Special Character Form
SECTION 65 [Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975]
IMPORTANT: Applicants for the position are requested to carefully read the notes on pages 3–4before completing this form
Name(s): Surname:Address:
Phone - day: Evening:
Fax number: e-mail:
C. CHURCH COMMITMENT (see Note 1 and Ministry page 3)
1.0 Are you a member of a Pentecostal or Evangelical / Yes / NoChurch?
If yes, name and address of church:…………………………………………………….
2.0 Are you involved in church ministry? (e.g. Youth ministry, / Yes / No
Ministry of the Word, Worship, Elder, Cell Leader)
If yes, name Ministry or Service:…………………………………………………………
3.0 If you were accepted for this position would it involve / Yes / No
4.0 If yes, do you sense a call to Heart of the North Celebration / Yes / No
Centre in Kaikohe? If no, please name the Church you do feel called to:
5.0 Have you undertaken Biblical Studies or some comparable / Yes / Nocourse as part of your professional or personal development?
Qualification/Course Attended / Institution and Year
6.0 If you are a beginning teacher, were you associated with a / Yes / No
Christian school as part of your practice teaching professional training?
If yes, name and address of school(s):………………………………………………….
Position / School / YearLevel / From / To
G. REFEREES Three for a Section 65 position. One must be a pastor who has knowledge or your relationship with Christ, is familiar with your church attendance and involvement and your general Christian commitment, preferably the pastor of your church (see Note 4)
Names x 3Address
Phone - day
- evening
I acknowledge and accept that the information I have supplied will be used by the Proprietor interms of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 (Amendment 1989 section 68) toassess my acceptability for the position as defined in the Act, and also by the Board of Trustees todetermine my suitability for the position as defined in the Act.
Signed Date………………
1.0 You are applying for a Section 65 (tagged) position. This is a very important position, requiring that you be recognised as qualified church ministry team member. You are advised that that the information provided in this Form may be the only written information available to the Proprietor when determining youracceptability for the position. It is important that you complete all sections of this Form as thoroughlyas possible even if it means repeating information provided elsewhere in your application. Pleaseinclude the completed form with your application to the Board of Trustees.
2.0 Section D: Qualifications in Christian Education. Please include any degrees or diplomas in Biblical or Christian Education, Ministry or related subjects; the institutionthat granted these, and the year of graduation. Also any certificates held such as Christian Family LifeEducation, Theology, the agency that granted these, and the year of completion. You are requested to give details of any courses you are currently undertaking, and any other relevantpre-service and in-service courses you have completed or are undertaking.
3.0 Section F: Other Qualifications and Experience may include participation in in-service coursesrelating to Christian Education and/or for purposes of personal development, such as scripture studies. You may also include your involvement in your Church or other organisations like Youth for Christ, YWAM, missionary organisations. This list isnot exclusive. Please add any other qualifications, training or experience you consider relevant.
4.0 Referees may be asked to attest to the qualities and/or qualifications recorded in this form. For S65positions one such referee needs to be a pastor you who canjudge whether you fit the criteria for a teacher in a tagged position. It is prudent to obtain agreementfrom your referees before nominating them.
Section 65 Positions
1.0 All our teaching positions are Section 65 (tagged) positions and require the applicant to be willing and able to take part in thereligious instruction appropriate to the special character of the school and this shall be a condition ofappointment. Religious instruction is not merely delivering religious teaching in the form of a formallesson but modelling the special character of the school through action and lifestyle.
2.0 By law, the Board of Trustees is legally bound to appoint only from a list ofapplicants acceptable to the Proprietor of the school acting in its statutory role. When appointing tothe position, the Board of Trustees will also consider the information on this form in order to assess anapplicant's suitability for the position.
A Ministry is an office in the Church to which a person is called by the Church community to servethat community, in this case through the specific ministry of Christian Education. Therefore such aperson needs to be part of the local Church community that is served by that campus; preferably Heart of the North Celebration Centre. Other recognised Pentecostal or Evangelical churches are acceptable for positions other than principal.
1.0 Assessing acceptability
When assessing the acceptability of a teacher being considered for appointment, the Proprietor’s agent delegated with the responsibility for such an assessmentlooks for evidence of the qualities which follow.
2.0 Response to a Call
Teachers respond to a call to the ministry of Christian Education, in and through their local Church. They join in the vision of Heart of the North Celebration Centre. This includes awillingness to give their time and talent, not only to students, but to their own continued growth andunderstanding in their faith and vocation. This is not merely a career path.
3.0 Witness to the Gospel
Teachers are required to be fully committed to Jesus Christ, and to have anaptitude and ability to communicate the Gospel message. They are required to be people of prayer andreflection, and individuals who witness to the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit and a life of faith.
4.0 Commitment to the Church
Teachers represent the local Church served by the School campus. They are spiritually accountable to their local Church and leadership, give and receive strength and encouragement from the Church, while seeking to nurture relationships with the wider Christian community.
5.0 Servant of the Community
Teachers are committed to serving the community at large. Such service means not only responding to people’s needs whenasked to do so, but also taking the initiative in seeking to identify the needs of individuals andcommunities, and then encouraging students to do the same. Teachers are called to the local Church and the community and therefore have a love and a commitment to the community that the Campus serves. This means that they have the ability to develop cross cultural connections or already have an existing affinity with community.
6.0 Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Teachers seek to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities to communicate theGospel message effectively. They are required to have a solid grasp of fundamental Christian doctrine with a Pentecostal emphasis, worship,familiarity with Scripture, to have good teaching skills and a general appreciation of the curriculumrequirements appropriate to the position. They also demonstrate an appreciation of the most suitableways of communicating the teaching of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to others at their level of understanding andaccording to their life situations and their social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
Proprietor │ November 2005
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