Final Projectfor Computer Applications
Integrated Project:The Dream Team
This is your final for computer applications, please take this project seriously. Create a folder in Google Drive and name it Final. You will save your work into this folder and share it with teacher for grading.
A correctly completed project has:
- No errors in format
- No errors in content
- Table and spreadsheet are integrated into the MLA report
- All links are accurate in the works cited portion of the MLA report
- Business card and letterhead are the correct size and design.
- PowerPoint presentation is complete and supports your proposal.
- Name and period are in the header whenever possible.
- Error Free (Look Carefully)
After receiving a winning scratch ticket from a cereal box, you have the opportunity to start your own new professional sports franchise team. Decide on a sport, a league, and a name. You are assuming the role of a Sports Marketing Specialist. In order for your team to become an official member of the league, you will complete a series of projects directly related to the team you have created. Do each of the following, making sure to check off each item as you finish.
_____ PG-1: In Word create a memo, you may use one of the word templates for this. Write a memo to your instructor identifying a sport, a league, your team name, team colors and mascot.
_____PG-2: You will create a text logo, a graphic logo and an illustrative logo (a combination of the text and graphic logo) in Publisher. The graphic logo should depict your team mascot. Logos should be no larger than 2 inches by 2 inches and should be saved as images.To assist you download this publisher file. Logos
_____PG-3: In Excel, create your team roster by name and position played in the sport you have identified.All sports are to have 12 positions identified for this project.
ZONE 1: WORD Getting Your Team Message Out
_____W-1: Letter to the League. In Business Block Letter format, write a letter to the league explaining your interest in forming a new team within the league and requesting permission to do so.
_____W-2: Write a press release to introduce your new team to the world through media such as television and radio.Press Release Presentation To assist you How to write a Press Release
_____W-3: Table of Contents. Assemble your work into a professional formatted report, with a logical order.
ZONE 2: EXCEL Calculating Important Team Data
_____E-1: Average Salary. Open your team roster. Add a new worksheet copying your team roster. Add a salary column. Place a salary for each team member in the salary column. At the bottom of the spreadsheet identify the average salary of your team.
_____E-2: Season Schedule. Develop a season schedule for your team with the opponents, game date and game time.
_____E-3: Equipment Inventory List. Cost of equipment as part of your initial investment in the team. Total cost of equipment is evident at the bottom of your spread sheet. Include uniform cost by player on this spreadsheet.
ZONE 3: DESKTOP PUBLISHER Marketing Your Dream Team
_____DTP-1: Create a Business Card for you, the owner. Business Card will include team logo, your name and title, your corporate office address with city, state, zip code, a phone number and email where you can be reached. Hint: A business card is exactly 2 inches by 31/2 inches.
_____DTP-2: Create Team Letterhead and envelope. Be creative but professional. Hints: Letterhead should take up no more than 1/1/2 inches from the top, bottom or side edge of the paper. Letterhead will include the corporate address and team logo. Envelope will have your corporate address as the return address. Logo may be used somewhere on the envelope.
_____DTP-3: VIP Pass. The Press, certain staff members, and members of the public are given special privileges like side-line passes. Create a VIP pass that states it is a VIP Pass. Your team logo should be present. Pass should be the size of an index card 3 inches by 5 inches with a portrait orientation.
_____DTP-4: T-Shirt Design. Design spirit wear for your team. Think team jersey or something a fan would buy in your team store.
_____DTP-5: Print Ad. Create a print ad for a newspaper or magazine introducing your team to the world.
_____DTP-6: Three Panel Brochure. Create a two-sided, tri-fold brochure that can be used as a marketing tool for your business.
_____DTP-7: Cover Page for report. Cover will include your logo, tagline, team name, date of report (December 2013), prepared by (Your name).
ZONE 4: POWERPOINT Promoting Your Dream Team
_____PPT-1: Meet the Team. Create a presentation to introduce your team to the world. Title slide will include the name of your team, mascot, league and logo.Create a slide for each member of the team with a picture, their name and stats. The concluding slide of this presentation will be your name as owner.
ZONE 5: ACCESS Organizing Team Data
_____A-1: Fan Database. Create a database of your season ticket holders. Name, contact information, location and price of seats.
_____A-2: Advertiser Database. Identify the places you would advertise with contact information such as name, email, phone number. Hint: Television (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, ESPN) , Radio, Newspaper, Magazine (Sports Illustrated).
_____A-3: Music Database. Create a playlist of songs, artists, and when each song would be played during an event.
Congratulations!!! You have now completed your portfolio. After checking for errors, share each of the components with teacher for grading.
Below you will find suggestions for a Sports to choose from along with the league that represents these sports.
SportBaseball / Major League Baseball (MLB) / Minor League Baseball (MiLB)
Football / National Football League (NFL) / Arena Football League (AFL)
Basketball / National Basketball Assoc. (NBA) / Women’s National Basketball Assoc. (WNBA)
Hockey / National Hockey League (NHL) / American Hockey League (AHL)
Softball / National Pro Fastpitch (NPF)
Volleyball / American Pro Volleyball League (APVL) / Women’s Professional Volleyball Association (WPVA)
Soccer / Major Soccer League (MLS) / Women’s United Soccer Assoc. (WUSA)
Lacrosse / National Lacrosse League (NLL)
Field Hockey / National Field Hockey League (NFHL)