Jasper Youth Sports Association

Board Meeting

March 20, 2014

Board Members: Strikethrough represents absent board member from meeting

Mary Katherine Densmore / Brian Rittenberry / Matt Shoffer
Allyson Woody / Jason Hancock / Joe Wigington
John Foust / Bruce Gordon / Scott Powell
Butch Roberts

Guests in Attendance:

Mike Edgingon
Kelly Morgan

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm by MK.

Votes made by email during the month were discussed (relative to 9/10 baseball team).

Treasurers Report:

* Balance of $22,142.52 was reported for the JBC Money Market Account. JBC Checking balance was reported as $11,492.34. Paypal balance was reported as $225.48 for a combined total of $33,860.34. Scott made the motion to approve the report, Allyson 2nd. Motion passed without objection.

New Business:

A.  Email Votes - Votes made by email during the month were discussed (relative to 9/10 baseball team).

B.  Picture Company Interviews – Picture day August 9

a.  Lifetouch – (Randy) Many different technology products offered, specifically the ability to photograph individuals and place them into a team photo without having to photograph the entire team together. Can do individuals indoors and parents can pick backgrounds of their choice. They offer (4) 3x5 complimentary banners with grommets of our JYSA all picture with any other artwork we supplied. Free low res image sent for all orders placed online. Can offer a makeup day for individual photos only. 25% rebate to us.

b.  Sportography – (Mike) Addressed prior issues. New lab this year after using same lab for 10 years. 35% rebate. Excellent rebate, button, sponsorship donations. Lots of free photos to coaches, board members, hardships (up to $25.00 package free). Free plaque per team. $200 sponsorship donation for FB/Cheer and $200 for baseball in addition to rebate, paid as soon as we sign with them prior to picture day. Direct mail photos. Very apologetic and wants to earn our business back. Will get back to us with cost on 3x5 banners. Has a turf floor mat and stadium background to use if we have to move pictures inside.

c.  Peachtree – (Janet Willy) 35% commission, own their own lab which prints everything onsite in their facility. Brings their own football photo risers. $25.00 free pkgs to board members. 2 button fund raisers free. They also design and print programs. Blanket with team picture donated for us to raffle off as well ($65 value), two per sport. They do not do banners as of now in their facility but can order through an outside vendor. Also have the capability to do inside if needed.(Tony

d.  TJ2 – (Tony) Addressed prior parent complaints from last year. Incentives offered include cash rebates up to 35%, a trophy program, buttons/magnets and/or a vacation raffle. Can bring risers if needed. They also offer team banners 17x24 up to 5ftx20ft, sponsor banners, blankets ($65 value), etc. Also offer uniforms, spirit wear, etc.

C.  Baseball Update – Bruce resigned today. Motion was made by John for Mike Edgington to be appointed interim director until new director is nominated and elected at the June board meeting. Scott 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Pre-season games have already begun, master schedule to be sent out as soon as possible. Mike brought up that there are three bases split and needing to be replaced. Mike found a set of three for $149. Kelly can get 40% off at Dick’s, she and Mike will get together to get that ordered. Lots of complaints because they just found out about picture day a couple of days ago. Mike to get with Donna Gaddis to set up and 2nd picture day. Also an issue with quality of one team’s jerseys and screen printing. MK to get with BSN to get them replaced. One team already had to let an assistant coach go due to attitude/actions.

D.  Cheer Update – Thursday night classes going well, 20-30 girls attending per night, classes are free through next Thursday then $20 per month. New competition uniform tops for $35 each will be a part of competition registration fee this year.

E.  Booster Club Update –

a.  Movie night and pageant are same weekend (May 17-18). Total movie night cost is $1900 for movie company, licensing, setup, etc. $950 has to be paid at contract signature. Kelly has gotten several raffle and/or door prize items donated from Best Buy (Xbox, 40-inch flat screen TV, movies, etc.). Raffle tickets can be sold prior to the event and drawn that night. Atlanta Braves Around Town will be coming and bringing several things. Brian made a motion that he be allowed to sign the contract for Movie Under the Stars, total cost to be $1900, $950 to be paid up front. Jason 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.

b.  Kelly has also gotten $4900 in sponsorship money already collected for baseball tents/signs (cleared about $4500 after expenses). Kelly to order raffle tickets on Monday.

c.  Chevy Test Drive – give out cards to people planning to test drive (maybe set up a specific day), then once the test drive is complete the card has to be validated online and we get a donation of $20 for each one validated.

d.  Pageant – AW to put together a pageant budget proposal and email for approval.

e.  Alumni Game – parking is $2 per car. Need 2 people to collect parking money. We split parking money with the football team. Also band concession stand is ours to run as we want, but cannot duplicate items the high school concession stand will do. (Pizza, Chick-fil-A for sure they will sell)

F.  City Park/Concession Stand – Baseball Season – Trusses being delivered tomorrow about 3:30. Freezer being moved over ASAP. Fun Day concessions was profitable.

G.  Football Update –

a.  Registration – setup and ready to go on Bonzi to open April 1 and close July 18.

b.  Advertisement -

c.  Coaches Applications & Interviews – May 4 will be coach interview day.

H.  Hardship Process/Committee – deferred to April meeting

I.  Wrestling Update – Season is over, party is 3/28. 8 of our kids made it to the state tournament. Jason brought up the fact that he was out of pocket $241 for motel, parking, coach pass, entry fee, etc. for the state tournament. Wayne paid $160, John paid $80. Grand total paid out of pocket by Jason and/or coaches was $725, Jason requested reimbursement for that amount. Discussion ensued regarding what is reimbursed or charged for coaches of other sports. Joe made a motion to reimburse a total of $387.00, which covered Jason’s hotel room and all mandatory fees for he and his coaches. Scott 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Nominations for Wrestling Director run March 22-31st in writing. Elections to be held at April board meeting.

J.  Rules Review – deferred to April meeting.

Next meeting April 24, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Jasper City Hall as long as City Hall is free.

Scott made a motion to adjourn, Joe 2nd, and the motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.