Waves: Sound & Light Unit Review

Study Guide

1. Waves transfer______

2. Which of the following types of waves requires a medium: microwave, visible light, sound waves or x-rays?

3. If a wave is traveling at a certain speed and its frequency is doubled, what happens to the wavelength of that wave? It is ______

4. A wave can make a leaf bob up and down on the water, but it cannot move the leaf toward the shore. This is because waves only transfer

5. Which of these waves do NOT require a medium? Radio, sound, ocean or seismic.

6. Which of the following is NOT a property of a wave?Refraction, amplitude, frequency, wavelength.

7. An echo is the result of a______sound wave.

8. A section of a longitudinal wave where the particles are crowded together is called a______.

9. When the crests of one wave overlap the crests of another wave or waves, this occurs: ______interference.

10. A standing wave results from ______.

11. Part of a longitudinal wave where the particles are spread apart is called is called a ______.

12. Which of the following waves is an example of a mechanical wave: light, x-ray, radio or ocean wave?

13. What disturbance sends energy through matter or empty space? A ______

14. What is this equation (Wave Speed = frequency • wavelength) called?______Equation.

15. What unit is used to describe the frequency of a wave? ______

16. What happens to a wave when it is refracted? It is ______.

17. Why do sound waves travel around corners better than light waves? Sound waves _____.

18. A substance through which a wave can travel is a ______.

19. Which of the following is NOT a medium? A glass window, a vacuum, a metal fork, the ocean.

20. What produces a noise? A random mix of ______.

21. The amplitude of a sound’s waves determines the sound’s ______.

22. Sounds with frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz are ______sounds.

23. The motion of either the listener or the source of a sound causes the ______effect.

24. The frequency of a sound wave determines the ______of the sound.

25. An echo is most likely to result when sound hits a surface that is______and ______.

26. The medium through which sound waves travel affects the______of the sound.

27. A person experiences a sonic boom when a shock ______reaches the ear.

28. Which statement about sound waves is true? Air travels with them; they exist only if heard; they can mix; they travel through a vacuum.

29. Which person will experience what happens to sounds due to the Doppler effect? A father pushing a laughing toddler on a swing; two friends riding bicycles side-by-side and talking; a boy sitting and watching television; a girl running and listening to her radio through earphones.

30. Which of the following people is most likely to suffer from tinnitus? An elderly person; a young child; someone working in a quiet office; a former rock star.

31. Which sound has the highest pitch? 156 Hz (hertz); 258 Hz; 14 dB (decibels); 563 dB

32. Which of the following could NOT be considered a percussion instrument? two sticks being knocked together; a piece of grass held between the thumbs and blown on; wind chimes blowing in the wind; an oatmeal container filled with beans and shaken

33. What’s the time it takes light to travel from the sun to Earth?80.3 min; 3 min; 8.3 min; 1 min

34. What is the speed of light in a vacuum? 300,000,000 m/s; 3,000,000 m/s; 3,000 m/s; 300 m/s

35. An electromagnetic wavecan travel through empty ______or ______.

36. What is the major source of energy on Earth? Electromagnetic waves from the ______.

37. Electromagnetic waves are produced bythe vibration of an ______field and a ______field together.

38. The electromagnetic spectrum is the entire range of electromagnetic (EM) ______.

39. The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into regions by ______.

40. White light is the entire range of colors of visible ______combined.

41. What wave interaction occurs when waves combine and the resulting wave has a greater amplitude than the individual waves had? ______interference.

42. What wave interaction occurs when waves combine and the resulting wave has a smaller amplitude than the individual waves had?______interference.

43. The amount a wave diffracts depends on its wavelength and the size of the ______or barrier.

44. Refraction can separate white light into______colors.

45. Whether an object is transparent, translucent, or opaque is determined by its ability to______light.

46. Colors of opaque objects are determined by the color of ______they reflect.

47. Colors of translucent and transparent objects are determined bythe color of ______they transmit.

48. The mixing of colors of light together is called color ______.

49. When pigments are mixed the result is called color ______.

50. For the greatest amount of diffraction to occur when a wave reaches a barrier, the barrier must be the same size or ______than the wavelength.

51. What are objects that produce visible light? ______

52. When white light is refracted, the amount that the light bends depends on what? The light’s ______.

53. What kind of waves are used in radar for detecting the speed of a car? ______

54. What kind of waves can be used to treat some cancerous tumors?______

55. Earth is 384,000 km from the moon. How long does it take light to travel this distance? Hint: The speed of light is 300,000 km/s. 1.28 min; 0.128 s; 12.80 s; 1.28 s

56. What separates white light into different colors? ______

57. Which electromagnetic wave does your skin need to produce Vitamin D?______light.

58. Which of the following is an illuminated object? Sun; firefly; flashlight; moon

59. What type of electromagnetic waves cause the warmth you feel when you sit in the sun? ______waves.

60. Plants use photosynthesis to store energy. From where do they get the energy? The _____

61. A transparent object that forms an image by refracting light is a ______.

62. A transparent object that is thinner in the middle than at the edges is a______lens.

63. Muscles surrounding the lens of the eye make the lens thicker or thinner so it can ______.

64. Surgical correction of nearsightedness or farsightedness involves using a laser to reshape a patient’s ______.

65. What causes color deficiency? One or more types of ______respond to the wrong color.

66. What part of the eye detects very dim light? ______

67. Polarized light consists of______waves that vibrate in only one plane.

68. Which of the following uses radio waves in its operation? Cellular telephone; laser pointer; cordless telephone; reflecting telescope

69. Which of the following does NOT use microwaves in its operation? Cellular telephone; refracting telescope; global positioning system; satellite television

70. The surface of a concave mirror______inward.

71. An optical instrument used to see magnified images of tiny nearby objects is a light______.

72. An optical instrument that uses light sensors to record images is a digital ______.

73. Intense light of only one color is produced by a(n) ______.

74. Polarized light consists of light waves that vibrate in only one ______.

75. A type of communications technology that uses radio waves is a: cordless telephone; satellite television; cellular telephone; Global Positioning System.

76. Light is kept inside an optical fiber due to total internal ______.

77. A convex mirror and a concave lens both cause light rays to ______.

78. Which one of the following problems would a driver who has red-green color deficiency face?reading stop signs; seeing double; distinguishing between stop and go lights; checking the rear-view mirror

79. What is a thin, glass thread used to send light over long distances? An ______fiber.

80. If you are sitting in the back of a classroom and cannot see what’s written on the board at the front of the room, what vision problem do you have? Color blindness; nearsightedness; color deficiency; farsightedness

81. The surface of a plane mirror is ______.

82. The surface of a convex mirror curves ______.

83. A hologram is made by using______light.

84. The aperture of a camera works most like an eye’s ______.

85. What type of light does a laser produce? Light that doesn’t ______.