Minute of Meeting

28 June 2013

MarischalCollege, Aberdeen

Present:Charles Muir, Chairperson; andTom Cowan (Head of Adult Services, Aberdeen City Council), Paul Dixon (Finance Partner, Aberdeen City Council), Heather Kelman (Aberdeen CHP General Manager), Heather MacRae (Senior Service Manager, Aberdeen CHP), Aberdeen City Council), Sandy Reid (Programme Manager), Liz Taylor (Head of Older People and Rehabilitation, Aberdeen City Council), Sasha Will (Third Sector Representative on behalf of Joyce Duncan) and Claire Wilkie (Service Manager Mental Health and Substance Misuse
Social Care and Wellbeing) – for article 5 only.

Christine Lester (NHS Executive Board member, and recently appointed Chair of Moray CHP also attended the meeting as an observer.

Apologies:Councillor Lesley Dunbar (Aberdeen City Council),Joyce Duncan (Third Sector Representative),Fred McBride (Director, Social Care and Wellbeing) and Neil Whyte (Finance Manager, NHS Grampian).


1.The Executive Group had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 31 May 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:

to approve the minute as a correct record.


2.With reference to article 3 of the minute of its previous meeting of 31 May 2013, the Executive Group discussed progress in regard to health and social care integration.

Sandy Reid provided an update on the workforce planning workshop which had been held the previous day, and advised that there had been a strong staff turnout. Heather Kelman advised that there was a possibility of a Cabinet visit later in the year, and welcomed suggestions on where to host the Minister.

The Executive Group resolved:

to note the updates provided.


3. The Executive Group received a presentation from Heather Kelman which (1) provided a synopsis of social care integration in a national context, (2) advised as to the estimated timescales associated with the integration, (3) spoke through the policy ambition and scope of integration, what may be included within the Integration Plan (previously known as the Partnership Agreement), and expanded on the principles of the Bill, (4) provided an update on the seven national outcomes, (5) in terms of the new Joint Boards, advised:

  • that these would each appoint a Chief Executive,
  • incorporate an equal number of Councillors and NHS Board members,
  • have powers to contract, acquire, or dispose of property, rights to borrow money, or incur other liabilities,
  • that a joint monitoring committee would have to be established to monitor and carry out the integrated functions,
  • that the delegated functions could be to one or other organisation, or exchanged between organisations for planning and delivery,

(5) stated that the proposal at present was for Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) and Social Care Social Work Improvement Scotland (SCSWIS) to have a joint scrutiny role of integration authorities, and (6) concluded by outlining the next steps in terms of the parliamentary process and workforce planning.

The Executive Group resolved:

to note the information as presented, and the proposal to develop a newsletter for staff and stakeholders which would incorporate the information.


4.The Executive Group heard from Sandy Reid who advised as to the huge success of the recent Golden Games. Sandy provided information on the activities which had been staged during the three day event, and presented feedback he had received from participants.

The Executive Group resolved:

to, through Sandy, thank all staff and participants involved in making the Golden Games 2013 such a success.


5.The Executive Group had before itScotland’s National Dementia Strategy. Claire Wilkie (Service Manager Mental Health and Substance Misuse
Social Care and Wellbeing) joined the meeting and a detailed discussion took place on the Strategy, and in particular in relation to older people’s physicality outside the Partnership, and where the responsibility for this lay.

The Executive Group resolved:

to note that Liz Taylor undertook to set up a meeting on behalf of the Partnership comprising of the various groups of interest on the Strategy, in order to look at who has the authority to drive through changes in order to close any gaps in service provision there may be.


6.The Executive Group was provided with updates as follows -

NHS Grampian

Heather Kelman advised on a number of staffing issues within the organisation, and actions being taken to resolve the situation.

The Executive Group resolved:

to note the update provided.


7.The Executive Group had before it the business statement, which had been updated following the previous meeting of 31 May 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:

to note the updates as contained within the business statement


8.It was agreed that due to a number of officers being on leave, that the meeting scheduled for 26 July 2013 would be cancelled, and that the next meeting would therefore be on 30 August 2013.

- CHARLES MUIR, Chairperson.