, Waterford Public Library.

Submitted by Susan Smithson/Manpower, 12/11/15