The Artificial Intelligence
Work-At-Home Packet
(Due Monday, May 4, 2009)
THE RULES: You may use any reputable reference to answer the following questions. You may consult with classmates, but your work is your own. SFP Honor Code Guidelines are in effect. Please, download and save this document. Using any font other than Comic Sans MS, insert your answers. Print this at home. Expect major backups at the computers at SFP on our first day back.
- The concept of anyone or anything having intelligence has been greeted with disdain. Many people say what seems to be learning is just the environment giving clues on what to do.
- Define the “Clever Hans Effect,” and give background of this case. You should explain what Hans was, and what he was thought to be able to do.
- W. Gray Walter created Elise in the 1940’s. Elise started doing strange things. Tell me what Elise was, and what was being done by Elise that was so startling.
- In both cases, was learning going on, or was there some environmental influences going on?
- Isaac Asimov wrote the Three Laws of Robotics. You were to have read this 3 page discussion in the book Robot Visions. During this discussion, he discusses an analogy using something else.
- What “thing” does he use to compare robots to?
- What three “common sense” rules does he give for your answer in 2A that parallel the three laws of robotics?
- There have been tons of Artificial Agents on the Silver Screen (ok, at the Movies).
- Discuss the difference between Pure Artificial Computer Agents, Androids, and Cyborgs.
- Identify 2 characters (examples) of each. Please use well known films, there are plenty!
- The following applies to Shakey:
- What was Shakey?
- Where was it built?
- What could it do?
- Compare Shakey to Elsie. What could Shakey do that Elsie could not?